牛津译林七下期中单选词汇专项练习 单项选择 1. It's time to go to bed. Good night! _________! A. Sweet dreams B. Don’t worry C. Have fun D. That’s OK 2. I think Linda ________able to help you with your work. A. maybe B. may be C. become D. be 3. There will be five _______ people at the party tomorrow. Is this room big enough? Don’t worry, this room can hold _______ of people. A. hundred; thousand B. hundreds; thousands C. hundred; thousands D. hundreds; thousand 4. I am going to teach ______ a lesson that ______ might be interested in. A. her; she B. she; she C. her; her D. hers; she 5. Where those savings will ________ one of many open questions. A. come from is B. from is C. be from are D. are from is 6. I live on the ______ floor and my best friend lives _____ floors below me. A. ninth; three B. nine; third C. ninth; third D. nine; three 7. His dog likes to sleep with one eye _____ and the other _______. A. opened; closed B. opening; closing C. open; close D. open; closed 8. If it ______ rainy next weekend, Jim with his classmates __________ go hiking to the mountain. A. is; is going to B. doesn’t; are going to C. isn’t; is going to D. isn’t going to be; is going to 9. The trip sounds _______. Can I join you? Are you sure you are _______ enough to travel with us? A. well; good B. good; well C. well; better D. good; better 10. ________ do you jog every day? About 5 kilometers. A. How long B. How soon C. How many D. How far 11. That girls _______ like an old friend of _______. So I went up and said hello to her. A. did; my B. felt; I C. was; me D. looked; mine 12. Can you provide _______ cheaper model? This one is too expensive. A. a few B. few C. a little D. less 13. There ______ a lot of people ______ up outside the shop. A. is; lining B. are; lining C. is; to line D. are; line 14. I’m sick of this ______ work. I want to find a more ______ one. A. boring; interesting B. bored; interested C. bored; interesting D. boring; interested 15. Timmy, don't ________ your little brother. Please _______ her when I’m away. A. look after; stay with B. take care of; play with C. share with; take care of D. fight with; look after 词汇运用 1. The little girl is crying sadly so several people stop _______ (see) what is happening. 2. Look , here _______ (come) my car. No, that is Mandy’s car. 3. If he gets better tomorrow, he _______ (go) to school. 4. Hurry up, or we _______ (miss) the last bus. I don’t want to spend the night in the park. 5. In the middle of the island_______ (lie) a volcano. 6. It _______ (rain) outside, you don’t have to water the flowers in the garden. 7. The cat _______ (get) sick if you don’t feed it on time. 8. I’d like to go with you to the party but Lily _______ (not invite) me. 9. Who _______ (give) a speech on global warming in the museum? A famous scientist from America is. 10. Do you know Mike? Yes, he is a friend of _______ (my). 11. One of his tasks is to tell _______ (visit) to keep the road clean and tidy. 12. Would you like_______ (help) me prepare a party? 13. Do you know his birthday is coming? Yes, I know. Alex and I _______ (plan) a party for him. 14. I went back to my car. _______ (lucky), my laptop was there. 15. Officials are trying to find who _______ (own) this ship. 16. There _______ (be) two talks on climate change in the next two weeks. 17. _______ (cross) the frozen river in winter can be dangerous. 18. Although this cup is _______ (break), I still keep it. 19. Maybe he was not so (surprise) because everyone saw this thing before. 20. This is my first time to have dinner in a _______ (west) restaurant , I feel very nervous. 21. It’s only about ten _______ (minute) walk from school to my home so I don’t have to get up early. 22. These lanterns _______ (not look) like normal lanterns. 23. My hobby is to sit _______(quiet) on the sofa and listen to soft music on rainy days. 24. Do you know in which season the _______ (leaf) will turn yellow and red? 25. _______ (million) of people came to see this work(作品) in the museum. 26. We are neighbors. My house is in front of _______ (him). 27. He _______ (work) as a hotel manager about twenty five years ago. 28. Never _______ (stay) up late if you don’t want to die suddenly. 29. The people living in my hometown are kind and _______ (help). 30. I think it’s dangerous _______(drive) a car in the snow. 31. He took the next _______ (turn) to the right but didn’t find the fruit shop. 32. Why do you like watching _______ (fun) movies so much? Because they

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