第七周英语定时作业 出题人:张菡 审题人:杨梅 班级: 姓名: 一、单项选择。(12x1 分,共 12 分) 1. France is _______ European country and Egypt is _______African country. A. an; an B. a; a C. an; a D. a; an 2. Learn more reading skills, _________ you’ll be a good learner. A. So B. and C. but D. or 3. Tony used to _________ afraid of giving a speech in public but now she gets used to _____ in front of others. A. Be; speak B. being, speaking C. was, speak D. be, speaking 4. There _______many chemical factories along the Yangzi River. A. was used to be B. were used to having C. used to have D. used to be 5. Visitors found _______exciting on Qiansimen Bridge and enjoy Chongqing's night view without any cars by their sides. A. it; to have a walk B. it's; to have a walk C. it; having a walk D. it’s; having a walk 6. -- _______did Lauren _______with her stress? -By running. A. How, do B. What, deal C. How, deal D. What, done 7. Eating too much during the National Day _______putting on weight. A. led to B. depended on C. found out D. took up 8. It’s really impolite ________ you to ask people question so ________. A. for, direct B. of, directly C. to, directly D. of, direct 9. we always suggest he ________. But he doesn’t take our advice. A. not to smoke B. stopping smoking C. stop smoking D. stops smoking 10. _______ Alan __________ Dick does well in physics. They passed the physics exam last week and got really high scores. A. Both, and B. neither, nor C. Either, or D. Not only, but also 11. China has been _________compete with some other developed countries. A.so strong that B. strong enough to C. enough strong to D. strong enough not to 12. As a Chinese, I regard with great interest________. A. what our future will be like B. how our country will be like. C. what do other countries think of us D. how can I make our nation stronger 二.完型填空。(10x2 分,共 20 分) In children’s eyes, mother is perfect. In my mind, my mother is good at doing everything but___13___. I still remember what happened on my father's 40th birthday when I was young. My mother made a special plan for the important day. She did some cleaning early in the morning and made the house pretty with some flowers. Then she went shopping for a big meal. She began to cook just ____14____ finishing a long shopping list. Three hours later, only two dishes were ____15____ on the table – a salad and a pancake in a ___16_____ shape. We all expected to have the roast(烤的) duck as soon as possible because it was our favorite. Unluckily, the duck was ___17____nice in color nor delicious in taste. How disappointed I felt! Feeling so sorry, my mother promised to prepare ____18____ one at once, To my surprise, my father didn't complain at all. _____19____,he ate one more piece of the duck and smiled at my mother, “Good taste, I love it! Thank you, dear! It's the best roast duck l have ever had!" Mother smiled happily and said, "Happy birthday, my dear!” I couldn't understand what my father said and did at that time. __20_has passed and my father has become a 50-year-old man. He still loves the food my mother cooks, though she hasn't become a good cook yet. As time goes by, I come to know that_21_ is perfect, including my mother. Nothing is perfect, including my family, But love can_22_. If there is love, home will become the sweetest place in the world. 13. A. shop B. cook C. clean D. plan 14. A. after B. before C. until D. while 15. A. sold B. served C. searched D. lain 16. A. beautiful B. fascinating C. strange D. silent 17. A. not B. neither C. both D. either 18. A. another B. other C. the other. D. others 19. A. However B. Also C. Luckily D. Instead 20. A. Eight years B. Ten months C. Ten years D. Fifty years 21. A. everyone B.no one C. someone D. nothing 22. A. make a difference B. make a mistake C. make a wish D. make progress 三.阅读理解。(5x2 分,共 10 分) Do you know this Chinese phrase “A hero is known in the time of misfortune"? Zhong Nanshan is a hero like this, who is an 84-year-old doctor in Guangdong. He deserves( 理应;值 得)to be an idol of China as well as the time. In 2003,SARS( 非典型肺炎) broke out in Guangdong. Later, it spread across China and other parts of the world. Everyone was afraid of it. But Zhong was brave enough to fight the illness. At that time, many doctors and nurses got SARS when they treated patients. Zhong wasn't afraid. He let the most seriously sick patients stay in his hospital and spent days and nights searching for the cause of the illness. With his work, many patients got better. Zhong won peop

doc文档 2021-2022学年重庆市巴蜀中学九年级上册英语人教版第七周定时作业unit4

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