牛津译林 7AUnit1 知识梳理 知识点一 Comic strip-- Reading 知识点梳理 【知识梳理】 1. Oh, I love e-dogs.(P6) 1) e-dog n.电子狗 【拓展】e 是 electronic dog 的缩写;由于 e-dog 是以元音音素开头,表示“一条电子狗”的时 候,用 an e-dog。 例:Hobo is an e-dog and Eddie is his friend. Hobo 是一只电子狗和 Eddie 是朋友。 Tom has an e-dog, but he doesn’t know how to look after it. 汤姆有一只电子狗,但是他不知道如何照顾它。 翻译:这只电子狗能很好地照顾孩子。____________________________________. 答案:This e-dog can look after children well. 2) like/ love/enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 like/ love to do sth 例:I love/like / enjoy sitting in the garden. 我喜欢在花园里坐坐。 2. Are you my master? (P6) 1) master n.主人 2) 含系动词 be(am/is/are)的一般疑问句及其回答。 含 be 动词(am/is/are)的一般疑问句句式为:Am/Is /Are 上主语十其他, 肯定答句为:Yes,…am/is/are.否定答句为:No.…am not/isn't/aren't. 例:---Is Eddie an e-dog?埃迪是电子狗吗? ---No,he isn't.不,他不是的。 ( ) ---Is your name John? A. Yes, I am --- ________. B. Yes, it is C. No. I isn't D. No, I'm not 答案:B. 主语是 your name,所以回答用 it 代替。 3. --- What's your name?你叫什么名字?(P6) ---My name's Hobo.我叫霍波。 对人名提问,特殊疑问词用 what. “What's someone's name?”这一结构用来对某人的姓名进行提问,答句为:1)My name is... 2) I am... 例:--- What's your sister's name?你姐姐叫什么名字? --- Her name is Helen. 她叫海伦。 4.Now read this book .现在看这本书。(P6) 1) 以动词原形开头的句子叫祈使句,表示请求、命令、建议等:为了表现语气的委婉,常 在句首或句末用 please 一词。否定句式为:Don't +动词原形。 例:Please turn on the TV.= Turn on the TV, please.请打开电视。 Don't go out. It's raining hard. 不要出去。正下着大雨。 完成句子。①________ (write) the words on the blackboard, please. 答案:Write. 本句是祈使句,所以动词原形开头。 2) read 作动词,意为“读;看”,主要指看书、报纸等带有文字的材料。 例:Please open your books at page 15 and read the new words. 请把书打开到 15 页,读生词。 完成句子。②我奶奶每天午饭后看报。 My grandmother________ ________ after lunch every day. 答案:reads newspapers. 看书、看报纸用 read. 5. How to look after your e-dog。怎样照料你的电子狗 (P6) 1) look after 意为“照料;照顾”,同义短语为 take care of。 例:Mother is ill. I must look after her well.母亲生病了。我必须好好照顾她。 完成句子。Please look after my cat while I'm away. =Please________ ________ ________ my cat while I'm away. 答案:take care of. 【拓展】与 look 搭配的常用短语: look at 看…, look for 寻找,look like 看起来像,look out 当心,小心, 2) how to do sth.意为“怎样做某事”,是“特殊疑问词+to do sth.”的结构。 例:Can you tell me how to start this computer? 用动词的适当形式完成句子。I don't know how________ (read) this word. 答案:to read. 6. -Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 -Nice to meet you, too.见到你我也很高兴。(P7) 此用语是初次相识或被人介绍而相识时彼此之间的问候。类似的表达法还有:“Glad/ Pleased/ Happy to meet you.”(见到你很高兴) 【拓展】 1) How do you do?你好 不是询问问题的疑问句,而是用于陌生人之间的见面问候语,意 为“你好!”。其答语也是 How do you do? 2) How are you?你好吗? 用于熟人之间的见面问候。意为“你好吗?”答语常用 I’m well. Thank you./ Fine, thank you. Reading 1. Welcome to Class l, Grade 7. 欢迎来到七年级一班。(P8) 1)welcome to...意为“欢迎来到……”,后接表示地点的词,若所接地点为副词(home, here, there),则可省略介词 to。 例:Welcome to our school! 欢迎来到我们学校! Welcome here/ home. 欢迎来这儿。/ 欢迎回家。 2)Class 1,Grade 7 意为“七年级一班”。class,grade 与数字连用构成表示班级和年级的专 有名词,第一个字母必须大写。就某班级及年级提问,用 which。 例:Which class are you in? 你在哪个班?I’m in Class Three. 我在三班。 Excuse me. Is Class Five here, please? 打扰了。请问五班在这儿吗? 【拓展】 welcome 还用于固定结构“You are welcome”意为“不用谢,不客气”。用来作答别人对你表 示感谢。 例:Thank you very much.非常谢谢!You are welcome. 不用谢! 欢迎来到我的家乡。________________________________________. 答案:Welcome to my hometown. 2. I'm 12 years old. 我 12 岁。(P8) 1)12 years old 的意思是“12 岁”,在句中作表语。基数词+days/months/ years+old,表示 “……天/月/岁”。就年龄提问,用 how old。 例:---How old are you?你多大了? ---I'm 11 years old.我 11 岁。 我的小妹妹才五个月大。 My little sister is only________ ________ ________. 答案:5 months old 2)year 年;表示“在一年里”用 in a year;“在 2015 这一年”用 in the year of 2015. year 岁;表示某人年龄,一般情况下使用...years old,表示“一岁”用 one year old;“十二 岁”用 twelve years old,口语中也可将 years old 省略。 【拓展】要特别注意表示“....岁的”的用法,要用“....year-old”形式:a three-year-old boy“一个 三岁的男孩”;an eight-year-old girl“一个八岁的女孩”。 表达年龄的句型还有: I am just fifteen (years old). She is sixteen years old. = She is a girl of sixteen = Her age is sixteen. A _________ girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father. A. three-year-old B. three-years-old C. three years old D. three year old 答案:A. “three-year-old”为复合形容词,a three-year-old girl 意为:一个三岁的女孩。 3. I love reading 我喜欢阅读。(P8) love doing sth.喜欢做某事 love 是及物动词,意为“喜爱,热爱”,后接名词、代词、不定式或动名词作宾语,love doing sth.的意思是“喜爱做某事”。 例:My sister has a lovely cat and she loves it very much.我妹妹有只可爱的猫,她很喜欢它。 Simon loves playing football. 西蒙喜欢踢足球。 My brother loves _______________(run) very much. 答案:running. 4. I love playing football after school.我喜欢放学后踢足球。(P8) 1)play football 意为“踢足球”,注意球类运动前无定冠词 the。 例:I can't play football but I can play basketball.我不会踢足球但我会打篮球。 2)after school 放学后 例:I will walk home after school this afternoon.今天下午放学后我将走路回家。 after class 意为:下课后; after work 意为:下班后 我喜

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