牛津译林版七年级上册 U1-U4 期中重难点提优 一 单项选择 ( )1.My brother likes to play _______ football before _____ supper. A.a;the B./;the C.the; / D./; / ( )2.— She loves ______at home ______ some reading on Sunday. A.stays , doing B.staying, to read C. staying, reading D. stays, to read ( )3. ---__________ you free this afternoon? ---Sorry, I __________ have any free time. A. Are; am not B. Do; don't C. Are; don't D. Do; am not ( )4. It is fun ______ table tennis with friends after school. A. playing B. to play C. plays D. play ( )5. He goes to school by bus, but __________ after school. A. walk home B. walks to home C. on foot home D. walks home ( )6. ---What __________ your mother __________ ? ---She's beautiful with bright(明亮的)eyes and long hair. A. is; look like B. does; like C. does; look like D. are; like ( )7. Who is the boy _________a blue coat? I want to play with him. A. in B. wears C. with D. be in ( )8. —Is your name Millie? — __________. A. Yes. I’m. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, it’s. D. Yes, it is. ( )9. ____________ are in the same class. A. Jim, you and I B. Jim, you and me C. You, Jim and I D. I, Jim and you ( )10. My classmates ___________ me. A. like all B. are all like C. all like D. all are like ( )11. students can work out the maths problem because it's too difficult. A. Little B. A little C. Few D. A few ( )12.does he go to the Reading Club? -Three times a week. A. How often B. How many times C. How long D. How far ( )13. I hope to my birthday party. A. you to come B. you coming C. you can come D. to come ( )14.I can play table tennis very________,but my sister isn't________at it at all. A.good; good B.well; well C.good; well D.well;good ( )15.﹣Who is the student on the playground? ﹣Andy._________ often takes a walk with ________. A.He; me B.She;me C.He;she D.She; I ( )16.The Spring Festival is January or February. It's often cold this time of year. But people in China are all happy that day. A.in;on;at B.at;in;on C.in;at;on D.on;at;in ( )17.—The girl can_________ Japanese.How amazing! —Can she ________ the fruit in it? A.speak;talk B.say;speak C.say;tell D.speak;say ( )18.﹣The reading room from 9 a.m.to 5 p.m. ﹣It's 4 p.m.now,but the door . A.is open;is closed B.closes;opens C.opens;is open D.is open;close ( )19.________ English stories _______ a lot of fun. A.Reading,are B.Reading,is C.Read,are D.Read,is ( )20.—Let's enjoy the _______ in the garden. —Great.And we can listen to the story of Chang'e. A.full moon B.red packets C.lion dance D.Chinese New Year Gala 二、完形填空。 Venice(威尼斯)is the "Queen"of the Adriatic Sea.Every year many people from all over the world (1)    the city.Do you know why they like to(2)    there? Venice is a very beautiful city.It is quite different from (3)    cities in the world.There aren't any ( 4 )     or streets in the city.So there aren't ( 5 )     cars or buses. ( 6 ) there are many canals ( 运 河 ) in the city.There is one big canal and 177 ( 7 ) canals.People move up and down the canals in (8)    to go to work,go shopping or visit their friends. But Venice is sinking(下沉).It is going down and the water is going(9)   .In 2040 Venice will be under water.The Adriatic Sea will cover(覆盖)the city.The Venetians love their city and want to ( 10 )     there.They ( 11 )     want to leave.So they want to ( 12 ) Venice from the sea. ( 13 )     can they do that ? They can build some strong big ( 14 ) and gates in the sea.The gates will (15)    to keep too much water out.In this way Venice will not sink. ( )1. A.leave B.visit C.change D.live ( )2. A.shop B.meet C.chat D.travel ( )3. A.another B.the others C.others D.other ( )4. A.rivers B.shops C.hills D.roads ( )5. A.some B.any C.much D.each ( )6. A.But B.Because C.So D.And ( )7. A.small B.large C.short D.long ( )8. A.cars B.boats C.buses D.trains ( )9. A.up B.down C.on D.out ( )10. A.get B.clean C.stay D.leave ( )11. A.aren't B.doesn't C.can't D.don't ( )12. A.keep B.make C.save D.enjoy ( )13. A.Why B.When C.What D.How ( )14. A.walls B.houses C.windows D.gardens ( )15. A.open B.close C.opened D.closed 三、阅读理解。 A YOGA CLUB Membership:35442 Name:Jenny Brown Age:21 Nationality:American Tel:2884602 Address:25 Westlake Street Dublin Membership:31668 Name:John Smith Age:23 Nationality:Canadian Tel:2864208 Address:34 Arctic Avenue.Dublin ( )1.What's the girl's family name? A.Jenny B.Smith C.John D.Brown ( )2.Where does Jenny come from? A.She comes from Canada. B.She comes from Brazil. C.She comes f

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