沪教版牛津英语 7B 期末专项--语法选择题 ( )1. What____ great fun it is to go sightseeing in Shanghai! A. a ( B. B. B. B. an C. the D. / an C. the D. / an C. the D. / )5. Yesterday evening I saw a film_____ a lot of action with my parents. A. with ( D. / )4. How's the weather in your city in_____ summer? A. a ( the )3. My dream is to be _____ astronaut in the future. A. a ( C. )2. The man over there is Mr. Chen, who is_____ headmaster of our school. A. a ( an B. about C. of D. in )6. With the development of Shanghai, you can see many tall buildings on side of ______ Huangpu River. A. all ( B. a few C. little B. This B. interesting nothing C. all D. none B. another C. the other D. others )12. Our school organized us to visit the forest park___ Chongming Island. A. at B. on C. in D. of )13. Century Park is ____ the east of Yu Garden and ____ the east of Shanghai. A. in, in ( B. any )11. Robin is our monitor and he is always kind to______. A. other ( D. something interesting )10. We couldn't buy anything because ____ of the shops was open at that time. A. some ( D. There )9. There is____ in today's newspaper, so I want to watch TV instead. C. interesting something ( D. few C. It A. nothing interesting ( D. every )8. _____is important to speak English as often as possible. A. That ( C. either )7. He made quite_____ mistakes in the test and didn't pass it. A. a little ( B. both B. in, to C. to, in D. to, to )14. Our monitor is a very kind and helpful boy. We can learn a lot____ him. A. on ( B. from C. by D. / )15. Hong Kong is known _____ a“Shopping Paradise”, with a lot of department stores and huge shopping centers. A. at ( B. from C.went B.will leave B. rides C. left B. has begun C.had been B.is C.was B. don't need pay for D. don't need to pay )24. Do you prefer the T-shirt with the stripes or_____ with the spots? B. the one C.ones D.the ones )25. There___a football match between Class One and Class Two next Sunday. )26. My teacher makes him A. help,of C.will have D. is having ____ me_____ my English after class. B. helping,of C.help,with D. helping,with )27. Tom_____in the classroom because I saw him in the library just now. A. must be ( D.were )23. You_____ the coffee because it's free today. A. is going to be B. is going to have ( D.had begun )22. This pair of jeans____too big. Can you show me a small pair? A.one ( D. rode )21. When I arrived at the cinema, the film_____ on for 5 minutes C. needn't pay for ( D. has left C. riding A. needn't pay ( D. going )20. My father used to go to work by car, but now he is_____to work. A.are ( D.with )19. Mary has been a secretary since she_____ university. A. has been ( C.to B.goes A.ride ( D. by )18. I haven't decided if I_____ to Shanghai Museum tomorrow. A. leaves ( C. into B.in A.will go ( D. for )17. Don't read_____ the sun. It's not good for your eyes. A.under ( C. as )16. The desk is made ____ wood and is heavier than the plastic one. A. of ( B. of B. may be C. must not be )28. The teacher told us water_____ into ice when it _____. D. can't be A. changed,freezes B. changed,froze C. changes,freezes ( )29. I think my father should_____ smoking because it's not good for his health. A. give up ( B. give out C. give off D. give in )30. Please______ the posters on the wall so that students can see it. A. put up ( D. will change,will freeze B. put on C. put out D. put off )31. The poor man lived______ with his wife and looked very ____ . A. happy, happy B. happily, happy C. happily, happily D. happy, happily ( )32. The farmer and his wife aren't______. They wanted nothing from the Luck Fairy. A. hardworking ( B. greedy C.healthy D.comfortable. )33. All of us were very_____ when we heard the_____ news. A. surprising,surprised B. surprised,surprising C. surprising, surprising ( D.surprised,surprised )34. The rich man had_____ , but he wasn't_____ . A. enough money, enough happy B. money enough,happy enough C. money enough, enough happy ( )35. In summer, the weather in Shanghai is_____ than that in North China. A. hot ( ( C. the hotter B.after C. before B. Neither do I. D. Neither would I. )38. -I am never late for school. -______ he. A. So has C.So is B. Neither has D. Neither is )39. ____dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road! C. What a )40. -Would you like tea or coffee? A. Either ( D. if C. So

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