常州市教育学会学业水平 八年级 2021.6 一、听力(略) 二、单项选择 21. Don’t throw the rubbish into the river.Otherwise,we________. A.are fined B.will be fined C.have fined D.are going to fine 22.----Would you allow me_______out this weekend? -----Yes.But you shouldn’t go to crowded(拥挤的)places. A. going B.to go C.to going D.go 23.-----Where is your father,Jack? ----He______to New York for a holiday.He_______the airport at five in the morning. A.has gone;has left for B.has been;has left for C.has gone;left for D.has been;left for 24.----Do you mind me standing in front of you? ----I don’t think it is proper to do that.You’d better queue for your_____. A.name B.seat C.time D.turn 25.-----Do you think_______dangerous for us to play with firework? ------Exactly.It’s important______children to keep safe all the time. A.it;for B.it;of C.that;for D.that;of 26. Don’t______your friend’s talk.It’s impolite. A.give up B.push in C.cut in on D.run out of 27.Let me tell you how to behave well at the table._______,keep quiet while eating. A.In all B.Of all C.At all D.Above all 28.---_________you leave now?You only stay here for two days. ----Sorry,I_______.So much work is waiting for me. A.Can;have to B.Must;have to C.May;must D.Could;could 29. It’s_______to work out the problem.You don’t need to go to the teacher. A.enough easy B.easily enough C.easy enough D.very easily 30. ----It’s nice of you to provide us with so many face masks.We really need them now. ----_______. A.My pleasure B.I’d love to C.Sounds great D.Come on 三、完型填空 I strongly believe that everyone must have their own interesting and exciting experiences in their lives. For me,I also have my own 31 experience. It happened during my last school holiday. On one sunny morning,my cousin Ana and her family suddenly 32 in front of our house. That afternoon, my parents and Ana's family decided to go shopping,but they were too excited and 33 about Ana and me. We had a good time in the yard. It was nearly dinner time and we felt 34 , but there was nothing to eat. Then we saw a bag of flour at the kitchen table.So Ana suggested(建议)making some pancakes ourselves. Ana told me that she 35 cooked at home,so baking(烤) a pancake would be impossible for her. I told her I was not a good 36 either. But we didn't have other possibilities choice(选择). Luckily, both of us had seen our mothers make pancakes before and knew the basic process.Ana and I put the four into a large bowl and 37 it with hot water. Then we kneaded( 揉 ) the dough( 面 团 )and it became hard. We were confused( 迷 惑 的 ) 38 we looked at our “pancakes”.They seemed much different from those our mothers made. But we still put them into the oven(烤 箱).A few minutes later, we saw that the dough of our cooked pancakes didn't become larger and they got burnt. At that time, our parents arrived home. They didn't stop in the living room; 39 ,they went to the kitchen.They were surprised to see our faces covered with flour. Soon,they could not stop 40 .Ana and I looked at each other and we laughed, too 31. A unforgettable B terrible C. painful D. bright 32. A. got up B. took up C. put up D. showed up 33. A. cared B. worried C. forgot D. thought 34. A. sleepy B. hungry C thirsty D. angry 35. A. often B. usually C. ever D. seldom 36. A. teacher B. doctor C. cook D. artist 37. A picked B. mixed C. set D. fixed 38. A. until B. before C. as D. since 39.A otherwise B.moreover C. anyway D. instead 40. A. laughing В crying C. shouting D. jumping 四、阅读理解 A Yida Learning Centre Chinese Language Courses Chinese is the language spoken by the largest number of people in the world!The need for business people to learn Chinese is skyrocketing. Chinese also gives your children or yourself a seat at the table in a world because China is important.Call us for course listings. Small class: 6-10 students Teachers: rich experience in teaching Self-fit course: studying at your own speed, slower or faster than a usual course —————————————————————————————————— Offline courses: On workdays: $500 per course each term On weekends: $650 per course each term ——————————————————————————————————— Online courses: On workdays: $300 per course each term On weekends: $400 per course each term 80 Taiyuan West Street, Sunny Town Underground Line 1 & 2, Bus 31 & 50 at Sunny For more information, contact Joan at 800-400-8838. 41. The underlined word”skyrocketing”means________. A.rising quickly B.returning suddenly C.dropping slowly D.changing totally 42.In the “self-fit course”,you may choose your ow

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