2019-2020 学年鼓楼区八年级下学期期末英语试卷 二、单项填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 从 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16. ---It’s so boring, Mum. May I play outside when you do the shopping? ---No. Just wait here reading some books A. after 17. --- B. until _ I return. C. since D. while has Line 1 of Nanjing Metro been in use? --- For nearly fifteen years. It carries over one million people every day. A. How long B. How many C. How soon D. How often 18. --- I want to visit Nanjing Museum. Could you please tell me something about it? --- Sorry, I know just a little. You can read the A. instruction B. introduction C. conversation on its website. D. conclusion 19. As the COVID-19 was found in Beijing again, the students study online at home till the end of the term. A. could B. should C. must D. had to 20. --- According to the new traffic rules, we must wear helmets to protect our heads when riding e-bikes. --- I strongly support it. Wearing helmets can A. reduce 21. Judy B. refuse C. repeat harm in the accidents. D. record a habit of reading English and now she reads English for half an hour every morning. A. develop B. developed C. has developed D. will develop 22. At the end of last class all the students into four groups to do a survey on how to go green in the coming summer holiday. A. are separated B. were separated C. have separated D. will separate 23. Look at the note on the right. What should you do if you want to watch CD? A. Insert CD, click on “start” and then wait. After inserting CD, wait for B. Click on “start”, insert CD and then wait. computer to load it before C. Insert CD, wait and then click on “start”. clicking on “start”. D. Click on “start”, wait and then insert CD. 24. Which of the following is a fact to describe Sunshine Town? A. It’s great to see the amazing changes in the town. B. It’s not easy to get used to living in a modern flat. C. I think the roads in the town centre look clean and wide. D. There are five places of interest to visit in Sunshine Town. 25. --- We should help the disabled as much as we can. --- I agree. , we should keep in touch with them more often. A. Such as B. So far C. As usual D. Above all 三、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项。 An Indian mum lost parts of her two legs during a tornado ( 龙卷风). She saved her children’s lives by protecting them with her own body. 36-year-old Stephanie Decker said in a(n) 26 that she picked up her two children early from school when a big storm was coming near. They were in the family’s underground room when the storm 27 . “I have never seen such a strong wind before,” Decker said. “As soon as the glass broke, the whole house started 28 .” Decker made a quick decision to save her children, 29 them. them up in a blanket and throwing herself on top of “Everything started crashing into my 30 ,” she said. “My children were screaming, ‘Mummy, I can’t live without you, please don’t let me die.’ And I said, We’re not going to die, we are going to make it.’” 31 , her children were safe from the storm completely unharmed. Decker lost one leg above the knee and the other above the ankle. “When I looked down at my legs, I 32 that something more terrible would happen, what had happened. I was afraid 33 I took my phone and made a video to my husband.” Decker said. “I prayed to survive, that I want these kids to have a mum and I did not want them to grow up without me”. Her prayers ( 祈 祷 ) were 34 by a neighbour. He ran for help and found an officer travelling in a car. The officer used tourniquets (止血带) to stop her blood loss. “It was pretty amazing my wife was able to survive. My children are here because of her,” Stephanie’s husband Joe told the reporter. “I let her know that nothing else is 35 . She’s going to be here for our kids, and she gets to see them grow up.” 26. A. interview B. guide C. play D. speech 27. A. dropped B. rushed C. hit D. blew 28. A. bumping B. moving C. beating D. pushing 29. A. dressing B. giving C. putting D. tying 30. A. face B. head C. back D. neck 31. A. Suddenly B. Mostly C. Exactly D. Luckily 32. A. realized B. believed C. remembered D. wondered 33. A. and B. so C. but D. as 34. A. answered B. allowed C. missed D. expected 35. A. serious B. difficult C. impossible D. important 四、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A 36. Cities to visit is Ryana has just finished her

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