人教版新目标七年级英语 Unit 8 介词 专项练习 一、选择填空 1.—Where is the park? —It's________Bridge Street. A.for B.at C.on D.with 2.There isn't a shop________here. A.in B.near C.from D.on 3.I can walk ________ you to the bank. A.of B.with C.for D.on 4.The library is ________ the post office and the supermarket. A.in B.across C.between D.at 5.There is a big tree ________ my house. A.in front B.in front of C.front of D.in the front of 6.—Look!A blind(盲的)man is in the middle of the street.It's too dangerous. —Let's help him go ____ the street. A.cross B.through C.across D.along 7.You can wait for me ________ the crossing. A.on B.in C.after D.at 8.Go down the street and the library is ________ your left. A.in B.at C.from D.on 9.A pen is on the right of a ruler.The ruler is on the right of an eraser.That is to say,the ruler is ____ them. A.in front of B.across from C.under D.between 10.Look!Your father and mother are taking a walk ________ the street. A.along B.over C.under D.about 11.There is a desk ____ the classroom. A.in front of B.in the front of C.behind D.across from 12.She spends all day sitting ____ her computer. A.on B.in C.in front of D.in the front of 13. Anna is taller than me. She sits ______ me in the classroom. A. between C. behind B. from D. among 14 Now we are standing at Qingnian Square. ________ the square is a bank. A. In B. Across C. Across from D. From 15. Take a walk ________ the center of the town on Main Street. You can experience the unique culture of the town. A. through C. in B. across D. over 16. —Where’s Sunshine Hotel? —_______ A. Yes, it is. B. On Center Street. C. It’s very good. D. Thank you. 17. — Mom, look at all the clothes I bought online. — Again? You shouldn’t spend so much money ________ clothes. A. in C. on B. for D. with 18. The little boy hid himself ________ the door to give his sister a surprise. A. behind B. above C. across D. under 19. — Is the supermarket far ______ your school? —No, it’s next ______ our school. A. from; from C. from; to B. to; to D. to; from 20.—Where's the Center Park? —It's ________ Long Street,________ the right. A.at;in B.at;on C.on;on D.on;in 二、用适当的介词填空 1.The bank is across _________the library. 2.The hospital is _______Center Street. 3.Mike sits ________front of me. 4.The hotel is next ______the restaurant. 5.—Is the pay phone ____________the post office and the library? —Yes,it is. 6.There are some cars ___ Bridge Street. 7.The bank is next ___ the restaurant. 8.There is a park ___ front of my house. 9.Look!A pencil box is ___ her desk. 10.The library is across ______ my school. 三、填入恰当的单词完成对话,每空一词 1.—Where's the hotel? —It's _____ __ the bank. 2.—Where's the school? —It's ________ the library _____ the post office. 3.—Where's the park? —It's _______ the school and the post office. 4.—Where's the store? —It's _________ ______ the library. 5.—Where's the library? —It's __ ____ __ the market. 四、从方框中选择合适的词或短语完成句子 on around between from on weekend next to in the neighborhood 1.The post office is across ________the bookshop. 2.My school is ________Bridge Street. 3.Is there a hotel __________here? 4.The pay phone is _______________the bank. 5.The park is ____________the restaurant and the supermarket. 6.I often play games with my brother ______________. 7.—I hear a man from the US lives _______________________. —Yes.He's my English teacher. 参考答案 一、选择填空 1-5CBBCB 6-10CDDDA 11-15BCCCA 16-20BCACC 二、用适当的介词填空 1.from 2.on 3.in 4.to 5.between 6.on 7.to 8.in 9.on 10.from 三、填入恰当的单词完成对话,每空一词 1.next to 2.between,and 3.behind 4.across from 5.in front of 四、从方框中选择合适的词或短语完成句子 1.from 2.on 3.around 4.next_to 5.between 6.on weekends 7.in the neighborhood

doc文档 Unit 8 介词专项练习 2021-2022学年人教版新目标英语七年级下册

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