2022 届中考英语阅读理解专项突破一轮复习讲义 (全国通用) [08] 阅读理解“干扰项”针对训练试题(上) (含详细解析与译文) 初中英语阅读理解试题(一) 下面是阅读干扰项理论的实际运用。请大家结合具体试题更加深入透 彻地理解之前所述的阅读干扰项理论。 本文词数统计:142 答题限定时间:3 分钟 答题正确比率:__________ A star is usually someone who has become famous in sports, films, or po p music. One of the stars is the singer Machael Jackson. In the 1980's, Mach ael Jackson made a famous record, which quickly became the most popular r ecording in the history of music. This made him a bright star. Muhammed Ali is one of the bright sports stars in the United States. Wh en he was a young man, he won a gold medal(金牌) in the Olympic Games a s a boxer. Then, he won the first place in another world match. Soon he was known as one of the greatest and most famous boxers in sports history. Every one knows his name. Like the stars in the sky, a bright star will lose his brightness as time pas ses. He is loved by millions of people today, but will be forgotten tomorrow. 1. The text mainly (主要) talks about _______ . A. Machael Jackson C. pop music and boxing B. Muhammed Ali D. bright stars 2. Machael Jackson is famous for _______. A. his films B. his songsC. his sports D. his gold medal 3. What does the word "boxer" mean in Chinese in the text? _______ A. 盒子 B. 装箱子 C. 拳击手 D. 制作人 4. From the text, we can learn that as time goes by, the bright stars ____ ___. A. will always be remembered by millions of people B. will be loved by people for ever C. will be the most important people in history D. will lose their brightness and be less famous 答案: D B C D 译文: 明星是在体育、电影或流行音乐中很出名的人。有一位名明星是歌手 杰克逊。在 20 世纪 80 年代杰克逊制作了著名的唱片。这个唱片迅速成为 音乐历史上最受欢迎的唱片。这使他成为了耀眼的明星。 阿里是美国耀眼的体育明星之一。在他年轻时就作为一名拳击手获得 奥运会金牌。然后,他在另一个世界大赛中获得第一名。不久,他就被认 为是体育史上最伟大和最著名的拳击手之一。大家都知道他的名字。 耀眼的明星们就像天空的星星一样随着时间的流逝而失去光亮。现在 他被数百万人所喜爱,但是在将来却被人们忘记了。 干扰项分析: 第一题是主旨大意题中的概括大意题。问题:这篇文章主要谈论了什 么? A、B 和 C 选项都是细枝末节干扰项。本文既谈到了 Machael Jackson 也谈到了 Muhammed Ali,所以 A 选项和 B 选项都是文章的细节信息,并 非文章的主旨大意。由全文可知文章谈论的是明星,而并非流行音乐和拳 击,所以 C 选项是错误的。 第二题是细节理解题。问题:杰克逊因什么而出名? A 选项是凭空想象干扰项;C 和 D 选项是旁敲侧击干扰项。由第一段 中的 the singer Machael Jackson 可知杰克逊是一位歌手,所以选择 B 选项。 A 选项在文章没有出现相关信息。C 和 D 选项与问题没有对应关系。 第三题是猜测题意题。问题:文中 boxer 一词的汉语意思是什么? A、B 和 D 选项都是错误上下文信息干扰项。由第二段可知阿里是一 位体育明星,四个备选项中,只有 C 选项拳击手与体育有关,所以选择 C。 A、B 和 D 选项都没有正确的上下文信息支持。 第四题是深层含义题。问题:从文章中,我们知道随着时间的流逝, 耀眼的明星们_______。 A、B 和 C 选项都是一时感觉干扰项。由全文的最后一句中的 but will be forgotten tomorrow.可知答案。而 A,B 和 C 选项在文中都没有支持的 根据。 初中英语阅读理解试题(二) 本文词数统计:129 答题限定时间:3 分钟 答题正确比率:__________ In the past, when people had problems, they went to their families or fri ends to get advice. Today, it. is possible to get advice from radio shows, TV programs and; telephone hot lines, too. Most telephone hot lines are complet ely anonymous— callers do not have to say their names or telephone number s. Most hot lines usually don't need to be paid, even if the calls are from fara way places. At some hot lines, many advisers(指导者) are volunteers(志愿 者). Other hot lines pay their advisers for their work. Usually the advisers ar e professionals(专职人员)with years of education experience, but sometimes, the advisers have only taken a short class before starting to work on the hot l ine. All the advisers listen to people and help them work out their problems. 1. Today when people have problem,________. A. they can only ask their families for help B. they can only get help from their friends C. they can get help from telephone hot lines D. they go to the advisers to get help 2. The word anonymous probably means________. A. with a name B. without a name C. free of charge(费) D. interesting 3. Callers ________ the hot line for the advice or the phone calls. A. pay much B. have to pay C. don't have to pay D. get money from 4. The advisers working at the hot line ________ . A. are all professionals B. have all taken a short class C. can work out any problem D. are not all paid 5. How do the hot line advisers work? ________ A. They do what the callers tell them to do. B. They go to the callers to help them. . C. They give advice to the caller by phone. D. They ask people to come to see them. 答案:C B C D C 译文: 在过去,当人们有问题时,他们向他们的家人或朋友获取忠告。现在, 人们也可以从收音机、电视节目和电话热线中获得忠告。大多数的电话热 线都是完全不记名的。打入电话的人不必说出他们的名字或电话号码。大 多数热线即使来自很远的地方也无需付费。在一些热线中,许多指导者是 志愿者。其它的热线给指导者支付劳务费。这些指导者常常是有数年的教 育经验的专职人员。但是有时这些指导者在开始在热线工作之前仅参加过 短期培训。所以指导者倾听人们的倾诉,并帮助他们解题他们的问题。 干扰项分析: 第一题是细节理解题。问题:现在当人们有问题时,_________。 A 和 B 选项都是文不对题干扰项;D 选项是旁敲侧击干扰项。由第二 句 Today, it. is possible to get advice from radio shows, TV programs and; te lephone hot lines, too.可知答案。A 和 B 选项都错在了 only 一词上

doc文档 2022年中考英语阅读理解专项突破一轮复习[08]阅读理解“干扰项”针对训练试题(上)(含详细解析与译文)

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