重点词汇 guitar sing swim dance draw chess join club tell story write show or talk drum violin also people home make today center weekend teach musician 重点词汇讲 解 1. play chess 下象棋 play 的用法: play+ 球类 / 棋类 / 牌类 ( football / chess / cards) play+the + 乐器 ( guitar / piano / violin /drums / trumpet ) play with sth./sb. " 和某人玩 " eg: I want to play chess ____ you. 2. speak English 讲英语 speak vt.&vi. speak + 语言 +to+sb." 对某人说 " Eg: He can speak Chinese.   I don't want to speak to him. speak / say / tell / talk 的区别 : say 意为“说”,多强调说的内容 tell 意为“告诉”,常用于 tell sb. sth / tell sb. (not) t o do sth. 结构 talk 意为“谈论”常用 talk about sth ; talk with/to sb. eg: -Can you _____this word in Chinese? -Yes,I can_____ say a little Chinese. May I _____ to Mr. Zhang? speak Please ______ me your name. tell speak 3. I want to join the art club. (1) want 的用法: want sth/sb. want to do sth. want sb. to do sth. 同义词组: would like(to do sth.) eg: I want to drink water. =I would like to drink water. (2) join 意为“加入,参加” ① 加入 某个组织中,并成为其中 一员 ② join sb. 加入某些人中,和某 人共同做某事 eg: Do you like to join the English cl ub? Come and join us. 4. Can you draw? (1) can 为情态动词,大多表示 主语做某事的能力,意为“能,会” Eg : He can sing this song. (2) 特征 : 后加动词原形、不随主 语的变化而变化。 (3) 含有情态动词的句子变一般疑问句 把情态动词提到句首,变否定句在情态 动词后加 not 。 -____you sing an English song? -Yes,I can. A.Can B.May C.Must D.Need 特殊疑问句: What can sb. do? Sb. can ... 5. What about you? What about ...? = How about ...? 常用于询问消息或征求意见, 结构: what about + n./pron./v-ing? eg: I want to walk to shool. What about you? going What/How about ____(go) home now ? 6. You are very good at telling stories. be good at= do well in “ 擅长” + 名词、代 词、 V-ing 形式。 eg: David is good at swimming. be good to 对某人友好 be good for... 对 ...... 有益 be good with… 善于应付… . 的,对… .. 有办 法 English is my favourite subject,and I am goo d ___it. Be good ___ me, OK? 7. tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某 事 eg:Tell him not to come tomorrow. 8. We want the students for the school show. show n. 表演,节目 Are there any good shows tonight? v. 展示 show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. eg: Please show me your ticket. eg: Please show me your new book.= please show your new book to me . 注:如 sth. 是代词 it 或 them 时,只能 用 show it/them.to sb. 9.Can you sing or dance? 你会唱歌或跳舞 吗? I can sing and dance. 选择疑问句: or," 或者,还是 " ,两者或以上选其一。 eg:Is it white or black? “ 也不”,用于否定句。 eg:Tom never drinks or smokes. 10. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. also 与 too also 常位于句中, be / 情 / 助 之后,实义 动词前。 too 常位于句末,逗号隔开。 eg: My brother can also play the piano. I like English,too. 11.Are you good with old people? 你善 于与老人相处吗? be good with=get on well with... 善于 ... 与某人相处的好 ... eg:She is good with her friends. 12.They can tell your stories and you can make friends. 他们会给你讲故事,你们可以交朋友。 make friends (with sb.) 和某人交朋友 eg: Would you like to make friends with me? 重点词组总 结

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