【新城英语】2021 八下期末考试试卷+答案+解 析 一、听力题 略。 二、单选题(本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分) 21. It is reported that Nanjing Metro Line 7 will _ A. be in used 22. It’s crazy B. be in use C. in use you to buy the handbag at A. about; such a 23. The seat B. of; such a D. in used high price. C. for; such a D. of; so a driver greater freedom of movement, so it’s widely used in cars nowadays. A. expects B. lends 24. Julie’s father C. allows to America last month. He A. went; had gone B. has gone; has been 25. --- When is the sports meeting --- It in 2023. D. costs there many times. C. went; has been D. has been; had gone every year? at the beginning of the new term. A. taken place; is held B. held; takes place C. taken place; holds D. held; is taken place 26. Trees can help keep the air clean. A. However , they can make the city cooler in hot summer. B. Moreover C. Otherwise 27. Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. Don’t just D. Indeed _ your dictionary all the time. A. look on B. take on C. keep on 28. The first black hole photo in history has caused a hot A. discussion B. chance D. depend on online. C. competition D. journey 29. --- Mum, can I choose a summer course? --- Of course. You are A. too old to decide things by yourself. B. too young C. old enough D. enough old 30. --- May I go to the cinema with Tom tomorrow, Mum? --- Of course, if your homework A. finishes by then. B. will finish C. is finished 31. --- As a new student, Jack doesn’t know D. will be finished in our class. --- Let’s go and help him. A. what to expect B. when to expect 32. --- How long can you C. how to expect D. who to expect the book from the library? --- A week. A. lend B. keep C. borrow 33. Alipay really makes a great A. chance D. get to our life. More and more people use it now. B. problem C. difference D. surprise 34. --- Susan, why are you still here? They are all ready to start. --- I’m sorry, but I A. wasn’t told when to start. B. don’t tell C. didn’t tell D. haven’t told 35. --- Lisa, I know you’re confident about getting that job but remember . So why don’t you send your application forms to a few more companies? --- Sounds good! A. don’t put all your eggs in one basket B. the early bird catches the worm C. actions speak louder than words D. every dog has its day 三、完形填空(本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分) Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength. Take the 36 of a 10-year-old boy as an example. He lost his left arm in a car accident, but he decided to study judo(柔道). The boy began lessons with an old judo coach, Mr Brown. The boy was doing well, but he couldn’t understand 37 , after three months of training, the coach had taught him only one move. “Mr Brown,” the boy finally asked, “Shouldn’t I be learning more moves?” “This is the only move you 38 to know,” the coach replied. The boy didn’t quite understand, but he believed in his coach and kept 39 . Several more months later, the coach took the boy to his first championship(冠军). The boy 40 won his first two matches. The third match was a little 41 , but after some time, he used his one move to win the match. Still 42 by his success, the boy was now in the finals. This time, his opponent(对手) was bigger, stronger and more experienced. For a while, the boy appeared to be losing the match. The referee(裁判) was worried the boy might get hurt. He was about to stop the match when the boy’s coach said, “No, let him 44 43 .” Soon after the match started again, his opponent made a big . The boy won the match. On the way home, the boy asked his coach how he could win the tournament with only one move. “You won for two reasons,” the coach answered. “First, you’ve 45 one of the most difficult throws on all of judo. And second, the only defense(防卫) for that move is for your opponent to catc h your left arm.” 36. A. problem B. news C. story D. progress 37. A. why B. how C. when D. whether 38. A. want B. need C. fail D. remembe r 39. A. thinking B. testing C. moving D. training 40. A. easily B. hardly C. nearly D. luckily 41. A. exciting B. interesting C. difficult D. important 42. A. amazed B. interested C. relaxed D. bored 43. A. start B. stop C. continue D. leave 44. A. choice B. mistake C. change D. differenc e 45. A. seen B. taught C. challenged D. learned 四、阅读理解(本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分) A The AI(人工智能) has changed our lives. There are four useful AI inventions here. 46

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