语法填空 (一)   阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式填空。 I’m not a morning person. Even if I’ve gotten enough sleep, 56. (turn) from rest to activity is still something that challenges me. So lately, I 57. (try) out some new ways to greet the day a little more gracefully. One thing I’ve found really helpful is to sleep 58. the window cracked open. The fresh air has 59. (actual) helped me sleep better, but I especially love how it encourages me to be aligned ( 使 一 致 ) with the morning world outside. 60. spring has started to 61. (bright) up here in Massachusetts, the bird songs are really putting a fine point on the invitation to wake up and greet the day. Additionally, I meet myself in the mirror with some positive self-talk. I have an electric toothbrush that stays on for the full 62. (recommend) two minutes, and I usually use that time to direct my inner monologue in 63. positive direction. I might reflect on something I did or just think about self-supporting 64. (word) like kindness, love, hope or peace. There’s something about making eye contact with myself in the morning 65. helps me to step into the day with authentic positivity. 语法填空(二)   阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式填空。 When Zhang Lingshan was a child, she would watch the Chinese period drama Palace on television, attracted by the characters’ ancient clothing. She didn’t know what these beautiful clothes 56. (call)—only that they were from some 57. (distance) past. “They looked fairy-like, dreamy,” she said. “I was 58. (complete) drawn by the beauty of these clothes, and then eventually came to understand the culture of Hanfu, and I liked it more and more.” Now aged nineteen and 59. (live) in Beijing, Zhang is 60. member of China’s growing “hanfu movement”—a renaissance (复兴) of the ancient clothing traditionally worn by ethnicmajority Han Chinese before the Qing dynasty. Tight-knit Hanfu communities and university clubs often meet for themed activities. Zhang and her friends sometimes visit places with ancient architecture, like Beijing’s Forbidden City, 61. emperors once lived, to take 62.(photo) in costume and post them on social media. They have more than 20,000 fans who often ask them 63. more pictures. Nowadays, Hanfu is seen as a way 64. (celebrate) Chinese culture and improve national self-esteem. In the past few years, Hanfu clubs and social media platforms 65. (help) to bring the Han clothing back under the spotlight. “It’s the confidence of the younger people, the confidence of the country,” said Christine Tsui, a fashion columnist and researcher in Shanghai. 语法填空(三)   阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式填空。 Imagine a drug that could enhance a child’s creativity and critical thinking. Imagine that this drug were simple to make, safe 56 ( take) and could be had for free. The nation’s leading pediatricians (儿科医生) say this miracle compound exists. In a new clinical report, they are urging doctors to prescribe (开处方) 57 to the children in their care. What is this wonder drug? Play. “This may seem old-fashioned, 58 there are skills to be learned when kids are not told 59 to do,” said Dr. Michael Yogman, a Harvard Medical School pediatrician. 60 it is physical play, outdoor play, or social or pretend play, kids draw important lessons from the chance to make things up as they go along, he said. The advice, 61 was issued in August by the American Academy of Pediatrics (美国儿科 学会), may come as a shock to some parents. After they spend years 62 (worry) over which toys to buy, which apps to download and which skill-building programs to send their kids to after school, letting them simply play — or better yet, playing with them — may seem like a step backward. The pediatricians insist that it is not. The academy does not include specific recommendations for the amount of play. Instead, it their babies turn two 64 63 (ask) doctors to advise parents before play is essential to healthy development. When parents engage in play with their children, it deepens relationships and offsets (抵消) the bad effects of all kinds of stress, including poverty, the academy says. In the pediatricians’ view, essentially every life skill 65 (value) in adults can be built up with play. 语法填空 (一) 56. turning 57. have been trying 58. with 59. actually 60. As /Since 61. brighten 62. recommended 6. a 64. words 65. that 语法填空(二): 56.were called 57.distant 58.completely 59.living 60.a 61.where 62.photos 63.for 64.to celebrate 65.have helped 短文填空(三): 56.to take 57.it 5

docx文档 语法填空练习 2021-2022学年牛津版高中英语选择性必修第三册

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