I.填空题。 1. It remains ___________ (see) whether they will enjoy it 2. Mary is unwilling ___________ (attend) Joan's birthday party. 3. It is no use___________ (regret) your past mistakes. 4. The best way ___________ (strong) willpower is to make it into a habit. 5. He did nothing but ___________ (complain) to me about the food and service of the restaurant. 6. Every sheet contained a poem or a joke and we looked forward to them___________ (hand) out. 7. What interests me most is the opportunity ___________ (expose) to various Chinese paintings. 8. He admitted ___________ (cheat) in the exam. 9. I know that it is because I don't spend time in___________ (memory) what I have learnt in class in my spare time. 10. ___________ (misunderstand) by others when you do nothing wrong at all is quite a bad experience. 11. The engine just won't start. Something seems ___________ (go) wrong with it. 12. The boy pretended ___________ (do) his homework when his father came in. 13. Friday is your last chance ___________ (see) the show before it closes. 14. Unfortunately, we rushed the fallen old man to hospital, only___________ (tell) that we were responsible for him. 15. ___________ (catch) in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience. 16. I have tried everything I can ___________ (persuade) him to stay but he didn't listen to me. 17. Ted never dreamt of there___________ (be) a chance for him to be sent abroad soon. 18. The time has changed and our approaches to ___________ (communicate) with children must change as well. 19. After___________ (graduate) from university, he determined to settle in the countryside. 20. The airport ___________ (complete) next year will help promote tourism in this area. 21. Scientists say there'll be many more discoveries ___________ (make) about the tomb of Qing Shihuang. 22. The manager was removed from his post, leaving many problems remaining difficult ___________ (solve). 23. The traditional approach to ___________ (handle) complicated problems is to break them down into simple ones. 24. ___________ (addict) to computer games can do harm to you both mentally and physically. 25. Shortly after suffering from a massive Typhoon Meranti and ___________ (reduce) to great jungles, Xiamen suffered a lot. 1/7 26. To prevent the rich and powerful __________ (abuse) their power, the government laid down related laws. 27. They decided not to mention what had just happened in an attempt ___________ (avoid) embarrassment. 28. Doing volunteer work can contribute to ___________ (increase) your sense of confidence and satisfaction with life. 29. I think your article needs ___________ (polish) before publication. 30. We have responsibility___________ (create)good English study atmosphere for the students. II.单项选择题。 1. Lots of empty bottles were found under the poor old man's bed. He must have done nothing but _______. A.drink B .to drink C .drinking D .drunk 2. The police ________to the spot ________order immediately. A .was sent; to keep B .were sent; keeping C .was sent; keeping D .were sent; to keep 3. As far as I know, it was the car accident due to careless driving that led to ______. A .him to be killed B .him killing C .him having killed D .his being killed 4. My bike needs ______ but I forgot ______ it to the repair shop. A .to repair; to take B .repairing; to take C .to be repaired; taking D .repairing; taking 5. You are fortunate enough to escape ______ for drunk driving, but don't drink again. A .fining B .fined C .to be fined D .being fined 6. John ________ in the United States for decades, but in the past year he has already got accustomed to ________ in China. A .lived; living B .had lived; living C .has lived; living D .lived; live 7. Take all your courage and do something your heart tells you to do so that you may not regret not ____it later in life. A .to do B .to have done C .do D .doing 8. The exhibition _______ next Sunday will feature paintings created by contemporary artists. A .hosted B .being hosted C .to be hosted D .hosting 9. ______ us prepare for the exam, the teacher suggested reading through our notes. A .To help B .Helped C .Helping D .Being helped 10. Though there are some differences between British English and America English, people in the two countries have little difficulty A .to understand each other. B .with understanding C .understanding 2/7 D .to be understood 11. The young girl looks a little shy because she

doc文档 动词不定式和动名词(非谓语)专项练习80题-2022届高三英语一轮复习

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