读后续写的“八”股文模板 很多考生连基本的读后续写结构也不知道,导致得分非常低。 小编整理的这个模式起码 能帮助你得个基本分:16-17 分吧。等稳定在 17 分后,那就可以甩掉本文框架探索更高 级的。 概说: 读后续写,大部分都是围绕 conflict,solution 来运转的,首先你能看懂材料, 如果这一步无法完成,那这篇文章并不适合你。然后,你要找到文章到底提出什么冲突 或问题。大部分文章都是这个模式: (1)情绪:消极情绪 (2)细节:进一步解释描写 (3)转折:个人的努力或借助外界 (4)转机:事情似乎有了转机,并抱有希望,感到欣慰 (5)失望:但是问题还是没有解决或出现了新问题 (6)新法:突然有了一个想法(一句话说明这个想法) (7)结局:过了一段时间;事情有了最后的转折 (8)总结:点题,呼应前文 要说明的是:并非每个环节都需要,也可能不是这个顺序,甚至可以穿插进行,这不是 死板一块的。这个模式只是我今天上课突然想到的,只是一个初步的模子,后面肯定要 不断完善。 说明:以下的表达方式也是参考比较好的资源来总结的 详述: (1)消极情绪 典型表达是: 感到(这 个可 以有 很多表 达方 式,并 且可 以结 合在每 一个 环节中 ,可 有非 谓语动 词 形式和介词短语) 1. a flush of (表情绪的名词)=a wave of...=a feeling/sense of...一阵... 2.joy/excitement/pride/anger/rage/panic/terror/sorrow/sadness/grief/embarrassment /disappointment/guilt/shame...) 3. (表情绪的名词) flooded over sb=swept over sb 因...颤抖 tremble//shiver/shake (with fear, panic excitement, rage...) (2)进一步细节描写 典型是:流泪;心里想…… 流泪: 1. Tears blurred one's eyes. 2. One's eyes got misty. 3. One's eyes misted/dimmed with tears.泪眼模糊 4. ...be close to tears 几乎要哭了 5. tears (roll down one's eyes/cheeks/face)泪水落下 心里想 1. An inner voice told sb that 从句内心的声音告诉某人... 2. ...thought/said to oneself (3)转折(个人努力或借助外界) 典型是:鼓起勇气或另外一方的鼓励;毫不犹豫 pluck up/take/gather/one's courage (to do...) 毫不犹豫: 1. sb could hardly wait to do sth 2. without a second thought 3. without even thinking 4. without delay 5. without hesitation (4)事情似乎有了转机,并抱有希望,感到欣慰 典型表达是: 似乎: 1. It was like doing sth 好像... 2. It seemed as if/ that...好像... 希望: 1. hoping that 从句抱着一丝希望 2. see/feel a glimmer of hope 看到一丝希望 3. trying hard to do sth 欣慰: 1. ...breathed a sigh of relief 松了一口气 2. ...sighed with relief 松了一口气 3. (A wave of) relief flooded through/washed over sb 4. to one's relief, .. 使人欣慰的/放心的是 (5)但是还是问题还是没有解决或出现了新问题 典型是:不幸的是;不知道做什么 不幸的是: 1. But bad luck for sb, ...但是某人真不走运 3. , but in vain 4. , but without success 5. , but no use 不知道做什么 1. Sb did sth, wondering what to do next. 2. Sb did sth, not knowing what to do next. 3. Sb did sth, unsure of what to do next. 4. Sb was at a loss what to do. 5. Sb was in a dilemma about whether to do or not.感到难以决定... (6)突然有了一个想法:一句话表示想法 典型:某人想到/明白...; 有了主意 1. It suddenly occurred to sb that 从 句 =It hit sb that 从 句 =It struck me that 从 句 =It dawned on sb that 从句 2. (idea, thought...) occurred/came to sb.=...came/flashed into one's mind=...crowded in one's mind 3. One's mind began to race (7)皆大欢喜:过了一段时间,事情有了最后的转折 过了一段时间 1. not long after that,...=shortly afterwards, ...=before long, ...=It didn't take long before 从句=It took some time before 从句不久, ... 2. for an instant/moment 一瞬间 有了结果 1. To one's surprise(delight)/Strangely enough, it turned out that 从句 2. But on second thoughts, ...但是转而一想,... 3. But what happened next was pure magic. 接下来发生的非常奇妙 皆大欢喜:参考(1) (8)最后总结,点题 典型是: 直到...才意识到... 1. 倒装句:Not until 时间状语 did sb realize/notice that 从句 2. 强调句:It was only 时间状语 that sb realized that 从句 还记得某人的话;还在某人的脑海中 1. One's words (echoed/rang out) in one's ears. 2. One's words(voice/song) lingered/whispered in one's mind/head. 3. One's head was still full of... 经历与教训 1. What a/an...lesson sb taught me(sb learned from sb)! (valuable/useful/great/painful) 2. What a/an...experience sb had! (enjoyable/pleasant/wonderful/unforgettable/memorable/interesting/valuable) 3. Down deep in one's heart, ...在某人的内心深处

docx文档 读后续写的“八”股文模板

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