2021-2022 学年八下 Unit7 International charities 单元测试卷 一、单项填空 (   )1. --- you to Jim's birthday party last night? --- Yes, I was. But I was too busy to be there. A. Did; invited B. Were; invite C. Was; invited D. Were; invited (   )2. The World Cup _________ every four years. Football fans are all looking forward to it this summer. A. takes place B. is taken place C. has taken place D. is taking place (   )3. These children are _________ from the city. A. mostly B. most C. mainly D. main (   )4. It's our duty to take action to _________ down trees and forests. A. keep people from cutting B. prevent people cutting C. stop people cutting D. all of the above (   )5. She _________ connect the keyboard so that we could use the computer. A. told to B. was told to C. made D. was made (   )6. If he has _________ , he will _________ his research. A. time enough; carry on out B. enough time; carry on with C. enough time; carry with on D. time enough; carry with (   )7. -- Yes, so I always go to sleep with my bedroom lights _________ . A. worry; on B. worried; off C. afraid; on D. fear; off (   )8. Smartphones can be used to _________ for information. But I am not used to information on such a small screen. A. search; reading B. searching; reading C. search; read D. searching; read (   )9. The poor woman _________ that the company couldn’t afford _________ her work in the end. She couldn't believe her ears. A. told; paying for B. was told; paying C. told; to pay (   )10. Many topics D. was told; to pay for in the course. food and drinks, travel and hotels. A. cover; include B. are covered; including C. covers; including D. are covered; include 二、完形填空 Charity walks are a great way for a charity to raise money. The charity organizes a time and place for people to meet and decides 1 the walk will be. Most charity walks are 2 20 and 30 kilometres long, but some can be as long as 1,000 kilometres. The charity often advertises the 3 on television, radio and also in local newspapers so that lots of people can take part in the walk. The charity 4 money through the people's walking in the event. Each person asks his or her friends to sponsor( 赞助) him or her and then 5 the money from them when they finish the walk. 6 , a person might ask his or her friends to give 5 yuan for every kilometre that he or she walks. This is a good way for people to raise money, if they are not very healthy and wonder if they 7 finish the route. There are lots of different charities in today's world, so it is important for a charity to remind(提 醒 ) people about 8 they do. Even though(( 即 使 ) people might see a charity's logo( 标 识 ) often, having a charity walk is a great 9 to remind them about it. When people know what the charity is raising money for, they will donate some money. In this way, neat time those people feel generous, they may decide to give their money to the charity, 10 a different one. (   )1. A. how long B. how soon C. how often. (   )2. A. either B. both C. among (   )3. A. game B. sport C. walk (   )4. A. runs B. raises C. holds (   )5. A. borrows B. gives (   )6. A. But B. Such as (   )7. A. must B. can (   )8. A. what B. how (   )9. A. problem (   )10. A. while B. way B. instead of D. how much D. between D. idea D. asks C. collects D. makes C. To tell the truth C. need C. where C. road C. but D. For example D. should D. why D. hope D. without 三、阅读理解 A It was the Greek shopkeeper who taught me about the power of being kind. In 2008 I left Spain to study alone in London. My parents had to bring up my three younger sisters and two younger brothers, so I found three part-time jobs to pay for my studies. I worked early mornings and late nights, so I was tired, really tired, all the time. Unfortunately, I got a cold and had a very high fever. Because I had spent all my free time working since I came to London. I hardly took part in any activities and I had no friends. Besides, I was too shy to communicate with others and ask others for help. Alter sleeping on the sickbed for two days, I went out to get some food. Normally, I went to the supermarket, but this time I went into the Greek shop, a small corner shop, because it was closer. I picked up some food and gave it to the shopkeeper, who asked me, "You look terrible, my boy! You are not feeling well, right? " I said "Yes" in a low voice. She pointed at the salami(腊肠) and bread I bought and offered, "I can make you a sandw

doc文档 Unit7 International charities 单元测试卷2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级下册

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