填补市场空白资料 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(一) 本试卷共 页 46 个小题,满分 100 分,考试时间 90 分钟。本试卷由阅读理解、语言知识运用、书面 表达三个部分组成。 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,20 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A篇 We all like fantasy stories, and grow up reading and listening to fantasies. These tales fuel our imaginations, and satisfy our longings for adventures. The most interesting thing about fantasies is that their plots involve magical beasts and heroes,animal creatures talking like humans,and other things we can’t see in real life. Also, fantasies have a distinguished writing style, with freedom of expression. Toy Fantasy In toy fantasy stories, narrators( 叙述者)bring their beloved toys to life that can live, talk, think ,breathe and behave like human beings. You would see modern toy fantasies in a picture book format. Representative works are A. A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh and Carlo Collodi’s The Adventures of Pinocchio. Animal Fantasy The animal fantasy tells tales about animals behaving like human beings, experiencing emotions, and having the ability to talk. However, animals in fantasies hold their various animal characteristics, too. Examples include The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, Charlotte's Web by E. B. White, and The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter which influences children around the world. Magical Fantasy In a magical fantasy, you see a character having magical powers, or a strange magical object becomes the subject of the story. Stories of this type began widely spreading long ago, including Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and William Steig’s Sylvester and the Magic Pebble. Modern Folktales Modern folktales are types of fantasy that narrators tell in a traditional tale accompanying some typical parts, such as strong conflict, little description of characters, and sometimes magical elements. These tales come before all others and are popular, as authors throughout history, have written them. Hans Christian Andersen has written several tales of this category including The Nightingale, The Emperor’s New Clothes and Thumbelina. 1. What is the common feature of the fantasies? A. Their characters are highly popular. B. Their events occur in the unreal world. C. Their writing styles show desires for freedom. D. Their plots encourage people to have adventures. 2. Who made a great contribution to the animal fantasy? A. Carlo Collodi. C. William Steig. B. Beatrix Potter. D. Hans Christian Andersen. 3. Which type of fantasy has the longest history? A. The toy fantasy. B. The animal fantasy. C. The magical fantasy. D. The modern folktales. B篇 One of the easiest ways to stop the spread of disease is to simply wash your hands. Twenty seconds of handwashing with soap and water can reduce illnesses and save lives. But, many people, especially children, do not have good handwashing habits. One problem is that children do not wash their hands often enough or long enough. Children may think that it is a tiresome thing to do. To help handle this problem, two businesswomen from India created a product to turn handwashing into a fun activity. Amanat Anand and Shubham Issar created a tool called SoaPen, aimed at teaching kids good handwashing habits and encouraging kids to wash their hands with soap appropriately and regularly. "It’s such a simple habit to do,but the fact is that people aren’t doing it, and it’s resulting in actual deaths — which is shocking. So, we decided to come up with a fun method," said Issar. As the name suggests, SoaPen is a pen made out of soap. The children draw on their hands with the soap pen and then wash the drawing off. If they don’t spend enough time washing it off, the colors remain on the children’s hands. Issar said it makes sure that children take enough time to wash their hands. This may be especially helpful in a classroom. Often a teacher does not have the time to make each child wash his hands properly. Kids actually wash their hands for the proper amount of time because they've drawing on their hands. To obliterate the drawing, they actually wash their hands instead of just going under water and, you know, a onesecond wash and off. Good news is that the school children in Mumbai, India, will soon most likely wash their hands after handling a pen. Issar and Anand stated that SoaPen to be created everywhere will help promote good habits through handwashing in the city across the globe. 4. Why does SoaPen come into existence? A. To cure kids of some kinds o

doc文档 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷01(含答案)(会考)填补市场空白

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