期末基础知识专练 Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示填写单词。 1.I don't have any time. Can we talk about it___________(以后)? 2.There are lots of_________________(老鼠)in that old house. 3.Let's go___________(越过)the river by boat. 4.Where is Mike? I can't find ______________他). 5. The man spent a long time______________(写)the book. 6.—Now many people from other countries are learning Chinese. —That's for sure. But it's a really difficult l___________. 7.It is s____________ today.And everything is white outside. 8.His parents e___________reading books on the weekend. 9.Sandy is an excellent student and she studies very h___________ . 10.—Could you tell me the w v_____________ to the hospital?—Sorry,I am new here. Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 11. Last year,his uncle______________(grow)a lot of vegetables on the farm. 12. Turn right at the second crossing,and you can find the bank___________(easy). 13. There are a lot of beautiful___________(beach) in this country. 14.As a______________(sing),she practices singing for two hours every day. 15.一 Where is Carol?___________(talk) with a guide over there. 一 Oh,she is ____________. 16.His little son like___________(rain) days very much because he can play with water. 17.Mary _______________(feed) her pet dog about two hours ago. 18. They are brothers,but they see things ___________(different). 19.I think I am___________________(luck)because I have a happy family. 20.Lots of young people go many___________(farm)in the village to town to work,so there aren't now. Ⅲ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 Anything describe warm by skate tonight free visit really another 21.Mr. Miller is very busy with his work,but he___________his parents every weekend. 22. You don't need to pay for the hamburger,because it is___________for you. 23.I don't think this dress is beautiful.Can you get me___________,one? 24.In the photo,Joe sits______________ his mother,looking very happy. 25.I must go to sleep early_____________,because I have a math test tomorrow morning. 26.Anna opened the bag but she didn't find______________in it. 27.-Can you___________your friend to me? —Sure.He is tall and heavy. 28.Put on your sweater.It can keep you___________. 29.That is not a___________dog. It is only a model. 30.—What about going _______________ this Sunday? —Sounds like a good idea. Ⅳ,根据句意及汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空,每空一词。 31. The children were so afraid that they all___________ ___________ (跑开). 32.___________ ___________ ___________ ( 最 后 ) , they had to stay in a hotel near here. 33.Mrs.Brown's son is___________ ___________ (吹灭) the candles on the cake now. 34.Scott is from Boston and he is___________ ___________ (度假)in Shanghai. 35. Her new house is___________ ___________ (在……对面)the zo00. 36. The artist has to fly___________ ___________ ___________ (世界各地)every year. 37. Julie is not at home. Can I ___________ ___________ ___________ ___ ( 捎 口 信)for her? 38. Mr. Smith's son is very good at___________ ___________ ___________ ( 放 风 筝). 39.This morning Paul went to the park___________ ___________ (乘地铁). 40. We learned to___________ ___________ ___________ (给奶牛挤奶) on the farm today. V.根据上句完成下句,使两句意思相同或相近,每空一词。 41. Our school has seven classes every day. ___________ ___________ seven classes in our school every day. 42.I'm very busy and I can't go boating with you. I'm___________ __busy ___________ I can't go boating with you. 43.It took her an hour to practice the piano yesterday. She___________ an hour___________ the piano yesterday. 44.After the hard work,Mr.Zhang felt kind of tired. After the hard work,Mr.Zhang felt___________ ____________ tired. 45.The post office is near the radio station. The post office is not___________ ___________ the radio station. 46.How's the weather in Beijing now? ___________ the weather___________ in Beijing now? 47.Tina,what's the age of your cousin Jeff? Tina,___________ ___________ is your cousin Jeff? 48.The big restaurant is behind the train station. The train station is___________ ___________ ___________ the big restaurant. 49.Sally is not tall or short and she has long hair. Sally is___________ ___________ ___________ and she has long hair. 50.What's your favorite place in your neighborhood? What place do you___________ ___________ in your neighborhood? 期末基础知识专练 I.1.later 2.mice 3.across 4.him 5.writing 6.language 7.snowy 8.enjoy 9.hard 10.way Ⅱ.11.grew 12.easily 13.beaches 14.singer 15.talking 16.rainy 17.fed 18.differently 19.lucky 20.farmers Ⅲ.21. visits 22.free 23.another 24.by 25.tonight 26.anything 27.des

doc文档 2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语下册期末基础知识专练

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