Unit 12 What did you do last weekend ——Section A Grammar Focus- 3b 一、根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词 1.New Delhi is the capital of I_________ . 2.He went to Jiujiang and visited Lushan two days a_______ . 3.The boy would like to fly k_________ in the park. 4.The old man didn't want to live in the city. He wanted to m_______to the countryside. 5.Don't talk so loudly, Ben. You will w________ your father up. He is sleeping in the room. 6.—How do you usually celebrate the Mid-Autumn Day? —By enjoying the m_______ and eating mooncakes. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Did you go 2. My grandpa (shop) with your mother yesterday? (read) a book last weekend. 3.Alan didn't finish her homework, but the teacher didn't say (something). 4. Look at those (mouse)! They are eating our food. 5.If you are _________(tiring),you should have rest. 6.The cat ________(run) away when it saw the dog. 7.She usually ________(do) her homework at home, but she ________ (do)her homework at school yesterday. She ________ (do)her homework now. 8.As we all know, China is an agricultural(农业的)country, and most people are ________(farmer). 9.When we looked out of the window, we saw a man ________ (sleep) on the street. 三、完形填空 There was a tiger in the forest.All the 1 there were afraid of him and 2 away when t hey saw him.So he had no friends and he always felt 3 .Once he caught a wolf(狼)and a fox(狐狸),but he was 4 that day and didn’t want to eat them.So he decided to 5 them. The two beasts(野兽)were happy and 6 ‘yes’ at once. It was a 7 day.All the forest were covered with thick snow.It was 8 for the three beasts to find food.They were all hungry.When the 9 went down in the west,they went to a village and 10 a sheep,a dog and a duck away. “How shall we divide(分)the animals among us,Mr. Wolf ?”asked the tiger. “The sheep is the 11 and heaviest(最重) of the three,”said the wolf.“Of course it’ll belong to(属 于)you.Mr. Fox is the 12 of us,he can eat the duck and I’ll eat the dog.” It made the tiger angry and he 13 the wolf at once.Then he went on asking,“How shall we divide them 14 us, Mr. Fox?” “That’s easy Mr. Tiger,”answered the fox.“You’ll eat the duck for breakfast,eat the dog for lunch and eat the sheep for supper.” “How 15 you are ! Who taught it to you?” Looking at the dead(死去的) wolf,the fox said sadly,“You,Mr. Tiger!” ( )1.A.birds ( )2.A.flew ( )3.A.1onely B.animals B.danced B.excited C.persons C.ran D.people D.jumped C.strange D.happy ( )4.A.sad B.sorry C.hungry D.full ( )5.A.save B.get on well with C.make friends with D.hurt ( )6.A.said B.heard C.worried D.tasted ( )7.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter ( )8.A.1ucky B.easy C.difficult D.possible ( )9.A.sun ( )10.A.flew B.earth B.helped C.moon C.carried D.grew ( )11.A.fatter B.fattest C.thinner B.biggest C.smaller D.thinnest ( )12.A.bigger D.smallest ( )13.A .drank B.ate C.1aughed D.became ( )14.A.during B.among C.between D.about ( )15.A.able D.clever B.kind C.lazy D.star 一、根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词 1.India  2.ago 3.kites 4.move 5.wake 6.moon 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 shopping 2 read 3 anything 4 mice 5tired 6 ran 7 does did is doing 8 farmers 9 asleep 三、完形填空 1-5:BCADC 6-10:ADCAC 11-15:BDBCD

doc文档 Unit 12 Section A Grammar Focus- 3b 课后检测练习2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级下册

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