2020~2021 学年 5 月江苏苏州姑苏区苏州市立达中学初一下学期月考英语试卷 一、单项选择 (本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 1. It's unusual thing for people to see A. an; a 2. UFO. B. a; a —Are they watching the girls C. a; an D. an; an ? —Yes. And they watch the girls every day. 3. A. dance; practice to dance B. dancing; practice dancing C. to dance; practice dancing D. dancing; practice to dance — Can you tell me when the Boeing 737 MAX planes will be allowed to fly again, sir? — I'm afraid it's still to talk about that. We'll see. A. later enough 4. A. took 6. D. too early . B. does This meeting room isn't C. did for all of us D. do . We need a bigger one. A. large enough; to stay B. large enough; to stay in C. enough large; stay in D. enough large; stay —He seldom put up the tent in the past, — he? , though he wasn't good at it. A. did; No 7. C. too late —Do you know who took the students to the old people's home, Tony? —Well, Mr. Smith 5. B. early enough Mr. Green let me B. didn't; Yes and C. didn't; No me a bottle of apple juice. A. sit down; brought B. sit down; bring C. to sit down; brings D. to sit down; brought D. did; Yes 8. Little Tom everywhere for his lost pen but couldn't find it anywhere. A. looked for 9. Ants can smell A. as same as 10. D. as good as the window B. with; closed; on , even rainy days. C. by; open; in D. with; open; on C. visited B. anybody D. danced . C. nothing Granny looked happy and smiled at me when she ran her hand Alice B. across I will never forget A. seeing D. nobody my hair. C. over to go back to the table because she A. had; forgot 15. C. as well as You mustn't be late tomorrow morning. The plane waits for A. through 14. B. as usual as B. passed A. anything 13. D. searched Which underlined part is different from the others in pronunciation? A. walked 12. C. searched for dogs. My grandfather likes sleeping A. by; closed; in 11. B. found B. had; left D. towards her key on it. C. must; forgot D. must; left Mary 's brother for the first time. It was three years ago. B. to see C. see D. seen 二、完形填空 (本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 16. I am waiting for the bus when I meet the old woman. "You look 1 . Come and sit here, " she says. "Where are you going? " "I don't know. I just want to catch a bus and see 2 it will be like at the end." "I'm afraid you'll see nothing there. Why don't you enjoy the beautiful sights(风景)on the way? " "How can I do that when my heart is 3 ? " I asks sadly. My best friend left me. The woman seems to understand my feeling. "Don't cry, little girl. I had the same experience(经历)as you before. Twenty-five 4 ago, my husband left our three children and me. I was very sad. I took them to the sea and planned to end our lives. At that time, they seemed to know what would 5 , so they cried loudly. Their cry suddenly 6 me up. How could I give up my hope to live for one of life's problems? After that, I worked hard to look after the children. Now they all live 7 and one of them has his own family." Then the woman gives me a We should find the key to the 8 10 , " We should never wait for the door to 9 before us. or try to find another way." The bus comes and I get on it with a smile. 1. A. tired B. excited C. happy D. good 2. A. how B. what C. where D. who 3. A. smiling B. breaking C. singing D. dancing 4. A. days B. weeks C. months D. years 5. A. become B. hurt C. miss D. happen 6. A. got B. picked C. woke D. put 7. A. happily B. sadly C. easily D. carefully 8. A. present B. need C. notice D. smile 9. A. open B. close C. lock D. repair 10A. . classroom B. office C. door D. shop 三、阅读理解 (本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 17. Rowland Water District Poster Contest(比赛) Time: June 20th-June 28th Theme: Water is life! Students are going to make posters to show how water is widely used in our everyday life. Our goal is to get students thinking about the importance of the valuable natural resource —water! Rules: *Use as little writing as possible. *Original(原创的)art work only. No posters with pictures like Mickey Mouse. *Please write the following information on the back of your poster: your name, grade level, phone number school name and your teacher's name. *You can only submit(提交)one poster. Prizes: There will be three age groups: grades K-5, grades 6-8, and grades 9-12. In each age group, there will be one 1st-place prize, two 2nd-place prizes and thr

doc文档 江苏省苏州姑苏区苏州市立达中学2020-2021学年七年级下学期5月月考英语试卷

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