投诉信 【题型解读】 投诉信是人们在生活中对服务、商品、关系等不满时向特定对象写的信件,通常还会 要求对方做出相应的补救。投诉信的用词要恰当并且相对正式,语气要坚决。叙述问题时 用过去时态,提出建议时用现在时态。 【写作思路】 投诉信应包括三个方面的内容: 1 .表明写信目的及投诉的内容; 2. 投诉的原因; 3. 希望得到的结果。 【必备短语】 1. express my disappointment/dissatisfaction/concern about 表达不满 2. bring about inconveniences 带来不便 3. to make matters worse 更糟糕的是 4. in a rude manner 态度恶劣 5. put up with/bear 忍受 6. look into/investigate the matter 调查此次事件 7. take measures/actions 采取措施 8. deal with/solve the problem 解决问题 9. a satisfying solution 一个满意的解决方法 10. declare a refund 要求退款 11. burning with anger:非常生气。 12. cope with=deal with 处理,应对。 【套用句式】 1. I am writing to express my disappointment/dissatisfaction/concern about.. .我写这封信是为了表达我对....的失望/不满/担心。 2. The reason for my dissatisfaction is .. For one thing, ... For another, .. 我不满意的原因....一方面....另一方面.... 3. Under these circumstances, I find it difficult to .. 在这种情况下,我很难..... 4. I would like to have this matter settled by the end of this month. 我希望在这个月底之前解决这件事。 5. I would appreciate it if you could give due attention to this matter 如果你可以给予此事足够的重视,我将不胜感激。 6. convey my complaint and dissatisfaction 传 达 我 的 抱 怨 和 不 满 , 传 达 某 种 感 情 动 词 用 convey。 7. you can't imagine that…你无法想象…也可以说 you can hardly imagine that/how…后面可以 加一些表示观点或现象的完整句子。 如:you could hardly imagine how excited I was when passed the exam. so/such…that…如此……以至于, 8. The problem is so serious that we should work together to solve it. 9. It is said that…据说…; 类似的有 It is believed/reported/suggested/adviced/admitted that…等,可以加在完整的句子 前面,丰富句子结构。 【典例】 疫情持续开学无期,为方便同学备战高考,自主招生团队特搜集整理新型冠状病毒高 考英语作文范文:投诉信——高价口罩乱象,供考生学习参考。 假定你是李华,在新冠状病毒肺炎疫情如此严峻的时刻,有少数不良商家以原价数倍 的价格销售口罩。针对这一现象,老师让你们用英语给消费者协会写一封投诉信,作为今 天的作业发到班级微信群里。 要点如下:1. 介绍自己,写信目的。 2. 说明情况,表示气愤。 3. 希望重视,尽快解决。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇: 传染病,泛滥 epidemic 新冠状病毒 novel coronavirus 消费者协会 Consumers' Association _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 【满分范文】 To whom it may concern, I am Li Hua, a senior school student. I am extremely sorry to disturb you, but I have to write a letter to convey my complaint and dissatisfaction. The novel coronavirus epidemic is still tough and annoying. However, you can't imagine that a small number of businesses are so mean as to sell the face masks at an unreasonable price. It is said that it can be five times as high as the normal price. My classmates and I are burning with anger. I hope Consumers' Association can give much attention to this. I'd appreciate it if you can cope with it as early as you can. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【例文翻译】 我是李华,一个高中生。很抱歉打扰你,但是我不得不写一封信来传达我的抱怨和不 满。冠心病度现在已经严峻和烦人。但是,你无法想象有一小部分商家太无量了,他们以 不合理的价格售卖口罩。据说是正常价格的 5 倍。我的同学和我都很生气。我希望消费者 协会可以高度关注这件事。如果你们能够尽快处理这件事,我将非常感谢。 【模拟预测】 Wring 1 你是李华,两周前你从网上订购一盒口罩,昨天才到货,且其中一只口罩有点脏了, 数量不足。请就此向网店客服写邮件投诉。 要点如下: ①介绍购物情况; ② 反映存在问题; ③ 提出解决方案 注意: ① 词数 100 词左右; ② 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯; ③ 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词; 可能用到的生词:投诉 complaint n. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 【满分范文】 To whom it may concern, I am one of your customers. I ordered a box of face masks on your website two weeks ago, but I didn’t receive them until yesterday. And much to my disappointment, the face masks were so poorly packed up that one of the masks had become very dirty. To make matters worse, it is not a complete box, as I found one mask missing. I am sorry to have received such poor service, and I believe

doc文档 专题02 投诉信-冲刺2020年高考英语疫情话题书面表达

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专题02 投诉信-冲刺2020年高考英语疫情话题书面表达 第 1 页 专题02 投诉信-冲刺2020年高考英语疫情话题书面表达 第 2 页 专题02 投诉信-冲刺2020年高考英语疫情话题书面表达 第 3 页 专题02 投诉信-冲刺2020年高考英语疫情话题书面表达 第 4 页 专题02 投诉信-冲刺2020年高考英语疫情话题书面表达 第 5 页
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