2022 年高考语法复习百题斩-定语从句 一、单句语法填空精练 1.The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of ________ was based loosely on the Beatles. 2.In today’s competitive economy ________ everyone is trying to do more with less, you’ve got to figure out a way to profit from the very beginning. 3.Bill Gates, for ________ money isn't a problem, still lives a very simple life now. 4.The reason _________________ he explained to us was that he hadn’t read it before. 5.This is the pilot with ___________ my brother has worked for ten years. 6.At that moment an attractive young lady ________ noticed my book came up to me 7.Long, long ago, the King of the Skies had a lovely daughter, to ______ he made many careful plans for her future. 8.She created a charity in memory of her grandmother, ______ passed away from Alzheimer's disease. 9 . The valley including a museum claims to be the only place ______visitors can safely observe wild Asian elephants. 10 . According to a study published in the UK recently, those ______ like jogging and do this kind of exercise regularly for at least one hour a week have very high chances to live a longer life. 11.As the weather gets warmer and the air becomes drier, people tend to feel their mouths and tongues are dry, ______ can cause colds or coughs. 12.The Crescent Spring, ______beauty attracts tourists from home and abroad, has become a romantic paradise for visitors. 13.While it’s wonderful for people ______want to see what these museums offer and teach them, it’s not always the best for the museums facing increasing hardships in terms of Funding. 14.Tai Chi Chuan, ______is famous as a kind of martial art, has been practiced China for centuries. 15.The 2020 Summer Olympics, ______ were planned for this summer in Tokyo, have been formally put off until 2021 because of COVID-19. 16.In Aug 2019, Liang won the gold medal at the 45th World Skills Competition in Electronics in Kazan, Russia, ______is the biggest vocational education and skills excellence event in the world, organized every second year by the World Skills International with an aim to show the skills and promote career of youth. 17.Kataria also offer books and DVDs to people ______don’t have access to a local Laughter Club. 18 . The poem implies that Lu Xun would serve the people heart and soul and would never give in to enemies, ______ fully expresses the poet’s loyalty to the people. 19 .His breakout video, ______his process of painting Qi tian Dasheng (Monkey King) is shown ,has won more than 408,000. likes,making him popular on the platform. 20.Now as a Chinese international, Wu is working hard to show that “there are players in China ______ can shine in the best leagues in the world”, he told Global Times. 21.The most famous of these is the Great Red Spot, ______ is so big that Earth could fit inside it. 22 . As Gan’s fame grew, they began to sell fruit from their family orchard, ______soon fell short of demand. 23.Young adults ______ have been exposed to loud noise over a period of time may have some hearing loss symptoms. 24.He became interested in two theories ______ possibly explained how cholera killed people. 25.Practising yoga or Tai Chi can help to keep our bodies supple, ______in turn can lower joint pain and help to protect us from injury. 26.The road itself has already been completed, and now it’s only a matter of connecting the grid (输电 网 ) , ______ is expected to be finished by the end of the year alongside the completion of the Jinan Expressway’s south section. 27 . Granddaughter Gayle Parks, 31—______ works alongside her in the family business —said it remained unknown as to who nominated Irene for the award. 28 . Still, when you start your journey of positive thinking, you shall meet wonderful new people, with ______ you can share positive attitude. 29.There they met people from other parts of the country, ______had also volunteered to help. 30.It marked the successful conclusion of China’s current three-step lunar exploration program of orbiting and landing, and bringing back samples, ______ began in 2004. 31.In today’s world______global warming is a serious issue, the bicycle is a perfect way of reducing our carbon footprint. 32.The rising number of wild birds in the reserve has brought a benefit for birdwatchers, ______ are able to spot oriental storks (东方白鹤) and other wild birds even outside the reserve. 33.The University of Virginia researchers ______ran the study followed 169 subjects aged 15 t

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