人教版新目标七年级英语 Unit 9 单元复习训练卷 一、单项选择(每空 1 分,共 25 分) 1.—Jack,what's your dream? —My dream is to be ________ actor. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.—Amy,do you like pandas ________ tigers? —Pandas.I think they're more interesting. A.and B.so C.or D.but 3. —What's your brother's ____? —It's about 1. 75 meters. He's the tallest in his class. A. age B. address C. weight D. height 4.He is a movie star and we often see him ________ television. A.with B.to C.on D.of 5. We all like our English teacher, because he is ____ and his classes are very interesting. A. beautiful  B. boring C. handsome D. busy 6.There's ________ food in our home.Let's buy some. A.many B.much C.some D.little 7. —Does Miss Wang have curly or straight hair? —____. A. Curly hair B. Yes, she has straight hair C. No, she doesn't D. She is of medium height 8.To read the words in the book,my grandpa has to wear his ________. A.glasses B.sweater C.hat D.shoes 9.—How about spending an evening at the ________? —Good idea.I just want to see a movie. A.restaurant B.cinema C.hospital D.shop 10.—Mom,can I ________ my shoes on the chair? —No,you can't.Your shoes are not clean. A.spend B.put C.draw D.spell 11. Jane, if you want to be ____, you can't eat too much. A. thin B. heavy C. tall D. tidy 12.Look!Each ________ beautiful pictures. A.books have B.book has C.books has D.book have 13. —How many ____ are there in your family? —Three, my parents and I. A. students B. women C. girls D. persons 14.Cathy ________ of medium height and ________ straight hair. A.has;has B.is;is C.is;has D.is;have 15.—Susan, there is____ rice and____ noodles at home. Will you go shopping with me? —Sorry, I have to wait for the postman. A. little; few B. few; little C. a few; little D. few; a little 16.The shirt is too small for me.Please show me ________ one. A.other B.the other C.another D.others 17.Emma has ________ hair. A.beautiful blonde curly B.beautiful curly blonde C.curly beautiful blonde D.curly blonde beautiful 18. Bob says he ____ take a vacation in Toronto, but he is not sure. A. need B. may C. mustn't D. can't 19.Lucy and Lily alway think ________.For example( 例 如 ) , Lucy thinks basketball is interesting,but Lily thinks it's boring. A.differently B.hard C.quickly D.soon 20.—Can you ________ your new school? —Yes.It's very big and beautiful. A.think B.describe C.talk D.miss 21. —Who's the girl ____ long curly hair? —She is Tommy's sister. A. with B. in C. has D. for 22.________ we find our math teacher in the music club. A.In English B.On TV C.In the end D.On the phone 23. Becky likes drawing and she wants to be a(n) ____ like her mother. A. musician B. actress C. singer D. artist 24.—________? —He's very short. A.What does he like B.Where's he from C.What does he look like D.How's his school 25. —What is your mother like? —____. A. She is fine B. She is thirty C. She is tall and thin D. She likes watching TV 二、完形填空(每空 1 分,共 10 分) Hello,I'm Zhang Na. The new term begins and I__26__a new friend at school. Her name is Cindy Brown. She is a(n)__27__girl. She isn't heavy or thin and she is of medium __28__. She is tall with big blue eyes. She usually__29__glasses in class,because she is a little nearsighted(近 视的). Cindy and I are in the same class , and we go home together every day. On our way home , we__30__about many things. She often tells me about her hometown( 家 乡 )—London. And she invites(邀请)me to__31__her city one day. She likes music and__32__singing hard every day. So do you__33__what her dream is?She wants to be a(n)__34__. She also likes movies and we often go to the__35__on weekends. We often have a good time together! 26. A. make  B. forget  27. A. American  C. keep  B. English D. want C. Chinese  D. Russian 28. A. build  B. person  C. height  D. face 29. A. walks  B. makes  C. wears  D. drinks 30. A. show  B. talk  C. describe  31. A. leave  B. visit  C. follow  D. enjoy D. watch 32. A. practices  B. wishes C. plays  D. spends 33. A. say  D. study B. turn  34. A. dancer  C. know  B. teacher  C. actress  D. singer 35. A. cinema  B. library C. restaurant  D. supermarket 三、阅读理解(每题 3 分,共 30 分) A I'm Tina.Today I'm going to visit my aunt and play with her daughter Kate.Kate is only two years old.She looks like my aunt.She has a round face ,two big eyes,a small nose and a small mouth.Kate's hair is short and curly.Many people think Kate is a boy when they first see her.Kate is very smart.She can do lots of things.She can eat with chopsticks(筷子).Sh

doc文档 Unit 9 单元复习训练卷 2021-2022学年人教版新目标英语七年级下册

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