2021 年人教版英语八年级下册 Unit3 同步测试题 一、单项选择。 1.I'm afraid we can't come, but ____, thanks for your invitation. A.anytime B.anyway C.anything D.anybody 2.Sandy ____ fish and she never eats it. A.hates B.likes C.feels D.hits 3.—Could I watch TV this afternoon? —Yes, you can.But first you ____ do your homework. A.have to B.can C.may D.could 4.I would like to buy ____ drinks, but I don't have ________ money. A.some;some B.some;any C.any;some D.any;any 5.What____delicious meal! Well, Mark, it's your turn to do ________ dishes. A.the;a B.a;/ C.the;/ D.a;the 6.My grandma is ____in hospital.I'm very worried about her. A.strong B.clever C.lonely D.ill 7.—My English is so weak.Can you help me,Gina? —Practice more and the most important is to ____ a good habit of reading. A.make B.complete C.develop D.show 8.—Excuse me.I wonder if you can provide me ____ some information about the fantastic sights here. —Sure.With pleasure. A.than B.with C.to D.for 9.—What did you do yesterday afternoon,Larry? —I helped my mom out ____ the cleanup. A.for B.at C.about D.with 10.—Do you live far from Michael? —No.We are ____.We live next to each other. A.neighbors B.friends C.classmates D.brothers 11.—May I ____ your bike, Molly? —Sorry.I ________it to Mike minutes ago. A.borrow;lent B.borrow;borrowed C.lend;borrowed D.lend;lent 12.—Are you going to have a parttime job during the summer vacation? —Yes.I think I shouldn't always ____ my parents since I've grown up. A.fight against B.argue with C.hear from D.depend on 13.I think we shouldn't ____ our parents all the time. We should be independent. A.clean up B.depend on C.take care D.look up 14.—Could you please feed the bird for me? —____. A.Here you are B.You're welcome C.You're right D.Sure, no problem 15..—Could you please ________ my pet dog while I am away? —Sure.Don't worry. I can look after it well. A.take place B.take care C.take care of D.take part in 二、完形填空。 Dear Li Ming, My parents and I are going to Beijing tomorrow.I went to your house, __21__ you weren't in.I need your __22__. Could you please __23__ my dog?The dog food is in the kitchen.__24__ you please check the dog's water bowl?The bowl is next to his food dish.And please __25__ him for a walk and clean his bed every day.Please water the plants three __26__ a week. Could you please take __27__ the trash on Thursday? Please check my mail box every day,too.If you feel __28__,you can play computer games,watch TV and play with my dog.And if you're hungry,have some cake.It's on the table.You can help yourself __29__ the juice there,too. Please don't __30__ to lock(锁) the door when you leave.Thanks again for your help. Yours, Wang Nan 1.A.because B.but C.if D.though ( )22.A.interest B.hobby C.help D.time ( )23.A.feed B.ride C.wash D.buy ( )24.A.Must B.Might C.Should D.Could ( )25.A.ask B.take C.look D.put ( )26.A.hours B.days C.times D.pieces ( )27.A.over B.up C.off D.out ( )28.A.sorry B.sad C.bored D.relaxed ( )29.A.on B.at C.for D.to ( )30.A.remember B.Want C.forget D.write 三、阅读理解 A John and Ann are from Dublin, Ireland.They've been friends since they were children.They lived in the same neighborhood when they were young and they went to the same university. Today John is a 34yearold engineer.He works in the heart of Dublin.He is very busy and doesn't have much free time.He found a maid (女佣) to clean his house on Saturdays, but during the week he has to make the bed and tidy up his room.He must also wash the dishes.Sometimes he cooks a meal,but most of the time he stops at a restaurant near his home and buys a meal for dinner.He often arrives home very late.Luckily, his maid is quite professional and takes good care of the house.In just 6 hours, the house begins to shine, with a fresh look and clean air to breathe. Ann is 35 years old.She lives in a small village in Dublin.She works as a doctor at the village's health center.She starts working at 9 a.m.and finishes at 4 p.m.There is a halfhour lunch break at 12:30 p.m.After work, Ann has to pick up her two daughters from school.After they arrive home, the children do their homework while Ann prepares dinner.Her husband(丈夫) usually does part of the chores when he gets home.First he prepares the children's bath and then he washes clothes.Before dinner, he hangs up the clothes and then the children help him to lay the table(摆好餐具) and… it's dinner time! After dinner, Ann's husband usually does the dishes while she tidies up the kitchen.When there is too much rubbish, s

doc文档 2020-2021学年人教版英语八年级下册Unit3同步测试卷

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