2021-2022 学年浙江省宁波市北仑区精准联盟八年级(下)期 中英语试卷 (附答案与解析) 一、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握大意。然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选 项。 1.(15 分)A man was walking through the woods with his axe (斧头) when a small tree called to him.It is said,"Hello,my friend.Can you(1)    those bigger trees?They stop me from getting the sun.It is so(2)    here that I have no room to grow my roots.I can't feel the wind." The little tree held out its small(3)   .It looked so sad.Then it(4)   , "If those trees were gone , I'd be able to grow.A year from now , I'd be the biggest tree here. (5)     for now,I'm just a small tree." The man thought for some time and (6)   .He walked over to the bigger trees and started cutting them down.He cleared lots of space(7)    the small tree.Now it could be able to(8)    the sun and wind.It would grow bigger and become the biggest tree in that area. But something else happened.The(9)    came first,burning the small tree,which wasn't used to so much sunlight.Then heavy wind and rain came ﹣﹣without the bigger trees(10)    it,the small tree was hit by the(11)   .Soon,the tree was nearly dead. "You've been quite(12)   ," said a snake that saw what had happened,looking at the poor tree and its small leaves."In fact,you brought this on(13)  the bigger trees,the sun and rainstorm won't hurt you (14)   .If you stay with  .They will protect you instead.If you just wait longer,you will grow to be just as big as them and you will be(15) .But now,you are nearly gone." (1)A.get down B.take down C.cut down D.fall down (2)A.empty B.dangerous C.usual D.crowded (3)A.hands B.arms C.leaves D.fruits (4)A.cried B.asked C.sang D.cheered (5)A.And B.As C.So D.But (6)A.understood B.agreed C.realized D.left (7)A.around B.to C.after D.in (8)A.push B.feel C.accept D.change (9)A.sun B.star C.snow D.moon (10)A.to protect B.protected C.protecting D.protect (11)A.rainstorm B.sandstorm C.flood D.earthquake (12)A.nervous B.silly C.excited D.clever (13)A.ourselves B.itself C.himself D.yourself (14)A.quietly B.seriously C.truly D.slowly (15)A.fair B.wrong C.strong D.glad 二、阅读理解 阅读下而材料。从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项. 2.(6 分) Volunteer Wanted The after﹣school reading program The children's hospital Time:14:00﹣17:00 on Sunday Time:9:00﹣17:00 on the weekend Things to do:read books to students Things to do:clean up wards (病房) and You need to:be good at teaching cheer kids up Tel:678﹣9868 You need to:be good at telling stories Tel:678﹣8966 The food bank The city park Time:10:30﹣14:30 on Tuesday Time:13:30﹣16:30 on Friday Things to do : collect food from restaurants Things to do:pick up rubbish and give out food to homeless people You need to:bring rubbish bags Tel:678﹣9686 You need to:be healthy and strong Tel:678﹣8689 (1)How long do volunteers need to work in the after﹣school reading program?     A.2 hours. B.3 hours. C.4 hours. D.5 hours. (2)You need to     in the food bank. A.be good at teaching B.be good at telling stories C.bring rubbish bags D.be healthy and strong (3)If Bob wants to volunteer in the city park,he should    . A.have time on Friday B.read books to students C.give out food to people D.call 678﹣8966 3.(8 分)Amy's school needed to raise money to buy more computers.Amy knew that many of her classmates' families were from different countries all over the world.They had many special traditions,spoke many different languages and ate many different kinds of foods. Amy had a good idea!She suggested that every student should bring their favorite dishes and hold a dinner party together.She knew the students would be glad to pay money in order to try foods from all over the world. "That's a great idea," Amy's teacher said "let's have a big dinner" Amy brought her favorite meal,chicken and noodles.Her friend Amina was from Brazil.Her family brought some beef and curry.Brian was from Japan and he brought sushi and fish.Kevin,from China brought a roast duck and some dumplings :Jessica was a vegetarian from Canada and she brought a meal with no meat.Her mother made some vegetable soup and fruit salad. The dinner party was a great success .Everyone enjoyed seeing,smelling and tasting foods from so many different cultures. (1)Amy's school raises money to    . A.help poor children B.buy some computers C.hold a party D.eat some food (2)What food does Jessica NOT eat?     A.Beef. B.Rice. C.Fruit. D.Vegetables. (3)How might the students feel at the end of the story?     A.Tired. B.Happy. C.Bored.

doc文档 浙江省宁波市北仑区精准联盟2021-2022学年八年级下学期期中英语试卷

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