七年级上册英语 Unit5 基础知识(词汇+语法+句型)测试卷 一、根据句意及首字母提示写出单词 1. She has o one dictionary, but I have two. 2. Mr and Mrs Green h two children. One is a daughter, the other is a son. 3. My brother and I p sports every morning. 4. The math question is very d . I don't like it. 5. There are many s clubs: baseball, ping-pong and more . 6. I don't have a basketball, but I have a (排球). 7. My brother has a (足球)ball. 8. Hurry up(快点)! We are (晚的). 9. Let's (观看) the game on TV. 10. -Let's play ping-pong. -Great. That sounds (令人放松的). 11. Mike and Ben are both in Class 2, Grade 7, so they're c . 12. We have the s hobby(业余爱好). We all like reading. 13.She wants to have a cup of coffee w milk in it. 14. The movie is so b that I want to sleep(睡觉). 15. Come on! Don't be l for class. 16. That s great. 17. She stays at home and w TV every day. 18. My favorite(最喜欢的) s swimming. 19. Do you want to play basketball w me? 20. Lucy thinks playing soccer isn’t (容易的) for girls. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.I have a blue jacket and my sister (have) a purple one. 2.My father doesn’t let me (play) computer games on schooldays. 3. Mike’s friends gave him two (volleyball) as birthday gifts (礼物). 4.The song (sound) very great and I like it very much. 5.Cindy (go) to school by bus, but I walk there. 6. Let me (get) the jacket for you. 7. I have three (baseball). 8. Please take (they)to your English teacher. 9. I have two baseball (hat). 10. I like (sport), and I like to watch them on TV. 11. My cousin (love)dogs. 12. They (not) have volleyballs. 13. Bill's father (have)two telephone numbers. 14. Let (we)watch TV this evening. 15. Where (be)our ping-pong bats? 16. you (have)a tennis ball? 17. your cousin (play) ping-pong? 18. I have ten ping-pong (bat) and seven (volleyball). 19. Allan (not have)a brother. 20. His name (sound)fun. 21. Can you (bring )your picture here? 22. That sounds (well). 23. Sonia (watch)TV in the morning. 24. I have many ( friend )here 25. I have only one (watch). 三、句型转换 1. Does Helen have a dictionary?(作肯定回答) Yes, . 2. Do you have a soccer ball?(作否定回答) No, . 3. I have two brothers.(改为否定句) I two brothers. 4. Linda has a ping pong bat.(改为一般疑问句) Linda a ping pong bat? 5. Does they have English books?(用 he 作主语改写句子) have English books? 6. His cousin has a soccer ball(改为否定句) His cousin a soccer ball. 7. They have some good friends.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) any good friends? -Yes, . 8. My baseball is on the chair.(对画线部分提问) your baseball? 9. Linda plays ping- pong every morning.(改为一般疑问句) Linda ping-pong every morning? 10. He has a nice CD.(改为复数句子) nice . 11. I have three volleyballs.(对画线部分提问) you have? 12. We play basketball.(改为祈使句) Basketball. 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.我们每天晚上看电视。 We every evening. 2.英语对我来说太难了。 English is too me. 3.我仅在电视上看它们。 I only them TV. 4.他每天放学后打篮球。 He every day. 5.我有一个足球,但是我不喜欢踢足球。 I a soccer ball, I to play soccer. 6.咱们去打篮球吧! Basketball. 7.这个主意听起来不错。 The idea . 8.我喜欢在晚上看电视。 I like to in the evening. 9.我的朋友们每天都做运动。 My friends every day 10.我常常课后去图书馆。 I often go to the library . 五、根据短文内容,在空白处填入适当的一个单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 I'm Frank Brown.My brother and 1. ( me) are in 2. same school.We like soccer.I don't 3. (have) a soccer,but my brother 4. (do).We always play it 5. our friends after school.We think it is 6. (relax) . I have a friend , Gina.She 7. (love) sports,8. she doesn't play 9. ( they ) . She only watches them 10. TV. 参考答案 一、1. only 2. have 3. play 4. difficult 5. sports 6. volleyball 7. soccer 8. late 9. watch 10. relaxing 11.classmates 12.same 13.with 14.boring 15.late 16. sounds 17. watches 18. sport 19. with 20. easy 二、1.has 2.play 3.volleyballs 4.sounds 5.goes 6. get 7.baseballs 8. them 9. bats 10. sports 11. loves 12.don't 13. has 14. us 15. are 16. Do; have 17. Does; play 18. bats; volleyballs 19. doesn't have 20. sounds 21. bring 22.good 23.watches 24. friends 25. watch 三、1.she does 2.I don’t 3.don’t have 4.Does; have 5.Does he 6. doesn't have 7. Do they have; they do 8.Where is 9. Does; play 10. have; CD 11. How many volleyballs do 12. Let's play 四、1. watch TV 2. difficult for 3. watch; on 4. plays basketball after school 5.have; but; don't like 6.Let’s play 7. sounds good 8. watch TV 9.play sports 10. after class 五、1. I 2. the 3. have 4. does 5.with 6. relaxing 7.loves 8. but 9.them 10.on

docx文档 Unit5基础知识(词汇+语法+句型)测试卷 2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级上册

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Unit5基础知识(词汇+语法+句型)测试卷 2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级上册 第 1 页 Unit5基础知识(词汇+语法+句型)测试卷 2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级上册 第 2 页 Unit5基础知识(词汇+语法+句型)测试卷 2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级上册 第 3 页
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