课前预习记录: 月 日 星期 Unit 1 Lights,camera,action! 1.1 Welcome to the unit & Reading Ⅰ. 根据提示填写单词 1. a ____________ of film  一类电影 2. ____________ film 喜剧片 3. a world of ____________ 一个幻想的世界 4. science ____________ 科幻小说 5. a ____________ voice 一个熟悉的声音 6. a ____________ egg 一个恐龙蛋 7. a ____________ of paper 一张纸 8. a plain ____________一个空白信封 9. traditional ____________ art 传统视觉艺术 10. ____________ you to learn well 使你能学好 11. a very scientific ____________ 一个非常科学的方法 12. a ____________ about AIDS 一个关于艾滋病的讲座 13. social ____________ 社会公正 14. a wide ____________ 广大观众 15. ____________ and violence 恐怖和暴力 →a horrible (adj. ) experience 一次可怕的经历 16. the ____________ of travel 旅行的浪漫 → romantic films 浪漫的电影 17. ____________ fall asleep 真的睡着了 → do the ____________ writing 执笔 18. ____________ great importance to this 对此高度重视 →a research unit attached (v. ) to the university 附属于大学的一个研究单位 19. a ____________ visitor 一位常客 →run frequently(adv. ) between the city and the airport 经常往返于城市和机场之间 20. ____________ walking to climbing 比起爬山来, 更喜欢走路 →a preference (n. ) for nature 对自然的偏爱 21. ____________ talents 创新人才 →festivals ____________ by common people 百姓创造的节日 →my own creation(n. ) 我自己的创造 22. an art ____________ 一位美术史学家 →the ____________ of China 中国历史 →a ____________ landmark 一座历史性的里程碑 23. ____________ his duty 履行他的职责 →an impressive performance (n. )一次令人印象深刻的表演 Ⅱ.英汉双译 1. ____________ 科幻电影(或小说等) 2. ____________ 在台后, 在幕后 3. ____________ 更不用说, 且不说 4. ____________ 恰当处理; 公平对待, 给予公正的评价 5. ____________ 除……以外(还) 6. martial art ____________ 7. be familiar with ____________ 8. to begin with ____________ 9. draw one’s attention ____________ 10. attach importance to ____________ 11. take advantage of 12. be based on ____________ ____________ Ⅲ. 翻译课文原句, 并观察黑体部分 1. To begin with, I’d like to draw your attention to an important factor of a film—sound effects. 译文: ____________, 我想请大家注意电影的一个重要因素——音效。 2. Whatever your answer is, there’s always a lot more to it than first meets the eye. 译文: _________________, 它(电影)都远比你最初表面看到的更为复杂。 3. Another aspect I attach great importance to is visual special effects.   译文: _________________视觉特效。 IV.课文内容填空 Title: Behind the scenes Part 1 (Para. The film on the screen is the product of a huge amount of hard work, most of which takes place 1)Introducti (1) _________________. on *Many sound effects might not be made in the way you would expect. Sound effects *In Jurassic Park, the sounds of different animals were mixed by (2) _________________. Part 2 (Paras. 2— 4) *CGI has been frequently used in film-making. Visual effects special*The Quidditch scenes in the Harry Potter films were made with (3) _________________ up and down in front of a green screen. *Peter Jackson(4) _________________ : he used clever camera angles. *Great effort must be made to Props (5)_________________. *James Cameron spent six months looking at and revising plans to (6) _________________. Part 3 (Para. What we see on the cinema screen is just 5)Conclusi (7)_________________of film-making. on 参考答案 Ⅰ. 1. a type of film  一类电影 2. comedy film 喜剧片 3. a world of fantasy 4. science fiction 一个幻想的世界 科幻小说 5. a familiar voice 一个熟悉的声音 6. a dinosaur egg 一个恐龙蛋 7. a sheet of paper 一张纸 8. a plain envelope 一个空白信封 9. traditional visual art 传统视觉艺术 10. enable you to learn well 使你能学好 一个非常科学的方法 11. a very scientific approach 一个关于艾滋病的讲座 12. a lecture about AIDS 13. social justice 社会公正 14. a wide audience 广大观众 15. horror and violence 恐怖和暴力 →a horrible (adj. ) experience 一次可怕的经历 16. the romance of travel 旅行的浪漫 → romantic films 浪漫的电影 17. actually fall asleep 真的睡着了 → do the actual writing 执笔 18. attach great importance to this 对此高度重视 →a research unit attached (v. ) to the university 附属于大学的一个研究单位 19. a frequent visitor 一位常客 →run frequently(adv. ) between the city and the airport 经常往返于城市和机场之间 20. prefer walking to climbing 比起爬山来, 更喜欢走路 →a preference (n. ) for nature 对自然的偏爱 21. creative talents 创新人才 →festivals created by common people 百姓创造的节日 →my own creation(n. ) 我自己的创造 22. an art historian 一位美术史学家 →the history of China 中国历史 →a historic landmark 一座历史性的里程碑 23. perform his duty 履行他的职责 →an impressive performance (n. )一次令人印象深刻的表演 Ⅱ.1. science fiction 科幻电影(或小说等) 2. behind the scenes 在台后, 在幕后 3. not to mention 更不用说, 且不说 4. do justice to 恰当处理; 公平对待, 给予公正的评价 5. in addition to 除……以外(还) 6. martial art 武术 7. be familiar with 熟悉 8. to begin with 首先 9. draw one’s attention 吸引某人的注意 10. attach importance to 重视 ; 着重于 11. take advantage of

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