牛津八年级上册期末复习 广州版新题型—语篇填词 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。(每空限填一词) Units 1-2 A 15-year-old Jack has great interest in dinosaurs. His notebooks 1. i_____________ many drawings of different kinds of dinosaurs. He also reads many books about them when he is free. Dinosaurs once lived everywhere on Earth. Some were as big as ten elephants. Some could 2. e_____________ fly. However, millions of years ago, they 3. s_____________ all died out. 4. N_____________ knows why. Now Jack is preparing for the Dinosaur Model Making Competition. He spends a lot of time on it and he hopes to 5. w_____________ a prize in the competition. 答案:1. include 2. even 3. Suddenly 4. Nobody 5. win B Tim likes playing chess very much. He thinks that it can exercise his brain and help him become a 1. w_____________ person. But he doesn’t play it well. There will be a chess competition in Tim’s school next month. In order to encourage their 2. s_____________ to take part in it, Tim’s parents 3. p_____________ that if Tim signs up for the competition, they will give him a 4. p_____________. They will buy him a new pair of sport shoes which Tim has asked for a long time. However, Tim likes playing chess better now and he wants to have a new chess set 5. i_____________. His parents are happy with his love for chess so they decide to buy him both! Now Tim is working hard for the competition. 答案:1. wise 2. son 3. Promise 4. prize / present 5. instead Units 3-4 A Alexander Fleming was one of the most important 1. s ____________ of the last two hundred years. He was 2. b____________ in a farmer’s family in Scotland in 1881. He worked hard as a child. In 1901, he went to study at St Mary’s Hospital. During the World War I, Fleming also 3. w____________ as a doctor for the army and he watched many people die because their small wounds( 伤口) became dirty. So he 4. i____________ a medicine to stop people dying from tiny wounds like these. The medicine was called penicillin, which has saved millions of lives 5. s____________ it was invented. 答案:1. scientists 2. born 3. worked 4. invented 5. since B Every time I go to the Santa Monica Pier, I always ride the Ferris wheel. The Ferris wheel is not as thrilling(令人触目惊心的)as a roller coaster(过山车), but it is still very exciting. The fact of being high in the air makes it much more 1. p_____________ with visitors than a lot of rides. At the top of the Ferris wheel, you can get beautiful sights of the park. And Ferris wheel are also beautiful to look at night. 2. p_____________ you can go there to enjoy it one day. The first Ferris wheel was made by and named after George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. He 3.i_____________ it for the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. It was about 80 4. m_____________ high. And visitors to the fair were all surprised at the big attraction. Nowadays the Ferris wheel 5. b_____________ better. Most of today’s Ferris wheels are much larger than the first one. 答案: 1. popular 2. Perhaps 3. invented 4. meters 5. becomes Units 5-6 A Dear Greg, How are things with you? My 1. t_____________ in the US is go great! This is my second week in the US, and I have 2. a_____________ visited many places! They were all crowded when I got there. Los Angeles is the second 3 l_____________ city in the US. It’s just smaller than New York City. There I visited the Universal Studios Hollywood. It was close to my hotel, so I went there twice. I liked the “King Kong: 360 3-D” best. There were two large screens. I watched a really 4. f_____________ show! I also walked along the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Some street performers showed their talents there. All the shows were wonderful. I will visit San Francisco next week and I can’t 5. w_____________ to find more fun! Daniel 答案:1. tour 2. already 3. largest 4. fantastic 5. Wait B It was a good day to go kayaking(独木舟). As an 1. e_____________ student from Egypt, it was my first time to go to Washington D. C. So, I was able to spend time 2. t_____________ around the city. I finally had the chance to see two of the United States’ greatest memorials: the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial. We went kayaking on the Potomac River, paddling for 2.5 miles! It was so tiring, but it was also fun. I was 3. g_____________ to spend such a day with my host dad and brother, and it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had in my life. 4. A_____________, it was a great start of my year in the United States. I was so proud that I could learn something about the 5. c________

doc文档 2020年广州牛津深圳版八年级上册期末复习新题型——语篇填空(含答案)

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2020年广州牛津深圳版八年级上册期末复习新题型——语篇填空(含答案)  第 1 页 2020年广州牛津深圳版八年级上册期末复习新题型——语篇填空(含答案)  第 2 页 2020年广州牛津深圳版八年级上册期末复习新题型——语篇填空(含答案)  第 3 页 2020年广州牛津深圳版八年级上册期末复习新题型——语篇填空(含答案)  第 4 页
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