人教版英语八年级形容词比较级最高级 基础练习(附答案) 一、写出所给词的比较级和最高级 1. nice __________ ______________ 2. fat __________ ______________ 3. slow __________ ______________ 4. dry __________ ______________ 5. happy __________ ______________ 6. wet __________ ______________ 7. thin __________ ______________ 8. early __________ ______________ 9. careful__________ ______________ 10. exciting __________ ______________ 11. busy __________ ______________ 12. long __________ ______________ 13. much __________ ______________ 14. good __________ ______________ 15. far __________ ______________ 16. little __________ ______________ 17. bad __________ ______________ 18. well __________ ______________ 19. badly __________ ______________ 20. many __________ ______________ 21. few __________ ______________ 22. old __________ ______________ 二、根据句意,用所括号内所给形容词的比较等级形式填空 1. Bob is _____________ (young) than Fred but _____________ (tall) than Fred. 2. Yingtian is not as _____________ (tall) as Yongxian. 3. Almost all the students' faces are the same but Li Deming looks _____________(fat) than before . 4. Which is _____________ (heavy), a hen or a chicken? 5. --She' s 1.55 metres _____________ (tall). What about Xiaoling? --She' s only 1.40 metres _____________(tall). She is much _____________(short) than Sally. 6. She is also the _____________ (short) girl in the class. 7. He is _____________ (bad) at learning maths. He is much _____________ (bad) at Chinese and he is the_____________ (bad) at English. 8. Annie says Sally is the _____________ (kind) person in the world. 9. He is one of the___________________(friendly) people in the class, I think. 10. A dictionary is much___________________(expensive) than a story-book. 11. An orange is a little _____________ (big) than an apple, but much _____________ (small) than a watermelon. 12. The Changjiang River is the _____________ (long) river in China. 13. Sue is a little _____________ (beautiful) than her sister. 14. My room is not as _____________ (big) as my brother's. 15. --Is English_________________(difficult) than maths? -- I don' t think so. 16. Annie plays the piano very _____________ (well). Sue plays it _____________ (well) than Annie. And Sally plays it the _____________(well). 17. Saturday is my _____________ (busy) day in a week. 18. Her mother is getting _____________(fat) and _____________ (fat). 19. I think it' s too expensive. I' d like a _____________ (cheap) one. 20. He comes to school much _____________ (early) than I. 21. This book is not as _____________ (interesting) as that one. 22. Your classroom is _____________(wide) and _____________(bright) than ours. 23. Practice as _____________ (much) as you can. The _____________ (much), the _____________ (good). 24. Nowadays(现在) English is ___________________( important ) than any other subject. 25. Most of the students think a lion is much ___________________(dangerous) than a bear and it is the ___________________ (dangerous) animal in the world. 26. Mr. Smith is _____________ man in this office. (rich) 27. Winter is _____________ season of the years. (cold) 28. This radio is not so _____________ as that one. (cheap) 29. It is much _____________ today than yesterday. (hot) 30. She is a little ___________________ than her classmates. (careful) 31. _____________ people came to the meeting than last time. (many) 32. Which book is _____________, this one or that one? (easy) 33. My room is _____________ than yours. (small) 34. Hainan is _____________ from Beijing than Hunan. (far) 35. Skating is ___________________ than swimming. (exciting) 36. Jim is _____________ than all the others. (honest) 37. Things are getting _____________ and _____________. (bad) 38. The higher you climb, the _____________ it will be. (cold) 39. Now his life is becoming _____________ and _____________. (difficult) 40. There are _____________ boys than girls in our class. (few) 参考答案 一、 1. nicer / nicest 2. fatter / fattest 3. slower / slowest 4. drier / driest 5. happier / happiest 6. wetter / wettest 7. more / most 8. worse / worst 9. less / least 10. worse / worst 11. thinner / thinnest 12. farther / farthest 或 further / furthest 13. earlier / earliest 14. more careful / most careful 15. more exciting / most exciting 16. busier / busiest 二、 1. younger, taller 2. tall 3. fatter 4. heavier 5. tall, tall, tall, shorter, shortest 6. bad, worse, worst 7. kindest 8. friendlier 9. more expensive 10. bigger, smaller 11. longest 12. more beaut

doc文档 人教版英语八年级形容词比较级最高级【基础练习+带答案】

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人教版英语八年级形容词比较级最高级【基础练习+带答案】 第 1 页 人教版英语八年级形容词比较级最高级【基础练习+带答案】 第 2 页 人教版英语八年级形容词比较级最高级【基础练习+带答案】 第 3 页 人教版英语八年级形容词比较级最高级【基础练习+带答案】 第 4 页 人教版英语八年级形容词比较级最高级【基础练习+带答案】 第 5 页
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