课前预习记录: 月 日 星期 Unit 1 Food for thought 1.3 Developing ideas Ⅰ.根据提示填写单词 1. the __________________ of protein   蛋白质的功能 2. __________________ applications 下载应用程序 均衡的饮食 3. a balanced __________________ 采纳我们的建议 4. accept our __________________ 5. various __________________ 各种各样的风俗 6. table __________________ 餐桌礼仪 7. __________________ or treat 不给糖就捣乱 8. no room to __________________ a cat 连转身的空间都没有 9. the __________________site 建筑工地 10. __________________ the theme of the meeting 确定会议主题 11. can’t __________________laughing 忍不住笑了 12. be __________________ to health 与健康有关→__________________ (v. ) to eating habits 与饮食习 惯有关→visit friends and relatives(n. )探访亲友亲戚→the international relation(n. )国际关系 13. a sugar __________________ 对糖果迷恋的人→be addicted(adj. ) to exercise 沉迷于运动→Internet addiction(n. )网瘾 14. __________________ from 区别于 →__________________(adj. ) cultures 不同的文化 15. __________________ different 略有不同→ a __________________ (adj. ) increase 少量增长 16. Highly __________________! 大力推荐! →letters of recommendation (n. )推荐信 17. __________________ our teeth 侵蚀我们的牙齿→ track down the attacker (n. )追踪攻击者 18. a __________________ dinner 一顿令人满意的晚餐→__________________ (v. ) demand 满足需求 → be __________________ (adj. ) with these results 对这些结果满意→ feeling of satisfaction (n. )满足 感 19. a __________________ way 一种便利的方式→a conveniently(adv. ) located bank 一家地理位置便 利的银行→at your convenience(n. )在你方便的时候 20. be __________________ a family dish 最初是一道家常菜→the __________________ (adj. ) plan 最 初的计划 21. __________________ to the new environment 适应新环境→adaptation(n. ) to life 适应生活→be adaptable(adj. ) to change 适应变化 Ⅱ. 英汉互译 1. __________________     解决, 算出; 实现 2. __________________ 以防万一 3. __________________ 拿起; 捡起; 学会; 买, 购买 属于 4. __________________ 最终处于, 到头来 5. __________________ 打听, 别后叙谈 6. __________________ 7. bring up __________________ 8. more or less __________________ 9. be busy doing sth. __________________ 10. such as __________________ 11. share. . . with. . . __________________ 12. try out __________________ III.翻译课文原句, 并观察黑体部分 1. My fridge is usually half empty and I’m often too tired to eat much anyway. 译文: 我的冰箱通常是半空的, 而且_________________________________。 2. As a doctor, I know I had better change the way I eat, but I just don’t have the time or the energy right now. 译文: 作为一名医生, _________________________________, 但我现在没有时间和精力。 3. Cooking together gives us a chance to relax and catch up on each other’s days. 译文: _________________________________, 聊聊彼此白天发生的事情。 4. Sometimes I bring home food from the restaurant where I work. 译文: 有时我从_________________________________带食物回家。 IV.课文内容填空 In the passage, five people were asked to open their fridge doors and talk about their 1. ________________(lifestyle). Ellie, 2. ________________ junior doctor, doesn’t cook very often because there’s not enough room 3. ________________ (swing) a cat in her small apartment. Her fridge is usually half empty. She thinks she had better 4. ________________ (change) the way she eats. Jenny and her husband avoid all animal products. They like 5. ________________ (cook) at home and make meals from fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetables. She wants to bring her children 6. ________________ like this but her husband says that everyone should be able to make their own lifestyle 7. ________________ (choice). However, Ted, who is a construction worker, has a big meat dinner 8. ________________ getting back home each day. Besides, though Mike is a chef, he doesn’t really do much cooking at home. He and his wife do a big shop and buy a lot of 9. ________________ (freeze) food once a week. The college student, Max, doesn’t have three healthy meals a day for he is too busy 10. ________________(study) and meeting friends. 参考答案 Ⅰ.1. the function of protein   蛋白质的功能 下载应用程序 2. download applications 3. a balanced diet 均衡的饮食 采纳我们的建议 4. accept our tips 5. various customs 各种各样的风俗 6. table manners 餐桌礼仪 7. trick or treat 不给糖就捣乱 8. no room to swing a cat 连转身的空间都没有 9. the construction site 建筑工地 10. identify the theme of the meeting 11. can’t resist laughing 确定会议主题 忍不住笑了 12. be related to health 与健康有关→relate (v. ) to eating habits 与饮食习惯有关→visit friends and relatives(n. )探访亲友亲戚→the international relation(n. )国际关系 13. a sugar addict 对糖果迷恋的人→be addicted(adj. ) to exercise 沉迷于运动→Internet addiction(n. ) 网瘾 14. differ from 区别于 →different(adj. ) cultures 不同的文化 15. slightly different 略有不同→ a slight (adj. ) increase 少量增长 16. Highly recommended!

doc文档 1.3 Developing ideas-2021-2022学年高一英语10分钟课前预习练(外研版2019必修第二册)

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