杭州文澜中学 2021-2022 学年第一学期七年级英语 期中模拟测试卷 听力部分 (20%) 一.听句子,选出正确回答。每个句子只读一遍。(5%) 1. A. Good morning! B. How are you? C. I’m fine, thanks. 2. A. Nice to meet you, too. B. I’m OK. C. He’s Jim. 3. A.No, it isn’t. B. Yes, you are. C. Sorry, I don’t. 4. A. Yes, these are. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, he is. 5. A .It’s under the table. B.It’s black. C.It’s a backpack. 二.听小对话回答问题,听下面 10 个小对话,每个对话后有一个小题,对话只读一遍。 (10%) 6. What’s her family name? A. Mary. B. Smith. C. Mary Smith. 7. What’s her phone number A.827878. B. 872789. C.827879. 8. What color is the clock? A. Green. B. Blue. C. Yellow. 9. Where’s the alarm clock? A. In the dresser. B. On the chair. C. Under the chair. 10. What’s the relationship(关系)between them? A. Son and Mom. B. Student and teacher. C. Brother and sister. 11. What does Mary have? A. A computer game. B. A ping-pong ball. C. A ping-pong bat. 12. What is on the sofa? A. The books. B. The pencil cases. C. The baseball and the pencil case. 13. What does the boy like? A. Carrots. B. Broccoli. C. All vegetables. 14. Does the boy like math? A: Yes, he does. B: No, he doesn’t. C: Just so-so. 15. When will(将) they meet? A: 8:30. B: 7:30. C: 9:30. 三.听独白,回答问题,独白连读两遍。(5%) 16. What does he like? A: tennis B: volleyball C: basketball 17. Who does he usually play basketball with? A: father B: friends C: classmates 18. What does he often do on weekends? A; play basketball B: watch NBA games C: play with computer 19. How is Lebron James? A: He can do nothing. B: He is unhealthy 20.What does he want to be ? A: a teacher B: a basketball player C: He is very strong. C: a middle school student 四.单项选择。(15%) 21. In the word “classes”, “es” pronounces ______ . A: /s/ B: /z/ C: /is/ D: /iz/ 22. There ________ a computer on the desk. A.are B.have C .has D.is 23. The foreign teacher’s name is Mark Blair, so we can call him _______. A: Ms Blair B: Blair C: Mr Mark D: Mr Blair 24. --Let’s watch “Happy Camp” this evening. -- Great, that __________ good. A: looks B: listens C: is D :sound 25.Your father’s brother is your __________. A: brother B: uncle C: cousin D: aunt 26. _______ your brother ________ a toy car ? A: Does ; has B: Do ; has C: Do ; have D: Does ; have 27.--What color do you like best? -- ___________. A: an orange B: orange C: oranges D: the orange 28. -- Jerry, is it _________backpack? I can’t find it. -- No, it’s Tom’s. It’s _________ backpack. A: your, her B. his, my C. my, his D. her, your 29. We have lots of clubs here: basketball, soccer, volleyball and _________. A: some B: many, C: much D: more 30. -- _________ you Jeff Green? --No, my name _________ Kate Green. A . Are, is B: Is, am C: Is, is D: Are, am 31. -- Do you like English? -- Yes, it’s difficult ________ interesting. A: and B: but C: or D: because 32. Running star Liu Xiang is _______from the injury(伤病), and he is ready for the Asian Games in Gangzhou.(亚运会) A: well B: nicely C: bad D: finely 33. Hi, boys and girls, please ________ some books here for Hope Project tomorrow. A:give B:bring C:take D:make 34. Is that your computer game ______ the Lost and Found case? Call Alan ______ 881188. A. for, at B.in, in C.at, at D.in, at 35. I can ________ some things on the table. A. look at B. see C. watch D. look 36. My sister likes English ________. B.lot C.lots of D.a lot   A.a lot of 37. Watching TV is __________. Let’s ________ football. A. fun, to play B. relaxing, play the C. boring, to play the D. boring, play 38. --_______ you spell your name? --Sure. A. Can B. Do C. Is D. Are 39. Welcome ___________Beijing, China! A: to B: in C: under D: on 40. --Thanks for your help. --_________________. A: Sorry. B: It doesn’t matter. C: That’s right. D: You’re welcome. 五.完型填空。(10%) Mike: Hello, Kate! Do you want ___41______ milk? Kate: No, thanks. I don’t like ___42_______. Mike: Don’t you? I like it very much, and ___43______ good for you. Kate: Oh, here are Lily and Lucy. Lily: Hi, Mike! Hi, Kate! How are you today? Mike and Kate: ____44______, thank you. Lily: ____45______ are those, Mike? Mike: They are rice cakes. Do you want one? Lily: Yes, ____46_____. Lily and Lucy: We like rice cakes very much. They’re ___47______. Kate: How ___48____ milk? Lily: No, thanks. We don’t like ___49______ milk very much. Lucy: But we like bananas. Kate: Oh, dear! ____50______! They are all finished(吃完). 41. A: some B: one C: a D: a glass 42. A: egg B: apple C: milk D: orange 43. A: it B: it’s C: is D: its 44. A: Yes B: No C: Fine D: Good 45. A: Where B: How C: Whose D: What 46.

doc文档 浙江省杭州文澜中学2021-2022学年七年级上学期期中模拟测试英语试卷

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