考点 03 完形填空——2019-2020 学年高二《新题速递·英语》 (1)河南省郑州市 2019-2020 学年高二上期期末 Paul looked out of the window of the classroom and sighed. The driveway was still dark. His father had said that he would from him. Paul 23 22 21 and it was getting him up by 5:30, but it was almost 7:29 and Paul hadn’t heard a word to do some of his reading homework. 24 , he couldn’t help thinking of his father. He knew that his father had a job and a 25 life, but he couldn’t understand why he was always breaking his The next day at school, Paul didn’t 27 26 . his math homework. Paul’s teacher noticed his unusually performance and asked him why, but Paul didn’t want to 29 30 31 would pour out. He just wanted to be alone with his even looking at his teacher. “Well, Paul, you can’t have this thing 28 him. He knew that if he started talking a flood of anyway, so he just sat in the classroom 33 32 , not you up. The sooner you get it off your 34 , the sooner you can heal.” As Paul walked home from school, he 35 the things that his teacher had told him. Paul knew that he hadn’t been himself recently. Maybe he stopped doing his work realized that he was not just letting his father Eventually, he decided to accept his teacher’s 38 36 he was looking for 37 from his father. He his plans, but he was letting his father spoil his 40 . 21. A. dusty B. empty C. noisy D. available 22. A. pick B. wake C. call D. turn 23. A. failed B. managed C. tried D. pretended 24. A. Unusually B. However C. Actually D. Therefore 25. A. happy B. daily C. flexible D. busy 26. A. records B. promises C. habits D. rules 27. A. concentrate on B. check up C. hand in D. deal with 28. A. excellent B. steady C. strong D. poor 29. A. tell B. embarrass C. cheat D. hurt 30. A. homework B. emotions C. bravery D. defeats 31. A. pressure B. responsibility C. guilt D. pain 32. A. angrily B. nervously C. quietly D. negatively 33. A. put B. send C. cheer D. eat 34. A. trouble B. plan C. heart D. sadness 39 . 35. A. left out B. thought over C. heard of D. took up 36. A. because B. when C. unless D. before 37. A. kindness B. expectation C. attention D. support 38. A. ruin B. develop C. oppose D. change 39. A. character B. reputation C. study D. life 40. A. judgement B. demand C. understanding D. suggestion 【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了 Paul 等待父亲来学校接他,但父亲迟迟没来,父亲总是很 忙,经常失信,这使孩子感到郁闷,影响了学习。 21. B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:车道上还没有人,天渐渐黑了。A. dusty 布满灰尘的;B. empty 空的; C. noisy 嘈杂的;D. available 可得到的。根据下文 His father had said that he would ____22____ him up by 5:30, but it was almost 7:29 and Paul hadn’t heard a word from him.可知,爸爸还没有来,车道上空空的。故选 B。 22.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他父亲说他五点半来接他。A. pick 拾取;B. wake 醒来;C. call 叫;D. turn 转向。pick up 乘载,接机。结合句意可知,此处是指父亲开车来接他。故选 A。 23.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:保罗试着做一些阅读作业。A. failed 失败;B. managed 管理;C. tried 尝 试,尽力;D. pretended 假装。根据下文 he couldn’t help thinking of his father.可知,他现在不能专心学习, 用 try 最合语境。故选 C。 24. B 考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,他禁不住想起了他的父亲。A. Unusually 异常的;B. However 然而; C. Actually 实际上;D. Therefore 因此。根据上一句 Paul ____23____ to do some of his reading homework. 保 罗试着做一些阅读作业。结合本句句意可知,前后之间是转折关系。故选 B。 25. D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他知道他的父亲有工作,生活忙碌,但他不明白为什么他总是食言。A. happy 高兴的;B. daily 日常的;C. flexible 灵活的;D. busy 忙碌的。根据上文 His father had said that he would ____22____ him up by 5:30, but it was almost 7:29 and Paul hadn’t heard a word from,结合句意(父亲 总是食言)可知,父亲很忙。故选 D。 26.B 考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. records 记录;B. promises 允诺;C. habits 习惯;D. rules 规则。根 据上文父亲来接 Paul 迟到了,及上文 He knew that his father had a job and a ____25____ life, 可知,父亲很忙, 所以总是不遵守信用。break one’s promise 不守信用。故选 B。 27.C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:第二天在学校,保罗没有交他的数学作业。A. concentrate on 集中精力于; B. check up 检 查 ; C. hand in 上 交 ; D. deal with 处 理 。 根 据 下 文 Paul’s teacher noticed his unusually ____28____ performance and asked him why 并结合上文语境可知,是 Paul 没有交作业。故选 C。 28 D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:保罗的老师注意到他异常的差,问他为什么,但保罗不想告诉他。A. excellent 优秀的;B. steady 稳定的;C. strong 强壮的;D. poor 可怜的,不好的。根据上文 Paul didn’t ____27____ his math homework,Paul 没有完成作业可知,他的表现不好。故选 D。 29.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. tell 告诉;B. embarrass 使尴尬;C. cheat 欺骗;D. hurt 伤害。根据 下文 He just wanted to be alone with his ___31____ anyway, so he just sat in the classroom ____32____, not even looking at his teacher. 可知,他不想告诉老师。故选 A。 30.B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他知道,如果他一开口说话,情绪就会喷涌而出。A. homework 作业;B. emotions 情绪;C. bravery 勇气;D. defeats 战胜。根据上文 but Paul didn’t want to ____29____ him 并结合本 句句意可知,Paul 不愿意告诉老师是因为怕自己一说起来,会把所有的情绪都发泄出来。故选 B。 31. D 考 查 名 词 词 义 辨 析 。 句 意 : 不 管 怎 样 , 他 只 是 想

doc文档 2019-2020学年高二《新题速递·英语》3月第01期 (考点03完形填空)

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