Unit4:Natural Disasters 语法课 Period 3 -- Discovering Useful Structures 教学设计 课型:语法课 主题语境:人与自然 语篇类型:记叙文 授课时长:45 min 语篇分析:本课语篇的主题语境是人与自然,主题群是灾害防范。篇章内容主要是关于唐山大地震震前、震中和震后的 具体情况描述。文章次使用了限制性定语从句,着重让学生发现、体会和总结定语从句的形式、用法、意义和功能。本堂 课属于语法课类型,主题为描述自然灾害的图片。要求学生掌握定语从句,并能够将这些定语从句用于对具体事物的描述, 提升自己的语言表达和运用能力。 学情分析: 本课的授课对象是莲塘一中高一年级重点班学生。学生英语基础较好,掌握了初中基础的语法知识,在初中学习后对定语 从句有一定的了解。本堂课聚焦于限制性定语从句的关系代词的讲解,剖析该部分的形式、意义及语法功能。定语从句形 式和意义对于学生而言不是很难,但是充分理解其语法功能并将其输出于描述自然灾害和具体人物可能存在一定的难度。 教学目标: 在本节课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 了解限制性定语从句(关系代词引导)的形式和意义; 2. 了解限制性定语从句(关系代词引导)语法功能及在句子中的用法; 3. 运用限制性定语从句(关系代词引导)于丰富句子内容和描述人物和事物特征、补充信息,描述自然灾害的和其他日 常事物; 4. 通过小组合作学习的模式培养学生的团队协作能力;通过写作,培养学生的语言能力、创新性思维和自我提升意识; 5. 通过小组讨论及生生互评的手段,培养学生的批判性思维,指向于培养学生的思维品质。 教学重难点: 1. 了解限制性定语从句(关系代词引导)的形式、意义及语法功能; 2. 引导学生运用定语从句补充信息,丰富自己的语言表达,加强对自然灾害的描述; 3. 通过小组讨论、合作以及生生互评形式,对学生语言能力、创新性思维及批判性思维的培养。 教学资源: 教材,多媒体课件,视频,黑板,粉笔,纸条 教学过程: Step 1: Lead in (3min) Students’ activities 1.Greetings. 2.Guess which one the teacher is talking to. 3. The student mentioned pick up the book the teacher wants. Teacher's activities 1.Greetings. 2.Hey, the handsome boy! I mean the one who wears a pair of black glasses 3. Can you lend me the book? I mean the book whose cover is green. Purpose To make students aware of the benefits of using restrictive relative clauses in daily life. Step 2: Learning (8 min) Students’ activities Teacher's activities Purpose 1. Find out the antecedent, relative pronoun 1.Introduce the definition of To lead students find out the and the restrictive relative clause in the given the antecedent, relative pronoun, and restrictive forms, meanings and usages of sentence. relative clause. restrictive relative clauses. 2.Divide a complex sentence into two simple 2.Help students to analyze the features and sentences and combine two simple functions of the antecedents, relative pronouns sentences into a complex sentence using a through examples and exercises. relative clause through examples and exercises. Step 3: Thinking (15 min) Students’ activities Teacher's activities 1. Work in groups to think about the following questions through sentences about natural disasters. 1). How to choose relative pronouns? 2). Which relative pronouns can be left out? 2. Consolidate the usage of that, which, who, whose, whom, or “/” through exercises. 1. Ask students to work in groups to find out the antecedents of relative clauses and usage of relative pronouns. 2. Help the students to understand “whose” through examples and exercises. 1.To strengthen students' 3. Check the answers and give some 2.To lay a solid foundation for the explanation of the difficult points. following activities. Step 4: Applying to sentences Teacher's activities Students’ activities 1. Show some sentence patterns and give some tips on their sentences. 2. Lead other students to guess the occupations and natural disasters they describe and make comments on others' sentences. usages of relative clauses in writings. Purpose 1. To lead students to use the relative clauses to describe persons and things especially natural disasters. 2. To develop their oral English and listening ability. Purpose 1.To lead students to the relative clauses in given context creatively. 2.To develop their cooperative skills (2 min) Students’ activities 1. Review what they have learned today. 板书设计: of the practical (9 min) Teacher's activities Students’ activities 1. Add more information by using the relative 1. Give an example of “people” in the passage. clauses to the provided article. 2. Provide a clip of video for help. 2. Work in pairs to correct your partner's article. 3. Present your improved draft to the class. Step 6: Summary understanding (8 min) 1. Work in groups to make sentences to describe occupations and natural disasters using relative clauses. 2. Listen carefully to guess what our classmates are describing. Step 5: Applying to a passage Purpose Teacher's activities Purpose 1. Make a short summary of the focus of today's To lead students to review what class. they have learned today. 2. Assign the homework. Unit4 Natural Disasters Restrictive relative clauses Antecedent (先行词) Persons/things P/T 从句中成分 S(主)O(宾)Attribute(定语) S/O which T S/O who P S/O whom P O whose P/T A(谁的) that

docx文档 Unit 4 Natural Disasters语法课教学设计 2021-2022学年人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册

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 Unit 4 Natural Disasters语法课教学设计 2021-2022学年人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册  第 1 页  Unit 4 Natural Disasters语法课教学设计 2021-2022学年人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册  第 2 页  Unit 4 Natural Disasters语法课教学设计 2021-2022学年人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册  第 3 页  Unit 4 Natural Disasters语法课教学设计 2021-2022学年人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册  第 4 页
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