被动语态 一、单项选择 1.Last month Tencent Meeting(腾讯会议) ________ to study by us at home. A.is used B.used C.was used D.was using 2.Hainan Island ________ to be a good place for sightseeing today. A.knows B.knew C.is known D.was known 3.—I’m a bit forgetful and I’m afraid I will forget the meeting time. —Don’t be worried. You _________ of the time before it. A.will remind B.are reminded C.were reminded D.will be reminded 4.It is reported that a total of 107 vaccination (疫苗) centers _________ in Nantong nowadays. A.build B.built C.were built D.have been built 5.—Tina, why do you look so upset? —The electricity was cut off suddenly and my homework ________ unfinished since then. A.was left B.has left C.had been left D.has been left 6.The magazines ________ out of the library. It’s a rule. A.mustn’t take B.won’t take C.can’t be taken D.needn’t be taken 7.—This math problem ________ in half an hour. —Don’t worry. Mr. Wang is good at math. He can make it. A.is working out B.will work out C.should be worked out D.was worked out 8.The old man _________ after. A.needs looking B.need to look C.needs look 9.Something ________ if we have the party next week. A.happens B.is happened C.will happen D.will be C.repaired D.being repaired C.didn’t allow D.wasn’t allowed happened 10.She said that her bicycle needed ________. A.to repair B.repairing 11.—Let’s eat some snacks. —Better not. Eating ________ in the library. A.doesn’t allow B.isn’t allowed 12.Teenagers should ________ to do some social work for their community. A.encourage B.encouraged C.be encouraged D.have encouraged 13.A lot of red lanterns ________ often ________ along the street before the Spring Festival. A.are;hanging B.are;hung C.were;hung D.will be;hung 14.The second lesson of “Tiangong Classroom” ________ on March 23rd, 2022 in China Space Station by astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu of Shenzhou XIII. A.gave B.has been given C.was given D.gives 15.—Peter got seriously ________ in the car accident last week. —Yes, he did. And he is ________ in the hospital now. A.was hurt; taken good care B.was hurt; taken good care of C.hurt; being taken good care of D.hurt; taken good care 16.The 19th Asian Games ________ from September 10 to 25, 2022 in Hangzhou. A.will hold B.will be held C.held D.were held 17.Lily usually ________ after school. Look! She ________ on the playground now. A.is running; is running B.runs;is running C.is running; runs 18.—Who is that little girl in the photo, Anna? —Oh, it’s me! It ________ when I was five years old. A.took B.was taken C.takes D.was taking 19.Three astronauts _________ into outer space by the Shenzhou 13 manned spaceship on Oct 16, 2021. A.sends B.sent C.were sent D.are sending 20.A lot of new roads ________ in the countryside in China in 2018. A.is built B.are built C.was built D.were built 21.All students _______ to take their temperatures when they enter the school. A.is asked B.are asked C.ask 22.When ________ the telephone ________? A.did;invent B.was;invented C.were;invented D.do;invented 23.Daming uses cormorants to catch fish. No nets ________ for this type of fishing. A.required B.are required C.require D.will required 24.The Yellow River ________ flood large areas, but now its water is used to ________ electricity. A.was used to; producing produce B.used to; produce C.was used to; D.used to; product 25.Chinese ________ by more and more people in the world. A.speaks B.is spoken C.is speaking 二、根据汉语提示填空 26.—Celina, do you like this dress? —Of course. It seems that it is specially ________ for me. (设计) 27.Nothing was ________ (提供) for them at first, so they didn’t know how to start. 28.More teenagers are _________ (鼓励) to join in the ice and snow sports by Gu Ailing. 29.UNICEF helps build a better world for everyone. It ________(建立)in Europe in 1946. 30.The novel was ________(写)for the children in the war between Japan and another country. 31.The students were ________(分开)into five groups before doing experiments. 32.Taizhou and Changzhou ________(分离)by the Yangtze River, and a new bridge will connect the two cities in the near future. 33.Nowadays people who smoke in public places will be ________(处罚). 34.The result of the speech competition won’t be ________ (宣布) until tomorrow. 35.The19th Asian Games will be ________(举办)in September this year in Hangzhou. 36.David was lucky. He was ______ (挑选) to be captain of the sch

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