非谓语动词专练卷  分类练习 一、to do(不定式) 用法 做主语 做表语 意义及例句 表未完成:To learn a foreign language is not easy. 固定用法(it 做形式主语):It is not easy __________________ (learn) a foreign language. 表未完成:His ambition is __________________ (become) an actor. 固定用法(v. to do sth.):They hope __________________ (find) new resources for mankind. 做宾语 固定用法(it 做形式宾语): I know it impossible _________________ (finish) so much homework in one day. 固定用法(v. sb. to do sth.):As Jack left his membership card at home, he wasn’t allowed 做补语 __________________ (go) into the sports club. 固定用法(v.sb. do sth.):They saw him __________________ (enter) the building. 做定语 表未完成:The matter __________________ (discuss) at the meeting is important. 固定用法(n. to do sth.):He made a promise __________________ (come) here on time tomorrow. 表目的(n. to do sth.):__________________ (keep) themselves awake they sat on the floor and told 做状语 each other stories. 固定用法(be adj. to do sth.):We’re proud __________________ (be) young people of China. 与疑问词 连用 固定用法(疑问词 to do sth.):When and where __________________ (have) the party is still unknown. 二、doing(动名词和现在分词) 用法 做主语 意义及例句 表一般动作:__________________ (swim) is my favorite sport. 固定用法(it 做形式主语):It’s no use __________________ (cry) over spilt milk.不要为打翻的牛 奶哭泣。 做表语 表一般动作:My favorite sport is __________________ (swim). 做动词 固定用法(it 做形式宾语):I found it no use __________________ (talk) with him. 宾语 做介词 宾语 固定用法(v. doing sth.):He enjoys __________________ (read) books when he is alone. 固定用法(prep. doing):There is no difficulty (in) __________________ (get) along with him. 做补语 表主动/进行:I heard my sister __________________ (sing) that song when I walked into her room. 做定语 表主动/进行:The girl __________________ (sit) next to him is his sister. 做状语 表主动/进行: __________________ (hear) this good news, he jumped with joy. 表主动/进行:They came into the classroom, __________________ (sing) and laughing. 三、done(过去分词) 用法 意义及例句 表语 表被动/完成:Don’t touch the glass because it is __________________ (break). 定语 表被动/完成: The __________________ (steal) car was found by the police last week. 补语 表被动/完成: When will you go to the hospital and have your tooth __________________ (examine)? 状语 表被动/完成:__________________ (ask) why he did it, the monitor said it was his duty. 表被动/完成:__________________ (catch) in a heavy rain, he was all wet. 综合练习 一、在空格中填入单词的适当形式,并分析每组句子的差异。  Group 1 1. She got off the bus, but _________________ (leave) her handbag on her seat. 该句中_____________(有/没有)谓语动词,并且______(有/没有)连词,所以该空格应使用_____________(谓语/ 非谓语动词)。 2. She got off the bus, _________________ (leave) her handbag on her seat. 该句中_____________(有/没有)谓语动词,并且______(有/没有)连词,所以该空格应使用_____________(谓语/ 非谓语动词);且逻辑主语 she 与 leave 构成__________(主动/被动)关系,所以用___________(to do/doing/doing) 形式。 Group 2 3. _________________ (give) more time, we could have done it better. 该句中_____________(有/没有)谓语动词,并且______(有/没有)连词,所以该空格应使用_____________(谓语/ 非谓语动词);且逻辑主语 we 与 give 构成__________(主动/被动)关系,所以用___________(to do/doing/doing) 形式。 4. If we _________________ (give) more time, we could have done it better. 该句中_____________(有/没有)谓语动词,并且______(有/没有)连词,所以该空格应使用_____________(谓语/ 非谓语动词)。 Group 3 5. _________________ (laugh) at by many people, he continued his study. 该句中_____________(有/没有)谓语动词,并且______(有/没有)连词,所以该空格应使用_____________(谓语/ 非谓语动词);且逻辑主语 we 与 give 构成__________(主动/被动)关系,所以用___________(to do/doing/doing) 形式。 6. Although he _________________ (laugh) at by many people, he continued his study. 该句中_____________(有/没有)谓语动词,并且______(有/没有)连词,所以该空格应使用_____________(谓语/ 非谓语动词)。 Group 4 7. _________________ (ask) why he did it, the monitor said it was his duty. 该句中_____________(有/没有)谓语动词,并且______(有/没有)连词,所以该空格应使用_____________(谓语/ 非谓语动词);且逻辑主语 the monitor 与 ask 构成__________(主动/被动)关系,所以用___________(to do/doing/doing)形式。 8. When he_________________ (ask) why he did it, the monitor said it was his duty. 该句中_____________(有/没有)谓语动词,并且______(有/没有)连词,所以该空格应使用_____________(谓语/ 非谓语动词)。 Group 5 9. She wants her paintings _________________ (exhibit) in the gallery. 该句中_____________(有/没有)谓语动词,并且______(有/没有)连词,所以该空格应使用_____________(谓语/ 非谓语动词);且逻辑主语 her paintings 与 ask 构成__________(主动/被动)关系,所以用___________(to do/doing/doing)形式。 10. She hopes that her paintings ________________________ (exhibit) in the gallery. 该句中_____________(有/没有)谓语动词,并且______(有/没有)连词,所以该空格应使用_____________(谓语/ 非谓语动词)。 Group 6 11. With the government’s help, those _________________ (affect) by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. 该句中__

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