牛津英语 2020 年中考词汇专练 根据句子意思及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。 1. The failure nearly d him mad, but he became more hard-working after that. 2. Many students didn’t r the importance of study until they left school. 3. Zhang Ziyi won many awards after e the film industry. 4. Our teachers are so patient that they usually spend a lot of time e 5. Zheng He is one of the greatest e things to us. in the Chinese history. 6. Last winter, the temperature d froze to death. so quickly in northern America that many homeless people 7. Kevin’s teachers thought him quiet, but with his friends he was e 8. Simon could h say any word when he was told such a surprising result. 9. Although my grandfather is in his n 10. Lanshou, Xianggu is w 11. Some f the opposite. , he still plays Taichi every morning. used to express the feeling of sadness on the Internet now. made a living by catching fish in the sea. 12. The terrible f washed the village away last summer. 13. The fourth lesson is about how to speak the native language in the capital of F 14. I am sorry that I have totally f your birthday. 15. He seldom changes his mind and he has very f ideas about how a man should behave. 16. To protect the environment, more people ride to work and f 17. She’s just like any young woman who enjoys f 18. We can breathe the f people drive to work. the latest fashions. air in the countryside. 19. After The two boys formed a deep and lasting f 20. Now more and more students go abroad for f 21. A g . education. is something you give someone as a present. 22. We were so busy that we h 23. Someone’s g . had time to chat with each other. is the daughter of their son or daughter. 24. Don’t wait for good things to h 25. We have police forces to g 26. It is h to you. You need to walk towards happiness. against certain dangers. to the stomach to drink cold milk in the early morning. 27. If you have a h , you have a pain in your head. 28. Tea contains caffeine. It’s bad for your h . 29. If you take p on someone, you feel sorry for them and help them. 30. Most people h him, but they don’t dare to say so, because he still rules the country. 31. If you want to i your English, you need to do more reading and speaking. 32. Eating some steamed potatoes or baked potatoes at night will not i 33. —What you said is really h to me. Thanks a lot.—You are welcome. 34. Coaches choose athletes according to their h 35. Simon finds it i 36. Does it m your weight. and quality of body. to take action to protect our environment as soon as possible. a great deal to her whether they come or not? 37. When the students come to a new school, the teacher would like them to make a brief i to the whole class. 38. Our products i 39. When the ship h DIY things and natural material, so young lady prefer them. the iceberg, there were over 1,000 passengers on board. 40. It seems i to control the air pollution in our country because smog (雾霾) is getting worse and worse. 41. Monkey King is one of the main characters in J to the West. 42. Learning a musical i introduces a child to an understanding of music. 43. The book contains i about a wide variety (多样的) of subjects. 44. Mike is an office worker and he has to wear a j 45. The football player k and tie to work. the ball into the goal near the end of the game. 46. Mother hugged the little kid in her arms and k her on the cheek. 47. He is arrested because he has done something against the l . 48. Grandfather doesn’t take medicine when he catches a cold. He thinks that body is able to fight it by i . 49. I prefer the classical music because it has a l 50. Before DIY, you should follow the i 51. It’s time for you to change your l good for you. 52. After visiting Shanghai, we’ll l 53. —Miss Li, can you l value. for making a cake. now. Doing more exercise and eating healthy food are for Hong Kong tomorrow and stay there for 2 days. me this book? I will return it in 2 days. —OK, take your time. 54. If you come to my city, I am sure you will love the l really delicious. 55. During her l for Chemistry. food here. Nanjing Salt Duck is , Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize twice. One is for Physics and the other is 56. The old lady loves reading. Though she lives alone, she never feels l good friends—books. 57. Nobody likes to work with a person who likes l her. , for she has many . You never know the truth from him or 58. —What happened to Peter? He looks pale. —He fell off his bike, but l , he d

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