2022 年贵州省贵阳市南明区、花溪区中考英语适应性试卷 第一部分 完形填空(共两节, 16 小题;每小题 6 分,共 16 分)第一节 阅读下面一篇 短文,从短文前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一个为多余选顶。 1.(6 分)A.for B.her C.opened D.to E.importance F.if G.that Do you often throw away things you don't need anymore ? Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use?Nothing is a waste(1)    you have a creative mind. Amy Hayes is a most unusual woman in the world.She lives in a house in the UK ( 2 ) she built herself out of rubbish.The windows and doors come from old buildings.The top of the house is an old boat turned upside down.And the gate in front of(3)    house is made of rocks and old glass bottles.Amy recently won a prize from the Help Save Our Planet Society. Jessica Wong from Hong Kong uses old clothes to make bags.She has been doing this for a few years now.She (4)    a small shop where she sells her bags,and she has also set up a website to sell them online. Wang Tao set up a small business in Shanghai four years ago.He is known for using iron and other materials from old cars ( 5 )     make beautiful art pieces.He hopes to set up a "metal art" theme park to show people the(6)    of environmental protection.Not only can the art bring happiness to others , but it also shows that even cold , hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity. 第二节阅读下面一篇短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最 佳选项 2 . ( 10 分 ) A high school graduation ceremony is an important event in a person's life.However , for Mark Shrader , who was receiving medical care at home , it was ( 1 ) for him to attend school's graduation ceremony.To his (2)   ,Bentworth High School brought the graduation ceremony to him. On June 8 , two days before the school's graduation ceremony , Shrader's ( 3 ) ,along with teachers,came to his home.They(4)   the special graduation ceremony for Shrader. Dressed in a cap and gown(方帽和礼服)and with his family,friends,classmates and teachers around , Sharder fought back tears as he got the diploma.His classmates and teachers(5)   him,took pictures with him and ate cupcakes.Shrader officially became the first graduate of Bentworth High School in 2021. Shrader developed a serious disease at the age of eight.Boys with the disease often only live to their teens or early 20s.However , Shrader faces his medical ( 6 )     with courage.Besides playing video games with his friends , Shrader also enjoys reading , doing crossword puzzles , and ( 7 )     time with his 6﹣year﹣old and 2﹣week﹣old nephews.Shrader has even talked about becoming a lawyer.He is always (8)   and he always has the guts(勇气) to take on life's difficulties. William Law ,a doctor who has been with Shrader for 13 years ,also showed up at the ceremony.He said at the event that he wanted those in the graduating class to learn ( 9 ) things from Shrader:his determination,courage and attitude. For Shrader,the ceremony was a special (10)   ,although he had to stay in bed much of the time and grew increasingly uncomfortable during the event.Later , in a phone conversation,he thanked everyone for coming. (1)A.impossible B.necessary C.important (2)A.regret B.surprise C.disappointment (3)A.cousins B.doctors C.classmates (4)A.left B.attended C.described (5)A.taught B.congratulated C.followed (6)A.research B.invention C.condition (7)A.wasting B.spending C.saving (8)A.happy B.successful C.smart (9)A.three B.four C.five (10)A.lesson B.moment C.challenge 第二部分阅读理解(共三节,22 小题;每小题 8 分,共 44 分)第一节 阅读下面三个语 篇,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 3.(8 分) Working in an office means comfort as well as stress and challenges that one has to overcome.So it is good to keep oneself from all the difficulties at work once in a while by looking at things from our website.And we think we can help you with that! Work Chronicles is back on Bored Panda with even more interesting comics ( 连 环 画)describing funny moments in the workplace.No matter what kind of jobs you have ,we believe that most of you can relate to at least a few of the situations drawn in these illustrations(插画). You can find more Work Chronicles' comics in our article.Let us know if any of these have happened to you!You can email us at Boredpanda@swu.com. (1)"Bored Panda" is the name of a    . A.website B.magazine C.newspaper (2)Working in an office is    . A.boring and stressful B.comfortable but challenging C.challenging and boring (3)What can be inferred from the manager's words?     A.The manager himself is kind of lazy. B.The manag

doc文档 2022年贵州省贵阳市南明区、花溪区中考英语适应性试卷

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