南京树人 2018-2019 学年第二学期八年级第一次月考 2019.03 一、听力 (略) 二、单项填空 16. Some people think that Russia is in Asia. In fact, it is ________ European country. A. an B. a C. / D. the 17. With the ________, we can choose one icon and click on it for more information. A. menu B. printer C. mouse D. screen 18. – I know Mr Brown lives ________. – We are supposed to visit him at times. Then, he won’t feel quite ________. A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely 19. – Have you ________ spoken to an Englishman? – No. I have never spoken to a foreigner. A. just B. never C. ever D. already 20. – What’s your hobby, Andy? – Well. I have many hobbies, ________ travelling. A. for example B. as C. such as D. instead of 21. – Have you visited ________? – No. I have been to Denmark twice, but I haven’t been there. A. Tower Bridge B. the Leaning Tower of Pisa C. the Statue of Liberty D. the Little Mermaid 22. The film The Wandering Earth ________ for more than two months and many of us think it is really very interesting. A. began B. has been on C. was on D. has been 23. – Have you been to Shanghai before, Mary? – Yes. I ________ there for three days with my parents last month. A. was B. have been C. went D. have gone 24. – Excuse me, does Mr Smith’s son live here? – He used to ________ here, but he gets used to ________ in modern city. A. live, live B. living, living C. living, live D. live, living 25. Which of the following is an opinion? A. I spend more time on homework than before. B. Many changes have taken place in Nanjing. C. Nanjing is the most beautiful city I have ever visited. D. He has lived here since he was born. 26. – ________ have you lived here? – Since last year. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far 27. – I think you should stop ________ him in English. – I see. He can’t speak English at all. Let me try in French. A. talking to B. to talk to C. talk to D. to talking to 28. – Where’s Mr Li? I haven’t seen him recently. – He ________ Qingdao for a meeting. He will be back in a few days. A. have been to B. have gone to C. has been to D. has gone to 1 29. – The changes are good for people. – ________. I like the transport but I can’t stand the pollution. A. Yes, I agree with you. B. No, you are wrong. C. In some ways, I agree with you. D. No, I agree with you. 30. – Do you mind telling me how to restart the computer? – ________. It’s simple. Just press the button here. A. Yes, I do B. Surely C. Of course D. No, not at all 三、完形填空 At the present time, more and more people love travelling. It's a very good __31__ of getting to know new people and cultures and acquiring ( 获得 ) experiences. It helps travelers __32__ a lot. Travel can make our minds become __33__. But travel does more than all that. It can also make us more creative. In recent years, some professors have been doing research on what many people have already learned from travel experiences. They believe that spending time abroad has the __34__ to affect (影响) people's mind. For example, they found that the students who lived abroad for a longer period were better at __35__ problems creatively than those who did not. If you stay in __36__ place, you can't experience new sights, new smells, new sounds and new cultures. All these can wake up your mind and make it more active. __37__, that doesn't mean the more places you've been, the more creative you'll become. Another group of professors have been doing __38__ research. They found the people who often travelled from one place to another didn't have enough __39__ to immerse ( 使......沉浸) themselves in a new place and a new culture. They weren't as creative as the people who spent the time __40__ getting to know a place. You have to interact ( 相互影响) with the places you go to and then you can benefit (得益) from it. If you go travelling, which do you prefer, staying in a place for a certain period or rushing all the way? 31. A. way B. area C. sign D. state 32. A. present B. produce C. get D. check 33. A. thicker B. smoother C. wider D. healthier 34. A. ability B. possibility C. personality D. difficulty 35. A. solving B. causing C. controlling D. spreading 36. A. different B. the same C. other D. another 37. A. Instead B. Otherwise C. Moreover D. However 38. A. secret B. rapid C. common D. similar 39. A. interest B. money C. time D. quality 40. A. nearly B. probably C. hardly D. really 四、阅读理解 A WHERE TO STAY IN BOSWELL? TOUR GUIDE TO OUR BEST HOTELS FIRST HOTEL Address: 222 Edward Road Telephone:

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