第1组 八、综合填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。 Why so many fires? California is burning! Wildfires have spread across the US State since Oct 23 and smoke has filled its skies. Take the Kincade Fire in northern California for example. It forced ( 迫 使 ) 200,000 people to e___76___its path within one week. The state’s largest power (电力) company cut power to about 206,000 homes in order to s___77___ more fires from breaking out, CBS News reported. California has seen many wildfires in recent years. Nine of the 10 biggest fires have happened since 2000, i___78___five since 2010, according to The New York Times. Why is this? California has the perfect wildfire c___79___, Park Williams, a US climate expert (气候专家), told The New York Times. It has dry air and high temperatures from spring through late fall. At the same time, seasonal winds blow across the state every year, causing the wildfires to spread q___80___and last for weeks. Global warming has also made the fires worse in recent years. It has dried out the state’s trees and o___81___ plant life, causing them to burn more easily. H ___82___have played a role as well. Burning campfires, garbage debris ( 碎 片 ),and cigarette butts (烟头) can easily cause wildfires. For example, one fire started last year when a car got a flat tire (漏气的轮胎). The car’s body met the road and sent out sparks (火花 ), starting a f___83___. Lightning strikes (雷击) and volcanic eruptions (火山爆发) can also cause wildfires. However, people have caused 90 percent of California’s wildfires, according to the US National Park Service. More about wildfires Wildfires often happen in wooded areas in the US, Canada and Australia. They are also k ___84___ as forest fires or grass fires in Australia. Wildfires can burn at over 900℃ and reach heights of more than 50 meters. They can move at speeds of up to 23 kilometers an hour, burning e____85____ – trees, brush, homes, even people – in their path. 第2组 八、综合填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。 We all need exercise. Exercise uses up food that we eat and k 76 the body full of energy. Exercise makes your heart and muscles (肌肉) strong. Exercise also makes you feel r 77 . If you exercise several times a week, you will stay happy and healthy. There are many w 78 to exercise. You can walk, run, play sports or swim. However, most people cannot do this. It is too far from their homes to their offices. They have no c 79 but to drive to work. First, these people don't have a chance to exercise b 80 they are sitting in their cars for two to four hours each day. Second, driving is challenging ( 挑 战 ) , especially in rush hours, and needs too much attention. I 81 makes a person tired out. When these people arrive home a 82 work, they don't want to take exercise. Some western countries, such as the United States, have problems w 83 exercise. Many people don't have enough exercise. They have to work from morning till night, so they don't have time to take exercise. Today, many people in the West are fat, which causes health problems. Doctors say exercise can help people both lose weight and i 84 their health. So many people are trying to exercise m 85 . But it takes time to change, and when people don't see a difference right away, they will lose heart and stop exercising. 第3组 八、综合填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。 Many of you probably see some celebrities(名人) as role models. As public figures, celebrities have to be c___56___ about what they say and do, as they are always in the spotlight. That’s w___57___ a video of teen star Wang Yuan smoking in a Beijing restaurant has gone viral(成为热门话题) for quite a long time. Smoking is not allowed in public indoor s___58___, according to Beijing’s tobacco control regulations. That day Wang Yuan was out with fellow stars, the actor Jia Nailiang and singer Yang Chaoyue at the restaurant, which the Beijing Youth Daily has identified as Japanese restaurant Sushi Tong. Wang s___59___ put up an apology on social media, saying that he had set a “bad example”. He also noted that he would bear responsibility(责任) for his actions and would a___60___ his punishment, The Beijing News reported. The story has created a lot of discussion. Many believe Wang has a lot of i___61___ on young people. He has 73 million followers on Sina Weibo, most of whom are teenagers. Some, however, said that Wang, who will turn 19, is an adult and has the right to decide whether or not to smoke, China Daily noted. But some have p___62___

doc文档 2021年中考英语题型专练综合填空题专题4

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