必修五必修六 基础语法复习训练题 I. 根据所给对话,完成下面倒装句。 1. —How often do you go to the cinema, Tim? —Seldom. “Seldom ,” said Tim. 2. —Do you still remember Mr. Li’s advice, Jane? —Sure. I will never forget it. “Never ,” said Jane. 3. —When did Tom call you, Jones? —As soon as I got to Beijing. “No sooner ,” said Jones. 4. —Mr. Smith must have said much at the meeting. Hasn’t he, Bob? —As a matter of fact, he said little. “Little ,” said Bob. 5. —Miss Green, would you please tell me how to improve my spoken English? —Only through practice, I should say. “Only ,” said Miss Green. II. 将下面句子改写为含 if 从句的复合句。 1. Cutting down rainforests has caused many unique plants and animals to become extinct. ________________________________________________________________ 2. Many people didn’t realize that smoking was dangerous when they were young. Now they are having serious health problems. ________________________________________________________________ 3. It’s important to protect wildlife now or there will be nothing left for future generations. ________________________________________________________________ 4. People don’t realize how important it is to conserve energy, so they do nothing about it. ________________________________________________________________ III. 根据括号内的提示在空白处填入适当的内容,补全下面对话。 1. TONY: Have you seen Jack’s new jacket? I bet it was expensive. ANA: He told me it cost him $500. TONY: I wish I _______________ (be) as rich as Jack. ANA: Well, you may not be rich, but you’re much better looking than Jack. TONY: Am I? 2. FRED: My parents moved to New York last month. JAN: How do they like it? FRED: My mother likes it, but my father misses their old home. He wishes they ______________ (move). JAN: Perhaps he’ll get used to it. FRED: I doubt it. 3. KAY: My brothers are digging a swimming pool. JILL: That sounds like hard work! KAY: It is. Actually, I suspect they wish they _______________ (start). But they can’t stop now. There’s a great big hole in the middle of the garden. JILL: Yes, I see what you mean. IV. 选用方框内合适的动词并用其正确形式填空。 delight, forget, repair, excite, break, close Robert was so 1. ________ about the photography competition that he left his house without his school bag. He ran back to find the 2. ________ bag, but he ran so fast that he dropped and broke his camera. He took the 3. ________ camera to the camera shop, but it was not open. He waited outside the 4. ________ shop until the owner came. Robert gave his camera to the owner. Ten minutes later, the 5. ________ camera was returned to the 6. ________ boy. Robert made it to the competition on time. V. 将下面广告进行缩写。 Starbright Publishers Needed We publish all kinds of books which are written in Chinese. We have an opening for a sales assistant who can deal confidently with customers. Applicants should have a secondary school education, but applicants need no experience as we provide training. If you are hired, you will receive a good salary and you will have an excellent chance of promotion. Good assistants can become managers after two years. Call us on 222-8898 and make an appointment for an interview. We have appointments at 9 a.m. and at 10 a.m., on Mondays and on Tuesdays. You’re welcome to join us. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ VI. 用括号内动词的正确形式补全下面短文。 [A] Colorful signs, loud music and 1. ________ (excite) games attracted hundreds of visitors to a charity funfair at Rainbow School on Sunday. Earlier fears about the weather disappeared when the rain which had been forecast failed to appear. There were over 30 stalls ( 摊 位 ) at the fair, which was held in aid of flood victims in South-East Asia. Ms Anita Li, the organizer of the fair, said, “We were 2. ________ (worry) because there are so many charity appeals these days. It seemed possible that not many people would come. “At first it was difficult for me 3. ________ (think) of new ideas for the stalls. But when I asked my students, they were able to make lots of suggestions. I was 4. ________ (amaze) at all their brilliant ideas.” All her worries were forgotten as the fair was 5. ________ (crowd) with excited people 6. ________ (enjoy) themselves in the warm autumn sunshine. The portrait-sketching stall, karaoke stall and food stalls

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