语法填空之代词专项 用单词的适当形式完成句子 1.On my recent visit,I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by________(it)mother. 2.By that time,the panda no longer needed________(it)mother for food. 3.Do you,for instance,feel that too much is being expected of________,and yet find it impossible to say no? 4....I’d been at home in Hong Kong,with________(it)choking smog. 5.Niki is always full of ideas,but________is useful to my knowledge. 6.The meeting will be held in September,but________knows the date for sure. 7.To warm himself,the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot against________. 8.The quality of education in this small school is better than________in some larger schools. 9.How would you like________if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you? 10.A woman on the bus shouted,“Oh dear! It’s________(I).”She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully. 11.Some of my friends who had been there before said________was a wonderful holiday destination. 12.I had this idea a few years ago but I couldn’t find a manufacture who could deliver what I wanted,so I did it by________. 13.She’d lived in London and Manchester,but she liked________and moved to Cambridge. 14.You can ask anyone for help.________here is willing to lend you a hand. 15.A smile costs________,but gives much. 16.Good families are much to all their members,but________to none. 17.________can be good at something for 40 years if he doesn’t love it. 18.It’s an either-or situation — we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can’t do________. 19.I’ve lived in New York and Chicago,but don’t like________of them very much. 20.My brother would like to buy a good watch but________was available from that shop. 21.—Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? —$4,000,or________like that. 22.Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him,but________of them wants to,because they have work to do. 23.—John,when shall we meet again,Thursday or Friday? —________.I’ll be off to London then. 24.Raise your leg and let________stay in the air for seconds. 25.Last year,my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation.Some of my friends who had been there before said________was a wonderful holiday destination. 26.I’d appreciate________if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. 27.Susan made________clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. 28.To her joy,Della earned first the trust of her students and then________of her colleagues. 29.At our factory there are a few machines similar to________described in this magazine. 30.Half of________surveyed in 16 countries say they go first to their closest friend to share their deepest wishes and darkest fears. 31.If you’re buying today’s paper from the stand,could you get________for me? 32.Studying Wendy’s menu,I found that many of the items are similar to________of McDonald’s. 33.I hate________when someone makes a mess of my learning materials on my desk. 34.We used to mistake that heavy objects fell faster than light________. 35.They are heading for Florida for________(they)honeymoon and plan to frame the treasured picture as soon as they get back. 36.The quality of education in this small school is better than________in some larger schools. 37.She did not hesitate for long: although her father smoked a pipe only once in a while,she knew that this was a present which was bound to please________(he). 38.At the end of the five minutes,no one could find________(they)own balloon. 39.We valued every chance we have to keep________(we)on the right track. 40.Nowadays,school violence is a hot issue.I think this is a phenomenon,________calling for our great concern. 41.She'd lived in London and Manchester,but she liked ________ and moved to Cambridge. 42.A smile costs ________,but gives much. 43.An average of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year,making________the driest year since California became a state in 1850. 44.I'd appreciate ________ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. 45.—When shall I call,in the morning or afternoon?—________.I'll be in all day. 46.Good families are much to all their members,but________to none. 47.You can ask anyone for help.________here is willing to lend you a hand. 48.In some countries,people eat with chopsticks,while in________,knives and forks. 49.—Who's that at the door? —________is the milkman. 50.Frank has applie

doc文档 专题01 语法填空之代词专项-2022年高三英语一轮复习之语法填空

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