Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum——Section A 2a2d 一、完成句子 1.他们过去常常在山里野营。 They used to________ ________in the mountains. 2.我爷爷有丰富的茶艺知识。 My grandpa has rich________ ________knowledge. 3.我不知道他是在家还是在办公室。 I don't know________ he is at home ________ at the office. 4.你以前听说过夜间野生动物园吗? Have you ever________ ________the Night Safari? 5.凯特,有几个女孩在等你。 Kate,there are________ ________ ________ ________waiting for you. 6.对我来说,—方面这是—个挑战,另—方面这是—个学习的机 会。 For me, ________ ________ ________ ________ it's a challenge,but ________ ________ ________ ________it's a chance to study. 二、选词填空 usual,perfect,collect,camera,rapid 1.They are________money for the homeless. 2.With the development of science and technology, people's life had a________ .change. 3.We can use these________to take photos in sunny or cloudy conditions. 4.It's________ for Sue to get so angry.She's always smiling. 5.Bob is interested in Chinese and he speaks________Chinese. 三、补全对话 A:Hi, Kate! ________ B:Oh,I've been to many places,such as Xi'an,Hangzhou,Shanghai and Tibet. A:________ B:Really?What places have you been to? A:Very few. I've only been to Pingyao. B:________ A:In Shanxi. It's a small place,but it has a long history. It's one of the oldest towns in China. There you can see a wellkept city wall. B:________I've just seen a lot of natural scenery,but not much old Chinese culture yet. A:________ A. You've been to more places than I have. B. Well,you'll have a lot of chances if you like. C. I've never seen such places in China. D. Where's that? E. What places have you been to in China? F. Have you ever been there before? G. When did you go there? 四、单项选择 ( )1. I ________ never ________ there before. A. have, been to B. have, been C. have, gone to D. have, gone ( )2. I have newer been _______. A. camping B. camp C. camped D. camps ( )3.—Where is Bill? —He ________ Sydney with his father. A. has gone to B. has been to C. have gone to D. have been to ( )4. The village is ________ the mountains. A. among B. between C. in the middle D. along ( )5. There are five ________ people in the city. A. million B. million of C. millions of D. millions ( )6. Have you ever ________ anything you didn’t want to say? A. say B. said C. saying D. say ( )7.—Where _______? —I have been looking for you everywhere. A. have you gone B. have you been go C. do you D. did you go ( )8.—Are the two answers right? —No, _______right. A. no one is neither is 五、阅读理解 B. both are C. none is D. One day a man went home and said to his wife, “I bought something for you.” “Thank you!” said his wife. “What have you bought for me?” “I’ve bought a gold ring (金戒). Here it is.” He took it out for his wife to see. Then he dropped it to the ground. He began to look for it on the ground, but it was dark in the house and he could not see anything. Then he went out and began to look for it in the street. Just then a friend came along. “What’s the matter with you?” asked his friend. “I am looking for my ring. I lost it just now.” said the man. “Where did you lose it?” “I lost it in my house.” “You lost your ring in your house, but you are looking for it in the street. How foolish it is!” “Ah,” said the man, “But it is dark in my house. I shall never find it there. Bet here in the street, it is much brighter, I can see everything.” ( )1. The man bought a ring for his ________ . A. son B. wife C. mother D. daughter ( )2. He lost his ring ________ . A. in the street B. in the house C. at house D. in street ( )3. _______ the man was looking for the ring, his friend came up. A. Before B. After C. When D. Because ( )4. Why did the man begin to look for the ring in the street? Because ________ . A. he lost it in the street B. it was much brighter in the street B. his friend came up D. he wanted someone to help him ( )5. The friend thought the man was _________ . A. clever B. bright C. interesting D. foolish 六、书面表达 假如你是你校校报英语专栏的小记者,上周日你参加了你校 组织的保护环境的主题活动。请你根据以下表格提示,给校报写— 篇报道。 参考词汇:演讲比赛 speech competition 参加 take part(in…) 要求:不少于 90 词,可适当发挥。 一、完成句子 1.go;camping 2.tea;art 3.whether;or 4. heard;of 5.a;couple;of;girls 6 .On;the;one;hand;on;the;other;hand 二、选词填空 1.collecting 2.rapid 3.cameras 4.unusual 5.perfect 三、补全对话 1-5:EADCB 四、单项选择 1—5 BAAAA 6—8 BBD 五、阅读理解 1—5 BBCBD 六、书面表达 One possible version: In order to encourage us to protect the environment , our school organized a theme activity in Yingze Park last Sunday.All the students and teachers in Grade 8 to

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