Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good 1.1 Welcome to the unit &Reading 1. __________ adv. 立即,马上 conj. 一… 就 2. __________ vt. & vi.集中(注意力,思想等);全神贯注 3. __________ adj.极端的;严重的 n. 极端不同的情感(或境况,行为方式等) 4. __________ vi. 变苗条;减肥 adj. 苗条的;微薄的;小的 5. __________ n. 百分之… 6. __________ adj.担心的,忧虑的;关心的,关切的 重点词汇 7. __________ n. 效果,作用,影响 8. __________ linking v. 后来发现 vt. 证明,证实 9. __________ adv. 稍微;略微 10. __________ n. 营养 11. __________ vi. 起作用,正常工作,运转 n. 作用,功能,职能 12. __________ adj. 精力充沛的;充满活力的 13. __________ adj. 有效的,生效的 14. __________ adj. 害怕的,惊吓的,受惊的 15. __________ adv. 相反,而是;相当;更准确的说 16. __________ n. 方面;层面 1. ______________________ 昏迷,失去知觉 2. ______________________ 变苗条,减肥 3. ______________________ 副作用 4. ______________________ 吸收;领会;欺骗 5. ______________________ 强身健体 重点词组 6. ______________________ 恢复 7. ______________________ 转向…;向…求助 8. ______________________ 根据 9. ______________________ 减肥 10. ______________________ 而且 11. ______________________ 从今以后 12. ______________________ 而不是 13. ______________________ 每隔一天 重点句型 1. do you think 作插入语 2. 动名词作主语 【重点词汇】 1. immediately 2.concentrate 3.extreme 7. effect 8.prove 13.effective 9. slightly 14. frightened 4.slim 5.percent 6. concerned 10.nutrition 11.function 12.energetic 15. rather 16. aspect 【重点词组】 1. pass out 7. turn to 2.slim down 3.side effect 4.take in 5.get into shape 6. make a recovery 8. according to 9. lose weight 10. what’s more 11. from now on 12. rather rhan 13. every other day 之词汇篇 1. concentrate concentration n. 集中精力,专心 原文:Sometimes he told me he had trouble concentrating in class. 有时他告诉我他在课堂上注意力不集 中。(教材 P45) ◆ vt. & vi.集中(注意力,思想等);全神贯注 concentrate on 集中;集中精神于 concentrate… on… 把…集中于 focus on 集中;集中精神于 focus… on… 把…集中于 with … concentrated/ focused on 全神贯注于 ①We need to concentrate resources on the most run-down areas. 我们需要把资源集中用于最衰败的地区。 ②In this lecture I shall concentrate on the early years of Charles's reign. 这一节课我将着重讲查理王朝的早期统治时期。 ③With his attention concentrated on the book, he didn’t notice his mother come in. 他全神贯注地看书,没有注意到他妈妈进来了。 【跟踪典例】完成句子 ①It was ___________________ his studies and make something of himself. 他能否专心学习并有所成就取决于他自己。 ②If you ___________________ studying English, you will master the language. 如果你将全部精力集中在英语学习上,你就会掌握这门语言。 ③You cannot afford to ___________________ for a moment. 你必须集中精力,一刻都不能松懈。 【答案】 ① up to him to concentrate on ② concentrate all your energies on ③relax your concentration 2. effect effective adj. 有效的 affect vt. 影响 influence vt./ n. 影响 原文:They are increasing their efforts to educate teens about the side effects of losing weight too quickly . 他们 正在加大力度来教育青少年减肥过快的副作用。 (教材 P45) ◆n. 效果,作用,影响 side effect 副作用 be of no effect 无效 have an effect/ influence on 对… 有影响 bring/ put/ carry … into effect 实施;使…生效 come into effect 生效;开始实施 take effect 生效,起作用 in effect 实际上;生效 ①Despite her ordeal, she seems to have suffered no ill effects . 她尽管备受磨难,但好像并未受到不利影响 ②The recommendations will soon be put into effect. 这些建议即将付诸实施。 ③His wife had, in effect, run the government for the past six months. 过去的六个月实际上是他的妻子在执政。 ④The aspirins soon take effect. 阿司匹林药片很快见效 【跟踪典例】完成句子 ①Does television ________________ children's behaviour? 电视对孩子的行为有影响吗? ②_______________, the two systems are identical. 实际上,这两种系统完全一样 ③His proposal is practicable in theory but can't _________________. 他的建议在理论上可以,但不能付诸实现。 ④Humour is _________________ than violence. 幽默是比暴力更有效的防御武器。 【答案】 ① have an effect on ② In effect ③be put into effect ④a more effective defence 3. function 原文:Teenagers are still growing and their bodies need a lot of nutrition to function well. 青少年还在成长, 他们的身体需要大量的营养才能更好的运转。(教材 P45) ◆vi. 起作用,正常工作,运转 n. 作用,功能,职能 function as 担任…; 起…作用 perform a function 发挥功能;发挥作用 as a function of 根据 ①The sofa also functions as a bed. 这沙发还可当床用。 ②The family has the important function of socializing children. 家庭有教孩子适应社会的重要作用 ③Breathing is an automatic function of the body. 呼吸是一种无意识的身体功能。 【跟踪典例】完成句子 ①__________________ is to pump blood through the body. 心脏的功能就是把血液输往全身。 ②Many children can't__________________ in large classes. 许多孩子在大班上课时学习效果不好。 ③I just have enough room here __________________. 我有足够空间,根据时间变化的构图。 【答案】 ①The function of the heart ②function effectively ③as a function of time 4. take in 原文:If they do not take in enough food, they may feel weak and get ill easily. 如果他们没有摄入充足 的食物,他们可能会感到虚弱而且容易生病。 (教材 P45) ◆摄入;吸收;接受;收留;领会;欺骗 【跟踪典例】写出下列句子中 take in 的汉语意思 ①The kind old lady offered to take in the poor homeless stranger. ②What we collect and take in becomes the source m

doc文档 Unit 4.1Welcome & Reading-2020-2021学年高一英语同步课堂帮帮帮(牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册)

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