2019-2020 学年级人教版高一上学期期末备考专项训练--完型填空 一、阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 When I was a child, I loved to play a Chinese traditional game which was called Caught You! I 1 remember playing it every spring and fall if we had good weather. We usually looked forward to this 2 activity led by our teachers. At that time, we always 3 our teachers used to 4 with a smile. They knew all of us were 5 In this game, you 6 Our teachers 8 asking our teachers wh en and where to play, and to play the game. a large group of people (about 20-30 people), a piece of 7     , and a small ball. us to a park with a large green lawn (草地), and then we sat down side by side in a large circle except for one person who was 9 by our teachers and sat outside the circle of students. To keep the game 10 well, one of the teachers was a leader and judge, who always gave 11 to make the game fair, reasonable and fun. At the beginning, we sat in the circle and one of us just sat a few feet away from the circle with his 12 blindfolded(蒙住). That meant that he couldn’t see who was 13 the small ball. This was a key point. As soon as everybody was 14 15 , the teacher declared a start. At that moment, we began to the small ball one by one around the circle, and the one who sat 16 could shout “Stop!” at any time he wished. When we heard “Stop!”, the student who had the ball in his hand had to 17 and sing a song or tell a story. From time to time, we laughed loudly because the players made some funny 18 and noise. The person outside the circle was 19 every five minutes. Now that I’m grown up, I 20 this game because it was a lot of fun. 1.A. clearly B. nearly C. probably D. immediately 2.A. puzzling B. exciting C. direct D. quick 3.A.suggested B. considered C. kept D. enjoyed 4.A.stop B. help C. teach D. answer 5.A.careful B. possible C. luc ky D. anxious 6.A.visit B. instruct C. need D. serve 7.A.cloth B. paper C. chalk D. information 8.A.introduced B. left C. attached D. took 9.A.paid B. selected C. trained D. welcomed 10.A.improving B. ending C. going D. increasing 11.A.medals B. orders C. materials D. presents 12.A.feet B. eyes C. hands D. ears 13.A.holding B. watching C. dropping D. playing C. ready D. well B. confident[ 来 源 : 学 14.A.free 科网 ZXXK] 15.A.play B. kick C. catch D. pass 16.A.alone B. still C. calmly D. politely 17.A.stand up B. turn up C. come back D. insist on 18.A.mistakes B. games C. faces D. reports 19.A.warned B. replaced C. praised D. called B. continue C. finish D. miss 20.A.attend[来源:学* 科*网] 1-5 ABCDD 6-10 CADBC11-15 BBACD 16-20 AACBD 二、完形填空 My father brought home a sailboat when I was ten, and almost each Sunday in summer we would go sailing. Dad was quite skilled in sailing, but not good at 1 . As for me, I 2 both before twelve because of living close to Lake Ontario. The last time Dad and l set sail together is really from university. I came home and sailed for years, but everything 4 3 . It was a perfect weekend after I graduated Dad to go sailing. Out we set soon on the 6 wen with the tiller 5 lake. Dad hadn't ( 舵 柄 ) in his hands. When we were in the middle of the lake, a Dad was always "John! at his 11 9 in 7 any wind came all of a sudden. The boat was hit danger , but at this moment he 8 10 . . !" he shouted in a trembling voice, with the tiller still in his hands. In my memory he could fix any 12 . He was the one I always 13 for strength and security. Before I could respond, a 14 of water got into the boat. I rushed to the tiller 15 it was too late. Another huge wave of water 16 the boat in a minute. We were thrown into the water, and Dad was struggling aimlessly. At that moment, I felt fiercely 17 of him. I swam to Dad 18 and assisted him in climbing onto the hull( 船 壳 )of the boat. Upon sitting on the hull, Dad was a little awkward about his flash of fear. "It's all right, Dad. We are safe now," I 19 him. That was the first time Dad had counted on me in a moment of emergency. More importantly, I found it was my turn to start 20 for my father. ( )1. A.boating B. running C. swimming D. teaching ( )2. A.enjoyed B. decided C.learned D. hated B. C. cheerful D.useful ( )3. A.important unforgettable ( )4. A.sent B. ordered C. invited D. allowed ( )5. A.calm B. icy C. stormy D. thundery ( )6. A.finished B. seemed C. went

docx文档 2.2019-2020学年级人教版高一上学期期末备考专项训练--完型填空

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