2021 年福建省九地市五月份九年级质检试卷分类 单项选择 【厦门质检】 21. Kindle is_______ app to read e-books on the phone. A. a B. an C. the 22. -Jim, do you know the lady _______ purple? Oh, she is our new physics teacher A. in B. on C. of 23. A. small_______ might change the world greatly A. invitation B. introduction C. invention 24. In China, about 5. 4 million poor students have _______ higher education since 2012 A. provided B. prevented C. received 25-When do we need to hand in our writing sir? -The_______, the better, but no later than Thursday A. longer B. sooner C. easier 26. Chinese shadow puppetry(皮影戏)brings our traditional stories _______ on stage A. likely B. lively C. lonely 27. -How beautiful your roses are Thanks. Gardening is tiring _______ I enjoy it so much. A. but B. if C. or 28. To_______ the waste, Starbucks encourages customers to borrow reusable cups from the store A. put down B. write down C. cut down 29. - _______ can the cherry blossom(樱花季)last in Japan this year? -For a week, it is the shortest blossom in history. A. How long C. How often 30. Ang lee _______ for a lifetime achievement(成就)award by Oscar A. praises B. is praised C. has praised 31. A. team of Chinese researchers_______ the footprints of 200 dinosaurs(恐 龙)in Fujian last month . It's called a “dinosaur dance floor”. A. found B. finds C. will find 32. -I'm leaving my middle school soon. How can I give a proper goodbye to my teachers? -You can exchange your WeChat IDs so you can _______ A. keep away from B. keep in touch with C. keep up with 33. Eillen Gu is a young Chinese sports star _______ won the first prize in 2021 Winter X Games. A. where B. which C. who 34. - I found these notebooks. Do you know_______ - Oh, the handwriting is nice and clear. They might be Mike's. A. who they belong to B. why they are popular C. what they are used for 35. -Thank you for inviting us to this big dinner. - welcome_______ A. I hope so B. That’s fine C. Help yourself 【福州质检】 21. Be careful of the_______. You may cut yourself A.knife B. fire C. traffic 22. Carl dropped his pen but he managed to_______ it before it hit the ground A. buy B. throw C. catch 23. My mom told me to take care of _______in england. She worried that I couldn't eat or sleep well there A. herself B. myself C. ourselves 24. -_______are you learning French? - My father has found a job in Paris and we' re moving there next month A. Why B. When C.how 25.Although Alex had already failed eight times,he still decided to have a_______ try A.nine B. ninth C. ninths 26.The paint on the wall is not as_______ as it was ten years ago.It has changed from white to grey. A.wet B. heavy C.bright 27.I don't think the movie is interesting._______, I fell asleep when I was watching it. A.In fact B.In this way C.In short 28.-Doctor Lee,I have been smoking for 40 years.I can’t give it up. -For your health,I'm afraid you _______ A.can B.must C.may 29. _______ the report on time, Emma asks all of us to work together. A.Finish B.Finishing C.To finish 30.-Do you know how to use this dishwasher? -Yes, it's easy. Just put the dishes in it and _______ A. turn it on B. turn it down C. turn it off 31.The Lunar New Year_______ not only by the Chinese but also by the Japanese A.is celebrated B.was celebrated C.will be celebrated 32. _______Peter learns to respect others, none of his colleagues will work with him A.Since B. Unless C.As 33. Mr. Foster has just finished writing an article_______ is about developing reading skills A. who B. whose C.which 34. Even though the snowstorm is on its way, it_______ a day or two to reach our city A. takes B. will take C. has taken 35. Jack doesn’t want to go to the party by himself, but he has no idea_______ A. what else should he do B. where he can host the party C. who would like to go with him 【龙岩质检】 21. Lily helped an old woman __________ her way to school. A. on B. at C.in 22 -Is this pencil-box yours? -No, Sally lost a pencil-box. Maybe it's__________ A. mine B. yours C. hers 23. -Could you give me some bread? I'm __________. – OK. A. thirsty B.hungery C.sleepy 24.-What club would you like to join? -The__________ club. My favorite poet is Du Fu. A.poem B. chess C.science 25- __________ will you be back? -In three days A.How often B. How soon C. How long 26. -Which film would you like to watch tonight, Hi, Mom or Detective Chinatown3? - __________ is oK. They are both good movies. A. Both B. Either C. Neither 27. -The boys are talking about Chang'e 5__________. -Yes. They are intereste

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