北师大版英语必修 1U1 Life Choices Lesson-1 Lifestyles Warming-up Talk about your new school life. Use the cues to help you. What is it like? Is it different from your previous one? In what ways is it different? Your New School Life How do you feel about it and why? What is your plan for the new school life? Warming-up Use the language you learnt to talk about your new life in senior secondary school. E T O U &UNQ E T O U Q There is no substitute for hard work. To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield. --- Alfred Tennyson --- Thomas A. Edison Quietude promotes learning, frugality cultivates virtue. One can't show high ideals without simple living; one can't have lofty aspirations without a peaceful state of mind --- Zhuge Liang The best way to find yourself is to lose myself in the service of others. --- Mahatma Gandhi Lead-in Discuss the topic in groups and then choose one to express with the following sentences. I'm a new senior secondary school student. My new school life is very________. What is also very different now is that students can_____. I feel excited because this school_____. In the next three years, I hope I will_______. Pre-reading 创原家独 What activities are a big part of your life? Use the phrases to help you. 网 科  to chat with friends online 学  to play sports  to read books  to surf the Internet  to play computer games  to find information in a  to do voluntary work search engine  ...  to do school work  to go running Surfing the Internet is definitely a big part of my life. Pre-reading Look at the photos (a-b) and guess what kind of lifestyles do you think these students have? al t i g i d He's a e. nativ I’m Joe, a student from London. You’ll often find me sitting in front of my laptop. og a s Sh e ' r. e t t e g I’m Li Ying. I like to set goals for myself. I’m a “go-getter” — when I set out to do something, I give it my all to achieve it. Fast-reading Read the passages about the two students quickly and answer the following questions.  What does he do online?  Why does he like to shop online?  How does he contact I’m Joe, a student from London. You’ll often find me sitting in front of my laptop. friends?  What are his parents worried about?  What does he think about his mother's advice?  What does she do at the beginning of each term?  What is her biggest target?  What are her reading habits?  What does she do besides studying?  How does she use her time well? I’m Li Ying. I like to set goals for myself. I’m a “go-getter” — when I set out to do something, I give it my all to achieve it. Careful-reading Read the passages again and list the POSITIVE and NEGATIVE aspects of Joy and Li Ying. P Joy N P Li N Ying What suggestions would you like to give them to improve their lifestyles? Careful-reading Use the following information to explain “digital native” and “go-getter”. 创原家独 网 Digital 科 Native 学  chat with friends online  play computer games  read news online  shop online ... Go-getter  study with a clear goal  be attentive in what they do  make every day count  manage time smartly ... Post-reading Read Joe's introduction and complete the structure of the text. Paragraph 1 General and brief introduction. Paragraph 2 He dose a wide range of things online and gives us details. Paragraph 3 The worries from his parents and his awareness of using Internet. Post-reading 创原家独 Complete the following text using the words given. 网 in fact because also for example 科 Joe is a “digital native”. He does lots of things online, 1__________ for example 学 , chatting with his friends. Joe’s parents are worried that he may become an “Internet addict”, 2 __________ he plays computer games because all the time and chats also too much with online friends. They are 3 __________ worried that he may In factnot be able to tell whether these friends are real friends. 4 ___________ , Joe knows he should spend more time enjoying real life. Post-reading Read the sentences and underline the infinitives (动词不定式) . Do the infinitives function as subject (主语) , object (宾语) , predicative (表语) , attribute (定语) , adverbial (状语) or complement (补语) ? 1. My mum keeps telling me to go out with my school friends instead. 宾语 2. It’s important to meet friends in person from time to time, not just on social media. 状语 3. When I set out to do something, I give it my all to achieve it. 4. My biggest target is to prepare myself for my degree in sci

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