人教版八年级下册 Units1--10 单词专练 1.I’m sorry to hear the old man’s ________________ (死亡). 2.He _______ (咳嗽) very terribly. 3.Aron had a very strong _________________ (意志). 4.Jim has a __________ (胃痛)because of bad eating habits . 5.What does the word __________________ (意思)? 6.Many ________ (乘客) got hurt in the accident. 7.Some wild animals are in a very dangerous ___________ (状况). 8.He has two __________ (刀 ). 9.1.Mr Li is in _________ of this company now.(管理) 10.I get to know the __________ (重要性) of keeping healthy. 11.Our school plans to __________ (募集) money for the sick student. 12.My grandpa lives _________ (单独). 13.In India, people often train elephants to help _______(搬运)heavy wood. 14.Yang Lei ____________ (自愿) to teach in the village far away. 15.Mr White never feels _______ (孤独的)。 16.How was your __________ (旅行)? 17.Can you help me _________ (修理) the car? 18.Your new dress is _________(相似的) to mine. Where did you buy it? 19.Lucy got a __________ (信) from Jane yesterday. 20.Sally has ___________(几个) friends in China. 21.Mary (扫) the floor yesterday. 23.Zhang Ming doesn’t like math. 24.Could I (借) a book from you? 22.His room is in a (杂乱) _________ (也不) do I. 25.She (借给) her bike to me yesterday. 26.Tom cut his (手指) and then he bandaged them. 27.I hate to do (杂务). 28.The firm(公司)__________(提供)a car for my father. 29.We shouldn’t___________(依靠)on our parents all the time. 30._______(既然)we live with our parents ,we should do something to keep the house clean. 31. Could you please _________ (传递) me some salt? 32.Bob _________(邀请)me to his party yesterday. 33.Could you please take out the __________(垃圾)? 34.I bought some drinks and ___________(小吃). 35. Doing chores can help to __________________ (发展) children’s independence. 36.Jack and Betty are my __________________ (邻居). 37. We need more __________(交流) with our parents。 38. We shouldn’t _________(允许) him to go with us. 39. Who can________ (猜测) the name of the game . 40. The ___________(关系) between him and his friends are not good. 41. I feel very_________(焦虑的)and don`t know what to do. 42. Can you ________ (解释) it to me ? 43. They can find __________(恰当的)ways to solve the math problems. 44.You must __________ (归还) my money to me quickly. 45. Don`t ____________ (比较) with the classmates at school . 46. What`s your __________(意见) ? 47. You have to talk to your family ____________(成员). 48.Jack was ill , so I went __________ (代替). 49.What we are talking is about his ___________(成长)? 50.The boy wants to ____________(竞争)with others. 51. Although she is wrong . It’s not a big ______ (协议,交易) thing. 52.We were doing homework at that time. _________(突然), a boy rushed into the classroom. 53. Strong ___________(风) are blowing outside. Please close the windows. 54. Do you have any _____________(火柴)? I want to light the candle. 55. Finally, the boy _____________(认识到,领会) that he was wrong. 56. It is _____________(报道) that a heavy rainstorm will come today. 57. How is it going ________________(最近)? . 58. The man is standing _____________(倚) the big tree. 59. My brother walked into his bedroom in ____________(沉默;无声). 60 What’s the main idea of the _____________(文章)? 61. All the people were _________________(彻底地,完全地)shocked. 62. The little girl put all her things on the ___________. (地面). 63.The sun is __________(照耀) bright. 64.He ________(射击) a wild duck yesterday. 65.The ________(夫妇) love their children very much. 66.The kind girl_________(带路) us to the right way when we were lost yesterday. 67.The Monkey King uses a___________(有魔力的)___________(棒). 68.The coat__________(适合) me very well. 69.The boy is _________(勇敢的) enough to fight with the thief. 70.The news_________(使兴奋) all of us. 71. This song __________ (使想起) us that what has happened between us. 72.When the English TV program Monkey came out in 1979, _________(西方的) children became interested in this wonderful story. 73.She often speaks in a low__________(声音)in class. 74.The___________(全部的)family moved to Shanghai last year. 75.He ___________(隐藏)his tail and turned into a woman. 76. The cheater often___________(骗) the old people and small kids. 77. We all like ______________(明亮的)room. 78. The farm owner ___________(带领) us to his farm and showed us around. 79.China is an _____________(古老的) country. 80.Many old buildings should be ______________(保护) from now on. 81.There are many ______________(旅行者) to visit China every year. 82.The customers didn’t like ___________ potato chips, so the cook cut them really

doc文档 Units1--10单词专项练习2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级下册

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