八下 Unit 3 期末复习 1. People use the _______(键盘)for typing. 2.-Can you help me change the ____(频道)? - OK. 3. Different types of _______(鼠标)are used to control the computers. 4.Which________(节目)do you like best in this year’s Spring Festival Gala? 5.I know Shanghai very well, so let me be your_______(导游). 6.Linda’s father is a famous__________( 澳 大 利 亚 ) businessman.7 . China is a _________ ( 亚 洲)country. 8. China does a lot of______(贸易)with many other countries. 9. Some people live on one of the ________ (岛屿).10.I should have a look at your_______ (护 照). 11. In New York, we can find many big companies and ______________(国际) banks easily. 12. I didn't buy the book. I_______(收到)one as a gift from my uncle. 13.I need to_______(预订)a room for my best friend from Shanghai. 14. There are many new cities along the______ (海岸).15. The new dress cost me 200_______ (美 元). 16. There are many palaces and castles in the old_______(欧洲的)countries. 17.It’s said that John has been to _________________(非洲) for many times 18. People often grow rice in the ___________(南方) part of China. 19. We haven’t seen each other for _________(几个) years. 20. The children carefully wrote their names at the _____________(底部) of their pictures. 21. ---Could you post the letter for me? --- With (pleased). 22. You usually ask your teacher for some _________ (advise) on books. 23. The song “Memory” has been popular since the_________(twenty) century. 24.We finally found the the small village through the ______________(dark) 25.Listening the music can relax __________________(we) 27.In England, Kings and Queens were once its________________(rule). 28.Two ____________(Australia) are coming to visit our school next week. 29.Do you know something about these ___________(music) in Boardway? 30.I can’t go to the cinema with you. I’m too busy ________ (clean) the house now. 31.Yesterday I r_________ an invitation to a party, but I didn’t a________ the invitaton.. 32.I have been to Beijing       (more than two) times already. 33.For f__________ information about the city, you can c________on the “Tour” icon. 34.I spent a c_________ of days making a dress for my mother. 35.Wh at has happened? Why are so many people g__________ at the school gate? 36.I will see my aunt off at the a_________ tomorrow. She will take a f_________ to Yunnan. 37.The children carefully wrote their names at the b      of their pictures. 38. When your iPhone doesn’t work well, you can go to the Apple’s w      for help. 39. All these books are for teenagers. You can       (choose) any one to read. 40.The restaurant is open every day e__________ Monday. 41.The elephants have h bodies, but they can move fast. 42.Two hundred year s means two c_______________.43.France is an old E______ country. 44.Our answers are the o__________. We disagree with each other. 45.The palaces all over the country were those r____________ in the past 46. Several days later, I _______________ (收到) your thank-you letter. 47. There are more than 6,000 _______________ (岛屿) in China. 48. In 1498, Columbus went to the _______________ (海岸) of Columbia. 49. You should use _______________ (英镑) instead of dollars in the UK. 50. Can you lend me five _______________ (美元)? 51. _______________ (Europe) read more books than Asians. 52. Can you tell me the _______________ (different) between the present and the past of Nanjing? 53. He _______________ (be) back in two days. 54. ---How long is it since you ________ (leave) your hometown?--Well, I ______ (move) here in 2009. 55. Reading can give us a lot of _______________ (please). 56. In the past two months, he _______________ (lend) 20,000 dollars to me. 57. _______________ (learn) more about Sydney, he searched for a lot of information about it. 58. _______________ (learn) English well, and you can travel around the world. 59. _______________ (book) air tickets online is fast and easy. 60. Buckingham Palace is _______________ (famous) of all the palaces in the UK. 61. The kings used to be the _______ (统治者)of the country . 62. She _______ (预定) herself a flight home online yesterday. 63. His father has gone to ________ (非洲) on business. 64. Hainan _________ (岛屿) is a wonderful place to visit. It lies at the southern end of China. 65. The characters of the twin sisters Lucy and Lily are the _________(对立的人或物) of each other. 66. You look tired. What about _________ (放松) for a while ? 67. I need ten _______ (英镑) for the delicious food.8. There are _____ (几个) new classmates in our class. 6

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