Unit2 Robots 一、重点 词组翻译练习 1. 用……做实验___________________ 13. 和……有暧昧关系______________ 2. 试验,考验___________________ 14. 从视野中消失________________ 3. 感到吃惊害怕_________________ 15. 不管别惹___________________ 4. 帮某人个忙___________________ 16. 放一边节省_________________ 5. 同情 ________________________ 17. 与……离婚,脱离______________ 6. 一堆________________________ 18. 总计________________________ 7. 更确切地说___________________ 19.令某人满意___________________ 8. 惊奇地_______________________ 20.有天赋 ______________________ 9. 伸手够_______________________ 21. 比……级别低、年幼___________ 10. 陪某人去____________________ 22. 忌妒________________________ 11. 给……打电话__________________ 23. 帮助某人摆脱困境____________ 12. 转身________________________ 【答案】 1. experiment with 13. have an affair with 2. test out 14. disappear from sight 3. feel alarmed by / at 15. leave sb. alone 4. do sb. a favor 16. set aside 5. feel / have / express / show sympathy for 17. divorce ...from 6. a pile of 18. in all 7. or rather 19. to one’s satisfaction 8. with wonder 20. have a talent for 9. reach for 21. be junior to 10. accompany sb. to sp. 22. be the envy of 11. ring up 23. help sb. out 12. turn around 二、根据中文提示进行填空 1. I's surprising that he has no ________ (渴望)for wealth. 2. Her pale face ________ (使惊觉)her mother. 3. Should we have ________ (同情)for beggars? 4. I must ask you to ________ (陪同)me to the police station. . 5. Rules are rules and they must be ________ (遵守). . 6. The entire ________ (全体员工)in our company has done an outstanding job this year. 7. It seems quite ________ (荒谬的)to expect flowers from anyone. 8. He kept promising her that he would ________ (离婚)his wife, but he never actually did it. 9. There are several people with a lower rank than me in our factory, they are ________ ( 资历较 浅的)to me. 10. To their disappointment, their father never showed them much ________ (感情). 【答案】 1. desire 2.alarmed 3.sympathy 6.staff 7.absurd 8.divorce 4.accompany 9.junior 5. obeyed 10.affection 三、根据首字母提示进行填空 1. We all d_______ peace and happiness . 2. He p_______ old paper in the corner of the room. 3. He s______ the horizon, looking for land. 4. They d_______ the results of the election. 5. Tom and Jane want to get d________. That means they intend to end their m_______. 6. The news that a lion escaped from the zoo a_______ the local people. .7. To his s_______, he passed the examination. 8. Flower arrangement is an e________ art. 9. It is a_______ to believe that the number 4 brings bad luck. 10. He p _______ the gate blue. 11. She is in bed with an a_______ cold. 12. He told me to keep my word and I o_______. 【答案】 1. desire 2. piled 3. scanned 4. will declare 5. divorced, marriage 6. alarmed 7. satisfaction 8.elegant 9. absurd 四、选择单词进行填空 10. painted 11. awful 12. obeyed A fiction cartoons smoothly embarrassed Accompanied envy explanations sympathy pile divorced alarm aside 1. That day when I was in the bookstore, I came across a science ______, which interested me a lot. 2. Most children 3. Everything like goes to watch ____________, _____________ so you on needn’t TV. worry. 4. I felt quite _______ when I couldn’t answer the teacher’s question in front of so many classmates. 5. ________ by his friends, he went to the teacher’s office to admit what he had done wrong. 6. He got a new car, which made him become the __________ of the others. 7. I can’t understand it. Would you please give me some _______________? 8. Usually people show great ___________ for the children begging in the streets. 9. There’s a _________ of stone in the middle of the road. 10. To everybody’s surprise, they got _________ last month, though they had been married for only two months. 11. To sleep late in the morning, I usually turn off my _________ clock on Sunday mornings. 12. No matter how busy he is, he will set _______ some time to spend with his daughter every day. 【答案】 1. fiction 2. cartoons 3. smoothly 4. embarrassed 5. Accompanied 6. envy 7. explanations 8. sympathy 9. pile 10. divorced 11. alarm 12. aside B awful, fiction, firm, navy, talent, scan, chapter, pile, desire, affair 1 My brother is a PLA man. He joined the _________ two years ago. 2 We had an _________ summer last year. It was raining almost a whole month. 3 In order to kill the boring holidays I borrowed a _________ of books from the library. 4 I prefer ________ to poetry. How about you? 5 She is really a girl of many _________. She can play the piano, pai

doc文档 Unit 2 Robots-2020-2021学年高二英语下学期重点词汇通关练(人教版选修7)

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Unit 2 Robots-2020-2021学年高二英语下学期重点词汇通关练(人教版选修7) 第 1 页 Unit 2 Robots-2020-2021学年高二英语下学期重点词汇通关练(人教版选修7) 第 2 页 Unit 2 Robots-2020-2021学年高二英语下学期重点词汇通关练(人教版选修7) 第 3 页 Unit 2 Robots-2020-2021学年高二英语下学期重点词汇通关练(人教版选修7) 第 4 页 Unit 2 Robots-2020-2021学年高二英语下学期重点词汇通关练(人教版选修7) 第 5 页
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