2022 成都中考英语预测卷精品 选择填空。 ( ) 31. Looking up the dictionary is ________ useful way when you meet a new word. A. an B. a C. the ( ) 32. When people step into a new situation, they usually have to give a short ________ in order to let others know them quickly. A. examination B. suggestion C. introduction ( ) 33. In Jenny’s eyes, giving is much more important than ________, so she always tries her best to help people in need. A. spending B. receiving C. caring ( ) 34. Thanks for being ________ supported, all the preparations for Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games are going well. A. widely B. nearly C. normally ( ) 35. People are ________ to wear masks when they appear in the public places in order to keep safe during COVID-19 pandemic. A. allowed B. discovered C. supposed ( ) 36. By the end of the last year, there ________ five new subway lines running in Chengdu including the self-driving Line 9. A. had been B. were C. have been ( ) 37. ---The great popularity of the blind boxes this year must be their nice appearance. ---Maybe. But I think the excitement of being surprised is ________. However, we’d spend smartly. A. important B. more important C. the most important ( ) 38. ---Linda, I think you should choose your smart clothes ________ are proper for today’s formal meeting. ---Great! I will have a try. A. what B. whose C. that ( ) 39. Nobody is perfect ________ the imperfect parts, life isn’t complete. A. With B. Without C. Besides ( ) 40. ---I saw Wang Ming studying in the library half an hour ago. Could you tell me ________ now? ---Oh, yes, he is still there. A. what he is studying for B. who he is studying with C. whether he is there 完形填空。阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可 以填入空白处的最佳答案。 A Have you ever heard of Diwali ? It is also known as the festival of 46 . It is traditional to light up your house with candles and small oil lamps on Diwali . Diwali is one of my favorite festivals that my family take part in ( 参加 ). It is always 47 that everyone takes part in it . For years I watched as 48 and friends travelled from work , home and university to make sure they were home in time . We spend most of the day cleaning and decorating (装饰) the house 49 the evening party begins . The evening party is a good chance ( 机 会 ) for family and friends to get together , enjoy some delicious dishes and dance the night away . The house becomes a place 50 laughter and music . 46.A. light B . desserts C . presents 47.A. possible B . interesting C . important 48.A. strangers B . relatives C . neighbors 49.A. before 50.A. made of B . after B . short of C . when C . full of B Once, there lived a deer. He ____51____ other animals very well. Even the lion respected him very much. One day, a group of traders lost their way in the forest. They didn’t know what to do, feeling so ____52____. When they looked up, they saw the deer standing by. The deer told them to follow him. They had nothing to lose, so they followed him. The deer led them out and walked back into the forest. What the deer did ____53____ the leader of the traders a lot, he felt the king should know about it. The traders went to the king and told him about the wonderful deer and his kindness. The king did not listen to the words ____54____ the deer’s kind behavior. He just heard that they had found a wonderful deer. He decided to go and hunt the deer ____55____. When he went into the forest with his soldiers, they saw the deer ____56____ staying on the grass. The king looked at the deer and the long antlers and said, “None of you should shoot at him, that is ____57____ animal. His antlers will make the walls of my palace much more beautiful.” Saying this, he shot at the deer, the forest is not quiet any more. Luckily, the deer ran away. The king went deep into the forest to run after the deer again. Suddenly, he fell into the watering hole. He cried for help but nobody heard. Without a thought, the deer ran to him and ____58____ its strong antlers. The king was thankful and fell at the deer’s feet ____59____ ashamed (羞愧的) of himself. The deer let the king sit on his back and took him back to his city. To thank what the deer had done, the king invited the deer to his palace. As we can see, if we can learn to help our “____60____” when they’re helpless, we are sure to win friends for life. 51. A. knew about B. got along with C. looked up to 52. A. worried B. uncomfortable C. angry 53. A. recalled B. honored C. touched 54. A. influencing B. praising

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