专题 06 三步法迅速掌握 初高中不规则动词 过去式,去分词和现在分词 12 ABC 第一步 背一背 原形——过去式——过去式+(e)n 动 词 原 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 词义 形 break broke broken breaking 打破,打碎 choose chose chosen choosing 选择 get got got/gotten getting 得到 hide hid hidden forget forgot forgotten forgetting 忘记,忽略 freeze froze frozen freezing 冷冻,结冰 speak spoke spoken speaking 说话,谈话,演讲 steal stole stolen stealing 偷窃,盗窃 hiding 隐藏 第二步 写一写 动词原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 词义 break choose get hide forget freeze speak steal 第三步 练一练 1. I am terribly sad because my new bicycle was______(steal) yesterday. 2. World media ________(speak) highly of China's achievements in reform. 3. Two men was ________(freeze) to death on the mountain. 4. It's ______(freeze) cold outside. 5. He ______(forget) about his birthday. 6. You'd better write down her phone number before _______(forger) it. 7. I _____(get) a letter from Mary this Morning. 8. We _____(choose) him to represent our club. 1.答案:stolen 解析:“自行车被偷走”,考查被动语态,be+过去分词。 2.答案:spoke 解析:“对……做出了重要评价”,故用过去式 spoke。 3.答案:frozen 解析:“那个人被冻死”,考查被动语态,故用 be+过去分词。 4.答案:freezing 解析:此处 freezing 表示“极冷的,结冰的”。 5.答案:forgot 解析:句意“他忘记了他的生日”,应该使用过去式形式。 6.答案:forgetting 解析:介词后面应当使用动词的 ing 形式。 7.答案:got 解析:时间状语为 this morning, 故应当使用动词的过去式形式 got。 8.答案:chose 解析:“我们选择他代表我们的俱乐部”。choose 为不规则动词,过去式形式为 chose。 13 ABC 第一步 背一背 变单词在重读音节中的元音字母 i 分别为 a 和 u(I--a--u) 动 词 原 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 词义 形 begin began begun beginning 开始 drink drank drunk drinking 喝 sing sang sung singing 唱 sink sank sunk sinking 下沉,沉没 swim swam swum swimming 游泳 ring rang rung ringing 环住,戒指 过去分词 现在分词 词义 第二步 写一写 动 词 原 过去式 形 begin drink sing sink swim ring 第三步 练一练 1. He______(begin) to learn English about three years ago. 2.Your mother would have a fit if she knew you'd been ______(drink) ! 3.I was just walking along ______(sing) to myself. 1.答案:began 解析:句意“他大概三年前开始学习英语”。begin 过去式 began。 2.答案:drinking 解析:句意“要是你母亲知道你一直喝酒,会很生气的”!本句考查现在完成进行 时,have/has been +现在分词。 3.答案:singing 解析:句意“我独自唱着歌向前走着”。考查非谓语,现在分词形式作伴随状语。 14 ABC 第一步 背一背 动 词 原 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 词义 形 be was / were been being 是 bear bore born/borne beating 负担,忍受 do did done doing 做 fly flew flown flying 飞行 go went gone going 去 lie lay /lied lain /lied lying 躺,说谎,位于 wear wore worn wearing 穿 bite bit bitten biting 咬 tear tore torn tearing 流泪,撕破,猛冲 过去分词 现在分词 词义 第二步 写一写 动 词 原 过去式 形 be bear do fly go lie wear bite tear 第三步 练一练 1. ____(bear) in Beijing, he has a good knowledge of Chinese culture. 2.He _____(bite) by a dog when he was walking in the street. 3.The stones have ______(wear) smooth by the constant flow of water. 4.We _____(tear) the other team apart in the second half. 5.In a moment he was _____(go). 6.She _____(tear) up all the letters he had sent her. 7.The birds took fright and _____(fly) off. 1.答案:Born 解析:此处考查非谓语动词的过去分词形式作状语。 2.答案:bitten 解析:考查谓语动词的被动语态。bite 的过去分词形式为 bitten。 3.答案:been worn 解析:句意“不停的流水把这些石头冲刷得很光滑”,考查被动语态。 4.答案:tore 解析:根据 in the second half 可知使用过去时。“我们在下半场把对方球队打得落 花流水”。 5.答案:gone 解析:go 的过去分词形式 gone,此处作为形容词,作表语。 6.答案:tore 解析:根据 he had sent her 可知此处应当使用一般过去时,故填 tore。 7.答案:flew 解析:此处并列连词 and 前后应当都使用一般过去式,fly 的过去式和过去分词 分别为 flew 和 flown。 真题回顾 1. (2021 全国高考乙卷)Minimize the impact of ______ (visit) the place. 2. (2019·高考全国卷 II )Picking up her“Lifetime Achievement”award,proud Irene ______(declare) she had no plans to retire from her 36-year-old business. 3. (2019· 高 考 全 国 卷 III ) Our hosts shared many of their experiences and ______(recommend)wonderful places to eat,shop,and visit. 4. (2019· 高 考 浙 江 卷 ) One study in America found that students' grades ______ (improve) a little after the school introduced uniforms. 5. (2018· 高 考 全 国 卷 III ) True to a gorilla’s unaggressive nature, the huge animal 6. _______(mean) me no real harm. (2017·高考全国卷 I ) When fat and salt  __ (remove)from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something. 7. (2017·高 考 全 国 卷 III ) Sarah says, “My dad thinks I should take the offer now. But at the moment, school   8. (come) first. (2016· 高 考 四 川 卷 )The giant panda (love) by people throughout the world. 9. (2015·高考 全 国 卷 I) It was raining lightly when I (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn. 10. (2015·高考全国卷 II) This cycle (go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset (抵消) for the outside temperatures. 1.【答案】visiting 【解析】考查非谓语动词。Of 为介词,此处需用动名词作介词 of 的宾语。 2.【答案】declared 【解析】考查谓语动词时态。根据后文 had 以及

doc文档 专题06-【三步法】巧记不规则动词过去式、过去分词和现在分词

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